Call For Participation
NetFPGA platforms are used by the networked systems community for close to a decade. The platforms enable researchers and instructors to build high-speed, hardware-accelerated networking systems. The platforms can be used by researchers to prototype advanced services for next-generation networked systems. By using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), NetFPGA enables new types of packet routing circuits to be implemented and detailed measurements of network traffic to be obtained.
The NetFPGA 2017 contest is a design challenge. The design teams are to produce a working implementation employing any HW and SW design methodology and targeting the NetFPGA SUME platform. The deadline for submissions is April 18th, 2017 (23:59:59 AOE). The winners will be announced at the NetFPGA Developers Summit (Thursday 20th - Friday, 21st April, 2017 Cambridge, UK).
All teams must register. Each team is required to register only once.
Please register through this link.
To be eligible, all designs must be contributed to the NetFPGA repository. Instructions on how to contribute and the requirements are available on the NetFPGA-SUME wiki. All NetFPGA contributions are freely distributed under an Apache-style license. License details can be found on the wiki. If you have questions or concerns about licensing, please contact the NetFPGA team.
During the developer's’ workshop we will invite attendees to try and break (or demonstrate breaking) the winning designs. No NetFPGA platforms will be harmed during this session. Unless an experiment will demonstrate that a design violated the evaluation tests or the intent of the challenge, this will not affect the contest results.
Development Challenge Mailing List