Theory TLList

section ‹Terminated Lazy Lists as Quotients of Lazy Lists›

text ‹
This file demonstrates the lift_bnf utility for quotients on the example of lazy lists.

See the Coinductive AFP entry for a much more extensive library
of (terminated) lazy lists.

theory TLList
imports Main

codatatype (lset: 'a) llist = LNil | LCons 'a "'a llist"
  for map: lmap rel: lrel

inductive lfinite where
  LNil: "lfinite LNil"
| LCons: "x xs. lfinite xs  lfinite (LCons x xs)"

lemma lfinite_lmapI: "lfinite xs  lfinite (lmap f xs)"
  by (induct xs rule: lfinite.induct) (auto intro: lfinite.intros)

lemma lfinite_lmapD: "lfinite (lmap f xs)  lfinite xs"
proof (induct "lmap f xs" arbitrary: xs rule: lfinite.induct)
  case LNil
  then show ?case
    by (cases xs) (auto intro: lfinite.intros)
  case (LCons y ys)
  then show ?case
    by (cases xs) (auto intro: lfinite.intros)

lemma lfinite_lmap[simp]: "lfinite (lmap f xs) = lfinite xs"
  by (metis lfinite_lmapI lfinite_lmapD)

lemma lfinite_lrel: "lfinite xs  lrel R xs ys  lfinite ys"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys rule: lfinite.induct)
  case LNil
  then show ?case
    by (cases ys) (auto intro: lfinite.intros)
  case (LCons x xs)
  then show ?case
    by (cases ys) (auto intro: lfinite.intros)

lemma lfinite_lrel': "lfinite ys  lrel R xs ys  lfinite xs"
  using lfinite_lrel llist.rel_flip by blast

lemma lfinite_lrel_eq:
   "lrel R xs ys  lfinite xs = lfinite ys"
  using lfinite_lrel lfinite_lrel' by blast+

definition eq_tllist where
  "eq_tllist p q = (fst p = fst q  (if lfinite (fst p) then snd p = snd q else True))"

quotient_type ('a, 'b) tllist = "'a llist × 'b" / eq_tllist
  apply (rule equivpI)
    apply (rule reflpI; auto simp: eq_tllist_def)
   apply (rule sympI; auto simp: eq_tllist_def)
  apply (rule transpI; auto simp: eq_tllist_def)

primcorec lconst where
  "lconst a = LCons a (lconst a)"

lemma lfinite_lconst[simp]: "¬ lfinite (lconst a)"
  assume "lfinite (lconst a)"
  then show "False"
  apply (induct "lconst a" rule: lfinite.induct)
  subgoal by (subst (asm) lconst.code) auto
  subgoal by (subst (asm) (2) lconst.code) auto

lemma lset_lconst: "x  lset (lconst b)  x = b"
  apply (induct x "lconst b" arbitrary: b rule: llist.set_induct)
  subgoal by (subst (asm) lconst.code) auto
  subgoal by (subst (asm) (2) lconst.code) auto

lift_bnf (tlset1: 'a, tlset2: 'b) tllist
  [wits: "λa. (lconst a, undefined)" ]
  for map: tlmap rel: tlrel
  subgoal for P Q P' Q'
    by (force simp: eq_tllist_def relcompp_apply llist.rel_compp lfinite_lrel_eq split: if_splits)
  subgoal for Ss
    by (auto simp: eq_tllist_def)
  subgoal for Ss
    apply (auto 0 0 simp: eq_tllist_def)
    by metis
  subgoal for x b
    by (auto simp: eq_tllist_def llist.set_map dest: lset_lconst split: if_splits)
  subgoal for x b
    by (auto simp: eq_tllist_def sum_set_defs split: if_splits sum.splits)

lift_definition TLNil :: "'b  ('a, 'b) tllist" is "λb. (LNil, b)" .
lift_definition TLCons :: "'a  ('a, 'b) tllist  ('a, 'b) tllist" is "λx (xs, b). (LCons x xs, b)"
  by (auto simp: eq_tllist_def split: if_splits elim: lfinite.cases)

lemma lfinite_LCons: "lfinite (LCons x xs) = lfinite xs"
  using lfinite.simps by auto

lemmas lfinite_simps[simp] = lfinite.LNil lfinite_LCons

lemma tlset_TLNil: "tlset1 (TLNil b) = {}" "tlset2 (TLNil b) = {b}"
  by (transfer; auto simp: eq_tllist_def split: if_splits)+

lemma tlset_TLCons: "tlset1 (TLCons x xs) = {x}  tlset1 xs" "tlset2 (TLCons x xs) = tlset2 xs"
  by (transfer; auto simp: eq_tllist_def split: if_splits)+

lift_definition tlfinite :: "('a, 'b) tllist  bool" is "λ(xs, _). lfinite xs"
  by (auto simp: eq_tllist_def)

lemma tlfinite_tlset2: "tlfinite xs  tlset2 xs  {}"
  apply (transfer, safe)
  subgoal for xs b
    by (induct xs rule: lfinite.induct) (auto simp: eq_tllist_def setr.simps)

lemma tlfinite_tlset2': "b  tlset2 xs  tlfinite xs"
  by (transfer fixing: b, auto simp: eq_tllist_def setr.simps split: if_splits)

lemma "¬ tlfinite xs  tlset2 xs = {}"
  by (meson equals0I tlfinite_tlset2')
