Photo of Sean Holden
Dr Sean Holden
University Associate Professor
of Computer Science

I do quite a lot of what's probably best described as media work.

Picture of Sean lecturing.

Some of this is related to outreach activities, some to communicating AI research to a wider audience, and some is just fun. (In the case of the Philomena Cunk interview, LOTS of fun!)


Music expresses that which cannot be put into words --- Victor Hugo

My TEDx talk on how AI can't make proper music because it can't communicate anything to you.

Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe

A very serious, technical interview by the formidable Philomena Cunk.

Trinity Alumni Talk

A talk to alumni of Trinity College, at Google's headquarters in King's Cross, London.


Don't make predictions. It just gets you trolled. I like trolls. They're cute.


Selling a really hard problem to a room full of start-up guys.

Cambridge Computer Science

Studying Computer Science at Cambridge is AWESOME!

CADE 28 Tutorial

Invited talks and other things...