Module Target_trans

module Target_trans: sig .. end
get_transformation targ returns the (pre-backend) transformation function for target targ

val get_transformation : ->
Typed_ast.env ->
Typed_ast.checked_module -> Typed_ast.env * Typed_ast.checked_module
get_transformation targ returns the (pre-backend) transformation function for target targ
val get_avoid_f : -> Typed_ast.NameSet.t -> Typed_ast.var_avoid_f
get_avoid_f targ returns the target specific variable avoid function. Before this function can be used, it needs to get the set of constants to avoid.
val add_used_entities_to_avoid_names : Typed_ast.env -> ->
Typed_ast_syntax.used_entities -> Typed_ast.NameSet.t -> Typed_ast.NameSet.t
add_used_entities_to_avoid_names env targ ue ns adds the used entities in ue to the name-set ns. This nameset is intended to contain the names to avoid when using get_avoid_f or rename_def_params. Since for each target different names need to be avoided, the intended target is required as well. Finally, the environment is needed to look-up target representations.
val rename_def_params : ->
Typed_ast.NameSet.t ->
Typed_ast.checked_module list -> Typed_ast.checked_module list
Rename the arguments to definitions, if they clash with constants in a given set of constants. This was previously part of the transformation returned by get_transformation. It got moved out in order to see all the renamings of definitions before changing their arguments.
val ident_force_pattern_compile : bool Pervasives.ref
This flag enables pattern compilation for the identity backend. Used for debugging.
val ident_force_dictionary_passing : bool Pervasives.ref
This flag enables dictionary passing transfromations for the identity backend. Used for debugging.