The 8th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 98)

Kaetsu Lecture Theatre, New Hall, Cambridge, UK

8-10 July, 1998
Hosted By:
The Systems Research Group
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge


Microsoft Research Limited

in collaboration with IEEE Computer Society


The 8th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 98) is the international workshop concerned with state of the art technology in networking and operating system support for multimedia systems. For seven years, NOSSDAV has proven to be an outstanding forum for researchers involved in building innovative multimedia systems, networks and applications in both industry and academia.

A key aspect of the workshop is that it provides extensive discussion periods during which attendees can informally discuss their current work and future research directions. Traditionally, NOSSDAV has emphasized high quality experimental research based on prototype or real systems.


Monday 17th August:
Conference proceedings are available electronically either as 20.1MB of PostScript, or as individual papers. A small number of printed copies are also available, costing £17.50 for shipping to the UK, £20.00 elsewhere. Contact for details.


Submission Deadline for Full Papers:            1 March 1998
Acceptance Notification for Full Papers:        30 April 1998
Final Papers Due:                               30 May 1998
Short Papers Due:                               30 March 1998
Acceptance Notification for Short Papers:       30 April 1998
Workshop:                                       8-10 July  1998

Program Chairs

Ian Leslie
University of Cambridge
Computer Laboratory
Cambridge CB2 3QG

Derek McAuley
Microsoft Research Limited

Review Committee

Program Committee

Review Committee plus

Technical Programme

Presentations are either long papers (L) or short papers (S). Long papers are given 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation followed by 10 minutes discussion) and short papers 15 minutes (10 minutes presentation followed by 5 minutes discussion). The emphasis is not on didactic presentation, but on discussion and interaction. The aim of the workshop is to stimulate debate and discussion in an informal setting.

Wednesday 8 July

Session AM 1: Network Control

(L) Programmable Mobile Networks
Oguz Angin, Andrew T. Campbell, Michael E. Kounavis, and Raymond R.-F. Liao
COMET Group, Center for Telecommunications Research

(L) Efficient Precomputation of Quality-of-Service Routes
Anees Shaikh, Jennifer Rexford and Kang G. Shin
University of Michigan/AT&T Labs -- Research

(L) A Soft State Protocol for Accessing Multimedia Archives>
Angela Schuett, Suchitra Raman, Yatin Chawathe, Steven McCanne and Randy Katz University of California at Berkeley

10.30 - 11.00
Morning coffee

Session AM 2: IP Telephony

(L) Architecture for Signaling, Directory Services and Transport for Packet Telephony
N. Anerousis, R. Gopalakrishnan, C.R. Kalmanek, A.E. Kaplan, W.T. Marshall, P.P. Mishra, P.Z. Onufryk, K.K. Ramakrishnan, and C.J. Sreenan
AT&T Labs - Research

(L) Routing Traffic with Quality-of-Service Guarantees in Integrated Services Networks
Qingming Ma and Peter Steenkiste
Cisco Systems/Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University

(L) Design and Evaluation of a Platform for Mobile Packet Telephony
Sandesh Goel, Partho Mishra, Huzur Saran and Cormac Sreenan
AT&T Labs - Research

(S) A Comparison of SIP and H.323 for Internet Telephony
Jonathan Rosenberg and Henning Schulzrinne
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies / Columbia University

13.00 - 14.00

Session PM 1: Operating Systems

(S) A new audio device driver abstraction
Dickon Reed
University of Cambridge

(S) Adaptive Resource Management in a Multimedia Operating System
Don Oparah
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge

(S) On Using Intelligent Network Interface Cards to support Multimedia Applications
Marc E. Fiuczynski, Richard P. Martin, Tsutomu Owa, Brian N. Bershad
Univ. of Washington

(S) Supporting Continuous Media in the Piglet OS
Steve Muir and Jonathan Smith
University of Pennsylvania

(S) Multimedia on Multiprocessors: Where's the OS when your really need it?
Jason Nieh and Monica S, Lam
Stanford / Sun Microsystems

(S) Issues in using commodity operating systems for time-dependent tasks: experiences from a study of Windows NT
Michael B. Jones
Microsoft Research

(S) An Efficient End-Host Protocol Processing Architecture for Real-Time Audio and Video Traffic
Khawar M. Zuberi and Kang G. Shin
Real-Time Computing Laboratory (RTCL)

15.45 - 16.15
Afternoon tea

Session PM 2: Panel - Operating Systems

Thursday 9 July

Session AM 3: Network Resource Allocation

(L) LIRA: An approach for service differentiation in the Internet
Ion Stoica and Hui Zhang
Carnegie Mellon University

(L) Processor Scheduling in Routers for RSVP Message-Processing
Martin May, T.V. Lakshman and Anwar Elwalid
Bell Labs

(L) YESSIR: A Simple Reservation Mechanism for the Internet
Ping Pan and Henning Schulzrinne
IBM / Columbia University

(S) Resource Reservation Agents in the Internet
Olov Schelen and Steve Pink
Luleå University, Sweden

(S) Achieving Quality of Service through Network Performance Management
S. Keshav and R. Sharma
Cornell Network Research Group

11.00 - 11.30
Morning Coffee

Session AM 4: Performance Modelling/Optimisation

(L) On the Effectiveness of Buffer in Deterministic Services
Pawan Goyal and Harrick M. Vin

(L) Design, Implementation, and End-to-End Evaluation of a Measurement-Based Admission Control Algorithm for Controlled-Load Service
Cheng Jin and Sugih Jamin
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

(S) Charging of Multimedia Flows in an Integrated Services Network
Burkhard Stiller, George Fankhauser and Bernhard Plattner
ETH Zurich

(S) A Better-Than-Best-Effort Service For Responsive UDP Flows
Mark Parris, Jan Borgersen, Kevin Jeffay, F. Donelson Smith
University of North Carolina

(S) Adapting Fair Queueing to Improve Loss, Delay, and Admission Control Performance
N.G. Duffield, T.V. Lakshman and D. Stiliadis
AT&T Labs-Research / Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies

13.15 - 14.15

Session PM 3: Application Adaptation

(L) An Empirical Study of Client Interactions with a Continuous-Media Courseware Server
Jitendra Padhye and Jim Kurose
University of Massachusetts

(L) The Loss-Delay Based Adjustment Algorithm: A TCP-Friendly Adaptation
Dorgham Sisalem and Henning Schulzrinne
GMD-Fokus, Berlin/Columbia University, New York

(S) A Toolkit for Building Migratory Continuous Media Applications
Tatsuo Nakajima and Hiroyuki Aizu
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

(S) QoS Assurance vs. Dynamic Adaptability for Applications
Saleem N. Bhatti and Graham Knight
Department of Computer Science, University College London

(S) A Perspective on Application/Network Coupling
Thomas Gross and Peter Steenkiste
CMU / ETH Zurich

16.00 - 16.30
Afternoon tea

Session PM 4: Ad Hoc Panel (or punt trip)

Thursday evening: workshop banquet

Friday 10 July

Session AM 5: Coding/Transmission

(L) Network Adaptive Continuous-Media Applications through Self Organised Transcoding
Isidor Kouvelas, Vicky Hardman and Jon Crowcroft
Department of Computer Science, University College London

(L) MPEG-2 Video Services over Packet Networks: Joint Effect of Encoding Rate and Data Loss on User-Oriented QoS
Olivier Verscheure, Pascal Frossard and Maher Hamdi
Institute for computer Communications and Applications, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

(L) Issues of Quality when Smoothing Rate Adaptive Video
N.G. Duffield, K. K. Ramakrishnan and Amy R. Reibman
AT&T Labs-Research

(L) Real-Time Reliable Multicast Using Proactive Forward Error Correction
Dan Rubenstein, Jim Kurose, and Don Towsley
University of Masachusetts

11.00 - 11.30
Morning Coffee

Session AM 6: Video File Systems

(L) Cost-Optimal Data Retrieval for Video Servers with Variable Bit Rate Streams
Ernst Biersack and Maher Hamdi
Institut Eurécom/Institute for Computer Communications and Applications, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL),CH-1015

(L) Adaptive Quality-of-Service Session Management for Multimedia Servers
John Reumann and Kang Shin
Real-Time Computing Lab @ Univ. Michigan

(L) Efficient Schemes for Broadcasting Popular Videos
Lixin Gao, Jim Kurose and Don Towsley
Smith College / Dept. of Computer Science University of Massachusetts

13.00 - 14.00

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