Theory Buffer

(*  Title:      HOL/TLA/Buffer/Buffer.thy
    Author:     Stephan Merz, University of Munich

section ‹A simple FIFO buffer (synchronous communication, interleaving)›

theory Buffer
imports "HOL-TLA.TLA"

(* actions *)

definition BInit :: "'a stfun  'a list stfun  'a stfun  stpred"
  where "BInit ic q oc == PRED q = #[]"

definition Enq :: "'a stfun  'a list stfun  'a stfun  action"
  where "Enq ic q oc == ACT (ic$  $ic)
                          (q$ = $q @ [ ic$ ])
                          (oc$ = $oc)"

definition Deq :: "'a stfun  'a list stfun  'a stfun  action"
  where "Deq ic q oc == ACT ($q  #[])
                          (oc$ = hd< $q >)
                          (q$ = tl< $q >)
                          (ic$ = $ic)"

definition Next :: "'a stfun  'a list stfun  'a stfun  action"
  where "Next ic q oc == ACT (Enq ic q oc  Deq ic q oc)"

(* temporal formulas *)

definition IBuffer :: "'a stfun  'a list stfun  'a stfun  temporal"
  where "IBuffer ic q oc == TEMP Init (BInit ic q oc)
                                   [Next ic q oc]_(ic,q,oc)
                                   WF(Deq ic q oc)_(ic,q,oc)"

definition Buffer :: "'a stfun  'a stfun  temporal"
  where "Buffer ic oc == TEMP (∃∃q. IBuffer ic q oc)"

(* ---------------------------- Data lemmas ---------------------------- *)

(*FIXME: move to theory List? Maybe as (tl xs = xs) = (xs = [])"?*)
lemma tl_not_self [simp]: "xs  []  tl xs  xs"
  by (auto simp: neq_Nil_conv)

(* ---------------------------- Action lemmas ---------------------------- *)

(* Dequeue is visible *)
lemma Deq_visible: " <Deq ic q oc>_(ic,q,oc) = Deq ic q oc"
  apply (unfold angle_def Deq_def)
  apply (safe, simp (asm_lr))+

(* Enabling condition for dequeue -- NOT NEEDED *)
lemma Deq_enabled: 
    "q. basevars (ic,q,oc)   Enabled (<Deq ic q oc>_(ic,q,oc)) = (q  #[])"
  apply (unfold Deq_visible [temp_rewrite])
  apply (force elim!: base_enabled [temp_use] enabledE [temp_use] simp: Deq_def)

(* For the left-to-right implication, we don't need the base variable stuff *)
lemma Deq_enabledE: 
    " Enabled (<Deq ic q oc>_(ic,q,oc))  (q  #[])"
  apply (unfold Deq_visible [temp_rewrite])
  apply (auto elim!: enabledE simp add: Deq_def)
