This page is devoted to haiku on the subject of theorem proving. For
those who don't know, a haiku is a poem that is 17 syllables
long. (Beginners, like us, may want to break this down into 3 lines: the
first having 5 syllables, the second 7, and the last 5.) Here are some efforts:
Theorem proving sucks
I don't know why we bother
What a waste of time.
- Michael Norrish
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The sun spills darkness
A dog howls after midnight
Goals remain unsolved.
- Chris Owens
Forgotten lemma?
Shameless optimist! Use HOL,
then you know it's right.
- Mark Staples
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crazy semantics
embedded in a prover
raises exception
- Daryl Stewart
No more goals remain
Out the door, down the dark road
Unknowing city.
- Konrad Slind
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It's blatantly clear
You stupid machine, that what
I tell you is true
- Michael Norrish
I know not a thing
to do with theorem proving -
somehow, life goes on.
- Kona Macphee
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Cherry blossoms fade
Their beauty is gossamer
Theorems are blossoms
- Phil Windley
HOL words frighten me;
In particular.
- Robert Beers
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Theorem proving and
sanity; Oh, my! What a
delicate balance
- Victor Carreno
This chip is correct?
Well no, but it's verified
Which means what? (you know)
- Evan Cohn
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What is, may be seen
Suck and see, the answer is,
But may not be, known
- Gerard M Blair
In the cool morning
A man simplifies, a goal
A theorem is born
- Don Syme
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Axiom of choice
Hilbert's epsilon serene
I construct no more
- Don Syme
Co-inductive set
I do not transgress your rules
You are well-founded
- Don Syme
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dense phrasing... obfuscation
is side benefit.
- Trent Larson
In finding the truth
Found a tool to demonstrate false
and so what now ?
- Dirk Van Heule
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Isabelle doesn't
understand me. I don't speak
her meta-language.
- Claire Quigley
Original goal.
Multiple nested lemmas;
tangled tree of truth.
- Peter Homeier
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Discouraged by haiku,
I decide to avoid it:
Isabelle's too hard.
- Keith Wansbrough
Hah! A proof of False.
Your axioms are bogus.
Go back to square one.
- Larry Paulson
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Fools seek certain truth.
That precious pearl is hidden!
Nothing can be proved.
- Larry Paulson
another failed proof
frustration grows as a tree
blame it on hardware
- Isua Eliazar
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I'm no good at this.
I proved everything is false.
Surely some mistake?
- Silas S Brown
Meson search level........
Meson search level........I think
Its time for coffee.
- Hugh Anderson
Don't seek refuge here.
Your proof attempts are hopeless.
Use Otter instead.
- Bill McCune