Functor Trans.Macros

module Macros: 
functor (E : sig
val env : Typed_ast.env
end) -> sig .. end
E : sig val env : env end

Record Macros

val remove_singleton_record_updates : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_singleton_record_updates replaces updates of records that have only one field with the construction of a completely new record.
val remove_multiple_record_updates : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_multiple_record_updates replaces record updates simultaneously updating multiple fields with a nested record update, each affecting only one field, that achieves the same effect.
val sort_record_fields : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
sort_record_fields sorts the fields of a record expression into the same order as in the definition of the record type. If they do not need resorting, everything is fine, otherwise a warning is produced.

Set and List Comprehension Macros

val remove_list_comprehension : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_list_comprehension removes list comprehensions by turning them into fold and insert operations. A Trans_error exception is thrown, if not only bounded quantification is used.
val remove_set_comprehension : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_set_comprehension removes set comprehensions by turning them into fold and insert operations. A Trans_error exception is thrown, if not only bounded quantification is used.
val remove_set_comprehension_image_filter : bool -> Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_set_comprehension allow_sigma removes set comprehensions by turning them into set-image, set-filter and set-product operations. For example { f (x,y,z) | forall ((x,y) IN A) (z IN B) | P (x, y, z)} is turned into Set.image f (Set.filter P (Set.cross A B)). If allow_sigma is set and the quantifiers depend on each other, set_sigma is used instead. So, for example { f (x,y,z) | forall ((x,y) IN A) (z IN B x) | P (x, y, z)} is turned into Set.image f (Set.filter P (Set.set_sigma A (fun (x, y) -> B x))).

In contrast to remove_set_comprehension no exception is thrown, if the translation fails. This is because it is intended to be used with theorem prover backends, which can handle unbounded quantification differently.

val remove_setcomp : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_setcomp removes set comprehensions with implicit bound variable to ones with explicitly bound onces. For example { (x, y) | x > y } might, depending on context be turned in { (x, y) | forall x | x > y}, { (x, y) | forall x y | x > y} or something similar.
val cleanup_set_quant : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
cleanup_set_quant moves restricted and unrestricted quantification in set comprehensions to the condition part, if the bound variables are only used by the condition. This means, that expressions of the form { f x | forall (p IN e) ... | P x } become { f x | forall ... | exists (p IN e). P x } if x is not a member of FV p.
val remove_set_comp_binding : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_set_comp_binding tries to turn Comb_binding expressions into Set_comb ones. Given a term of the form { f x z | forall x z | P x z y1 ... yn } it checks that only unbounded quantification is used and that the set of bound variables is exactly the set of free variables of the expression f x z. If this is the case, the expression is transformed to { f x z | P x z y1 ... yn }. Otherwise remove_set_comp_binding fails.
val remove_set_restr_quant : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_set_restr_quant turns restricted quantification in set comprehensions into unrestricted quantification. Expressions of the form { f x | forall (p IN e) | P x } become { f x | FV(p) | forall FV(p). p IN e /\ P x }. This requires turning pattern p into an expression. This is likely to fail for more complex patterns. In these cases, remove_set_restr_quant fails and pattern compilation is needed.

Quantifier Macros

val list_quant_to_set_quant : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
list_quant_to_set_quant turns forall (x MEM L). P x into forall (x IN Set.from_list L). P x
val remove_restr_quant : (Typed_ast.pat -> bool) -> Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_restr_quant pat_OK turns restricted quantification into unrestricted quantification, if then pattern does not satisfy pat_OK. For example, expressions of the from forall (p IN e). P x becomes forall FV(p). p IN e --> P x, if pat_OK p does not hold. pat_OK is used to configure, which types of restricted quantification are supported by the backend. For example, HOL 4 supports patterns consisting of variables, tuples and wildcard patterns, while Isabelle does not like wildcard ones. This macros tries to turn pattern p into an expression. This is likely to fail for more complex patterns. In these cases, remove_restr_quant pat_OK fails and pattern compilation is needed.
val remove_quant : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_quant turns quantifiers into iteration. It throws an Trans_error exception, if used on unrestricted quantification. Given an expression forall (x IN X). P x this returns Set.forall X (fun x -> P x). It also works for existential quantification and quantification over lists.
val remove_quant_coq : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_quant_coq the same as above but does not apply in the body of lemma or theorem statements. Specific to the Coq backend.

Pattern Macros

val remove_unit_pats : Trans.pat_macro
remove_unit_pats replaces unit-patterns () with wildcard ones _.
val coq_type_annot_pat_vars : Trans.pat_macro
Add type annotations to pattern variables whose type contains a type variable (only add for arguments to top-level functions)

Type Class Macros

val remove_method : -> bool -> Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_method target add_dict is used to remove occurrences of class methods. If a class method is encountered, the remove_method macro first tries to resolve the type-class instantiation statically and replace the method with it's instantiation. If this static resolving attempt fails, it is checked, whether the method is inlined for this target. If this is not the case and the flag add_dict is set, the method is replaced with a lookup in a dictionary. This dictionary is added by the Def_trans.class_constraint_to_parameter to the arguments of each definition that has type class constraints.
val remove_method_pat : Trans.pat_macro
remove_method_pat is used to remove occurrences of class methods. If a class method is encountered, remove_method_pat macro tries to resolve the type-class instantiation statically and replace the method with it's instantiation.
val remove_num_lit : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_num_lit replaces L_num (sk, i) with fromNumeral (L_numeral (sk, i)). This is the first step into using type classes to handle numerals.
val remove_class_const : -> Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_class_const remove constants that have class constraints by adding explicit dictionary parameters.


val remove_function : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_function turns function | pat1 -> exp1 ... | patn -> expn end into fun x -> match x with | pat1 -> exp1 ... | patn -> expn end.
val remove_sets : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
Warning: OCaml specific! remove_sets transforms set expressions like {e1, ..., en} into Ocaml.Pset.from_list (type_specific compare) [e1, ..., en]
val string_lits_isa : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
string_lits_isa translates non-representable string literals into list of characters for Isabelle
val remove_fun_pats : bool -> Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
remove_fun_pats keep_tup removes patterns from expressions of the from fun p1 ... pn -> e by introducing function expressions. Variable patterns and - if keep_tup is set - tuple patterns are kept.

Macros I don't understand

val add_nexp_param_in_const : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
val remove_vector_access : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
val remove_vector_sub : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro
val remove_do : Typed_ast.exp Trans.macro