HCI 2009 Programme
Online proceedings
The proceedings of HCI 2009 are available from the
ACM Digital Library
and the
BCS publication archive.
HCI 2009 ran from Tuesday 1 September to Saturday 5 September.
Overview of activities on the 5 days is as follows:
Full Conference Programme
Tuesday 1 September, 09:30-18:00
Tutorials on a range of professional and research topics were presented by expert specialist instructors.
For details, please refer to the
tutorials listing.
Full day workshops, as listed in the
workshops directory.
All conference delegates were invited to an informal buffet dinner on Tuesday evening.
Wednesday 2 September, 09:00-10:30
Keynote address by Professor Anthony Dunne, Head of Design Interaction
at the Royal College of Art and author of Design Noir: The Secret Life
of Electronic Objects.
Wednesday 2 September, 11:00-12:30
Wolfson Theatre | Møller Study Centre |
From Interaction to Trajectories: Designing Coherent Journeys Through User Experiences Steve Benford, Gabriella Giannachi, Boriana Koleva, Tom Rodden University of Nottingham & University of Exeter
Exploring the effects of experience on wiki anxiety and wiki usability: An online study Benjamin R. Cowan, Lorenzo Vigentini, Mervyn A. Jack University of Edinburgh
Evaluating Musical Software Using Conceptual Metaphors Katie Wilkie, Simon Holland, Paul Mulholland Open University
Reduced Empathizing Skills Increase Challenges for User-Centered Design William Hudson Syntagm Ltd
Systematic analysis of control panel interfaces using formal tools J. Creissac Campos, M. D. Harrison Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal & Newcastle University
Task-Specificity and Resource Allocation in Information Perception in Three-Dimensional Space Antje Lichtenstein University of Technology Berlin
Controlling the Usability Evaluation Process under Varying Defect Visibility Martin Schmettow Passau University
Forecasting software visualizations: An explorative study Stavros Asimakopoulos, Robert Fildes, Alan Dix Lancaster University
Wednesday 2 September, 14:00-15:30 - Encounter Session
Wolfson Theatre | Møller Study Centre |
Experience Design
TüISt (transformable über interface for stardom) Rui Pedro Goncalves Pereira
Visible Imagination: projected play David J. Chatting, Jon S. Sutton BT Innovate
A Conversational Model to Display User Activity Tina Deiml-Seibt, Larissa Pschetz, Boris MĀller University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Paper-based Mixed Reality Sketch Augmentation as a Conceptual Design Support Tool G.J.D. dos Santos, E.M.A.G. van Dijk, D.M. Vyas University of Twente
Hospital User Research using New Media Arts Cecily Morrison, Alan F. Blackwell University of Cambridge
When `one fits all' does not fit - study of visualization types for mobile help systems Kathrin Jepsen, Gregor Glass, Roman Englert Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
From the Gaming Experience to the Wider User Experience Eduardo H. Calvillo Gámez, Paul Cairns, Anna L. Cox Universidad Politécnica de San Luis Potosi, UCL Interaction Centre & University of York
What makes a good game? Using reviews to inform design Matthew Bond, Russell Beale University of Birmingham
Online and Social
Interactive Technology for Enhancing Distributed Learning: A Study on Weblogs Andreas Holzinger, Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust, Martin Ebner Med University of Graz & Graz University of Technology
The Effect of Aesthetics on Web Credibility Farah Alsudani, Matthew Casey University of Surrey
Using Technologies to Support Reminiscence Dan Cosley, Kathy Akey, Brian Alson, Jonathan Baxter, Mark Broomfield, Soyoung Lee, Chethan Sarabu Cornell University & New York University
Helping older people to manage their social activities at the retirement home Benoît Otjacques, Marc Krier, Fernand Feltz, Dieter Ferring, Martine Hoffmann Public Research Centre Gabriel Lippmann & University of Luxembourg
An Exploratory Study of Tag-based Visual Interfaces for Searching Folksonomies Javier Diaz, Keyun Hu, Melanie Tory University of Victoria
The TicTag Application: Towards Tag-based Meta-search for Browsing the Web Christina Papakonstantinou, Ioannis Panagiotou, Fons Verbeek Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
Measuring the influence of social abilities on acceptance of an interface robot and a screen agent by elderly users Marcel Heerink, Ben Kröse, Vanessa Evers, Bob Wielinga Hogeschool van Amsterdam & University of Amsterdam
Wizard of Oz Experiments for Companions Jay Bradley, Oli Mival, David Benyon Edinburgh Napier University
Wednesday 2 September, 16:00-18:00
Wolfson Theatre | Møller Study Centre |
Evaluating Haptics for Information Discovery While Walking Simon Robinson, Parisa Eslambolchilar, Matt Jones Swansea University
Vibrotactile Information for Intuitive Speed Regulation Jani Lylykangas, Veikko Surakka, Jussi Rantala, Jukka Raisamo, Roope Raisamo, Esa Tuulari University of Tampere & Polar Electro Ltd
A Vision-based System for Display Interaction Björn Stenger, Thomas Woodley, Tae-Kyun Kim, Roberto Cipolla Toshiba Research Europe & University of Cambridge
An Evaluation of a Meal Planning System: Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness Johan Aberg Linköping University, Sweden
DIY Design Process for Interactive Surfaces Jennifer G. Sheridan, James Tompkin, Abel Maciel, George Roussos London Knowledge Lab, University College, London & Bartlett School of Architecture
Bringing Tabletop Technologies to Kindergarten Children Javier Marco, Eva Cerezo, Sandra Baldassarri, Emanuela Mazzone, Janet C Read University of Zaragoza, Spain & University of Central Lancashire
Directed Manipulation With Respect To Focal Rings Darren Edge, Xianghua Ding Microsoft Research Asia & University of California, Irvine
LEGO Mindstorms for informed metrics in virtual worlds Michael Vallance, Stewart Martin, Charles Wiz, Paul van Schaik Future University Hakodate, Japan, Teesside University & Yokohama National University, Japan.
Low-Fi Skin Vision: A Case Study in Rapid Prototyping a Sensory Substitution System Jon Bird, Paul Marshall, Yvonne Rogers Open University
Wednesday 2 September, 18:30-21:00 - Open House Festival
An opportunity to get hands-on experience of the latest interactive technology developments from laboratories and companies in the Cambridge area. For details, please refer to the
festival page.
Thursday 3 September, 09:00-10:30
Wolfson Theatre | Møller Study Centre |
Pedestrian Localisation for Indoor Environments OliverWoodman, Robert Harle University of Cambridge
Triggering Trust: To What Extent Does the Question Influence the Answer When Evaluating the Perceived Importance of Trust Triggers? Joanna Lumsden Aston University
How do people find information on a familiar website? Roy A. Ruddle University of Leeds
Sketching Sketching: Outlines of a Collaborative Design Method Brock Craft, Paul Cairns Institute of Education, London Knowledge Lab & University of York
Using Augmentations as Bridges from Concrete to Abstract Representations Guillaume Zufferey, Patrick Jermann, Son Do Lenh, Pierre Dillenbourg Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Analogies in Design Decision-Making Stephen T. Hassard, Ann Blandford, Anna L Cox University College London
Thursday 3 September, 11:00-12:30
Wolfson Theatre | Møller Study Centre |
Paper-based Concept Map: the Effects of Tabletop on an Expressive Collaborative Learning Task Son Do-Lenh, Frédéric Kaplan, Pierre Dillenbourg Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Constructing Relational Diagrams in Audio: The Multiple Perspective Hierarchical Approach Oussama Metatla, Nick Bryan-Kinns, Tony Stockman Queen Mary, University of London
Putting the Physical into the Digital: Issues in Designing Hybrid Interactive Surfaces David Kirk, Abigail Sellen, Stuart Taylor, Nic Villar, Shahram Izadi Microsoft Research Cambridge
Narrative, Memory and Practice: Tensions and Choices in the Use of a Digital Artefact Siân E. Lindley, Dave Randall, Wes Sharrock, Maxine Glancy, Nicola Smyth, Richard Harper Microsoft Research Cambridge, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Manchester & BBC Research and Innovation
Dramaturgical Capitalization of Positive Emotions: The Answer for Facebook Success? Corina Sas, Alan Dix, Jennefer Hart, Ronghui Su Lancaster University
"A Little Silly and Empty-Headed" - Older Adults' Understandings of Social Networking Sites Vilma Lehtinen, Jaana Näsänen, Risto Sarvas Helsinki Institute for Information Technology & Helsinki University of Technology
Thursday 3 September, 14:00-15:30 - Encounter Session
Wolfson Theatre | Møller Study Centre |
Tools and Technologies
Under my Pillow - Designing Security for Children's Special Things Janet C Read, Russell Beale University of Central Lancashire & University of Birmingham
Armchair Authentication Karen Renaud, Joe Maguire University of Glasgow
A Gestural Interaction Design Model for Multi-touch Displays Songyang Lao, Xiangan Heng, Guohua Zhang, Yunxiang Ling, Peng Wang National University of Defence Technology, Changsha, P.R.China & Dublin City University
Initial Explorations into the User Experience of 3D File Browsing Anamary Leal, Chadwick A. Wingrave, Joseph J. LaViola Jr. University of Central Florida
Distal Tactile Feedback For Text Entry on Tabletop Computers Christopher McAdam, Stephen Brewster University of Glasgow
Text Input Error Categorisation: Solving Character Level Insertion Ambiguities Using Zero Time Analysis Akiyo Kano, Janet C Read University of Central Lancashire
Runtime User Interface design and Adaptation David England, Martin Randles, A. Taleb-Bendiab Liverpool John Moores University
User interfaces for robots swarm assistance in emergency settings Amir M Naghsh, Chris R Roast Sheffield Hallam University
New Places for HCI
Virtual World Users Evaluated According to Environment Design, Task Based and Affective Attention Measures Breen Sweeney, Anne Adams Open University
Intentional Affect: And alternative notion of affective interaction with a machine Shazia Afzal, Cecily Morrison, Peter Robinson University of Cambridge
User research in a scientific software development project David Sloan, Catriona Macaulay, Paula Forbes, Scott Loynton University of Dundee
Human Centred University Commercialisation Tom McEwan Edinburgh Napier University
Modelling perception using image processing algorithms Pradipta Biswas, Peter Robinson University of Cambridge
Interacting with In-Vehicle Systems: Understanding, Measuring, and Evaluating Attention Kenneth Majlund Bach, Mads Gregers Jæger, Mikael B. Skov, Nils Gram Thomassen Aalborg University
A Grounded Theory Approach towards Conceptualizing CIS for Heterogeneous Work Communities Nallini Selvaraj, Bob Fields Middlesex University
Evolving and Augmenting Worth Mapping for Family Archives Gilbert Cockton, Dave Kirk, Abigail Sellen, Microsoft Research, Richard Banks Northumbria University, University of Nottingham & Microsoft Research
Thursday 3 September, 16:00-17:30
Wolfson Theatre | Møller Study Centre |
Photo Displays and Intergenerational Relationships in the Family Home Abigail Durrant, Alex S. Taylor, David Frohlich, Abigail Sellen, David Uzzell University of Surrey & Microsoft Research Cambridge
Children and `Smart' Technologies: Can Children's Experiences be Interpreted and Coded? Diana Yifan Xu, Janet C Read, Gavin Sim, Barbara McManus, Pam Qualter University of Central Lancashire
See the Apple of My Eye: Baby Storytelling in Social Space Nazean Jomhari , Victor M. Gonzalez, Sri Hastuti Kurniawan University of Malaya, University of Manchester & University of California Santa Cruz
Digital Parenting: Designing Children's Safety Jennifer A. Rode University College London
Debate Session
From Tele Presence to Human Absence: the pragmatic construction of the human in communication systems research R. Harper Microsoft Research Cambridge
Friday 4 September, 09:00-10:30
Wolfson Theatre | Møller Study Centre |
Design alter egos: constructing and employing fictional characters in collaborative design sessions George Triantafyllakos, George Palaigeorgiou, Ioannis A. Tsoukalas Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Personality Traits, Usage Patterns and Information Disclosure in Online Communities Johann Schrammel, Christina Köffel, Manfred Tscheligi University of Salzburg
Exploring Blog Spaces: A Study of Blog Reading Experiences using Dynamic Contextual Displays Sven Laqua, M. Angela Sasse University College London
Exploring the link between player involvement and learning within digital games Ioanna Iacovides The Open University
User Requirements for a Collective Intelligence Emergency Response System Vita Lanfranchi, Neil Ireson University of Sheffield
Card Sorting Activities with Preschool Children Ana Vitoria Joly, Lyn Pemberton, Richard Griffiths University of Brighton
Friday 4 September, 11:00-12:30
Closing keynote by Bill Buxton, author of Sketching User Experiences.