Module SelectOpproof

Correctness of instruction selection for operators

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Ast.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Pointers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Mem.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Cminor.
Require Import Op.
Require Import CminorSel.
Require Import SelectOp.

Open Local Scope cminorsel_scope.


Variable ge: genv.
Variable sp: option Pointers.pointer.
Variable e: env.

Useful lemmas and tactics

The following are trivial lemmas and custom tactics that help perform backward (inversion) and forward reasoning over the evaluation of operator applications.

Ltac EvalOp := (try rewrite <- app_nil_end); eapply eval_Eop; eauto with evalexpr.

Ltac TrivialOp cstr := unfold cstr; intros; EvalOp.

Ltac InvEval1 :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: (eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Eop _ Enil) _) |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvEval1
  | [ H: (eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Eop _ (_ ::: Enil)) _) |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvEval1
  | [ H: (eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Eop _ (_ ::: _ ::: Enil)) _) |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvEval1
  | [ H: (eval_exprlist _ _ _ _ Enil _) |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvEval1
  | [ H: (eval_exprlist _ _ _ _ (_ ::: _) _) |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvEval1
  | _ =>

Ltac FuncInv :=
  match goal with
  | H: (match ?x with nil => _ | _ :: _ => _ end = Some _) |- _ =>
      destruct x; simpl in H; try discriminate; FuncInv
  | H: (match ?v with Vundef => _ | Vint _ => _ | Vfloat _ => _ | Vptr _ => _ end = Some _) |- _ =>
      destruct v as [| | |[]]; simpl in H; try discriminate; FuncInv
  | H: (Some _ = Some _) |- _ =>
      injection H; intros; clear H; FuncInv
  | _ =>
Ltac InvEval2 :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: (eval_operation _ _ _ nil = Some _) |- _ ] =>
      simpl in H; inv H
  | [ H: (eval_operation _ _ _ (_ :: nil) = Some _) |- _ ] =>
      simpl in H; FuncInv
  | [ H: (eval_operation _ _ _ (_ :: _ :: nil) = Some _) |- _ ] =>
      simpl in H; FuncInv
  | [ H: (eval_operation _ _ _ (_ :: _ :: _ :: nil) = Some _) |- _ ] =>
      simpl in H; FuncInv
  | _ =>

Ltac InvEval := InvEval1; InvEval2; InvEval2.

Correctness of the smart constructors

We now show that the code generated by "smart constructor" functions such as SelectOp.notint behaves as expected. Continuing the notint example, we show that if the expression e evaluates to some integer value Vint n, then SelectOp.notint e evaluates to a value Vint (Int.not n) which is indeed the integer negation of the value of e. All proofs follow a common pattern:

Theorem eval_addrsymbol:
  forall id ofs ofs0 b,
  Genv.find_symbol ge id = Some (Ptr b ofs0) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e nil (addrsymbol id ofs) (Vptr (Ptr b (Int.add ofs0 ofs))).
  intros. unfold addrsymbol. econstructor. eapply eval_Enil.
  simpl. rewrite H. auto.

Theorem eval_addrstack:
  forall ofs b n,
  sp = Some (Ptr b n) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e nil (addrstack ofs) (Vptr (Ptr b (Int.add n ofs))).
  intros. unfold addrstack. econstructor. constructor.
  simpl. unfold offset_sp. rewrite H. auto.

Lemma eval_notbool_base:
  forall t a v b,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a v ->
  Val.bool_of_val v b ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (notbool_base a) (Val.of_bool (negb b)).
  TrivialOp notbool_base. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. rewrite <- app_nil_end. done.
  inv H0.
  rewrite Int.eq_false; auto.
  rewrite Int.eq_true; auto.

Hint Resolve Val.bool_of_true_val Val.bool_of_false_val
             Val.bool_of_true_val_inv Val.bool_of_false_val_inv: valboolof.

Theorem eval_notbool:
  forall a v b t,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a v ->
  Val.bool_of_val v b ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (notbool a) (Val.of_bool (negb b)).
  induction a; simpl; intros; try (eapply eval_notbool_base; eauto).
  destruct o; try (eapply eval_notbool_base; eauto).

- destruct e0. InvEval.
  inv H0. rewrite Int.eq_false; auto.
  simpl; eauto with evalexpr.
  rewrite Int.eq_true; simpl; eauto with evalexpr.
  eapply eval_notbool_base; eauto.

- inv H. eapply eval_Eop; eauto.
  simpl. assert (eval_condition c vl = Some b).
  generalize EVAL. simpl.
  case (eval_condition c vl); intros.
  destruct b0; inv EVAL0; inversion H0; auto; congruence.
  rewrite (Op.eval_negate_condition _ _ H).
  destruct b; reflexivity.

- inv H. eapply eval_Econdition; eauto.
  destruct vb1; eauto.

Lemma eval_offset_addressing:
  forall addr n args v,
  eval_addressing ge sp addr args = Some v ->
  eval_addressing ge sp (offset_addressing addr n) args = Some (Val.add v (Vint n)).
  intros. destruct addr; simpl in *; FuncInv; subst; simpl.
  rewrite Int.add_assoc. auto.
  rewrite Int.add_assoc. auto.
  rewrite <- Int.add_assoc. auto.
  rewrite <- Int.add_assoc. auto.
  rewrite <- Int.add_assoc. auto.
  rewrite <- Int.add_assoc. auto.
  rewrite <- Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. auto.
  decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. auto.

  rewrite <- Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. auto.
  decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. auto.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); inv H. auto. unfold Val.add. unfold Ptr.add. destruct p. rewrite Int.add_assoc. done.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); inv H. simpl. unfold Ptr.add. destruct p.
  repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. decEq. decEq. decEq. rewrite Int.add_commut. done.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i0); inv H. simpl.
  repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. unfold Ptr.add. destruct p. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. apply Int.add_commut.
  unfold offset_sp in *. destruct sp; inv H. simpl. unfold Ptr.add. destruct p. decEq. decEq. decEq. rewrite Int.add_assoc. auto.

Theorem eval_addimm:
  forall t n a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (addimm n a) (Vint (Int.add x n)).
  unfold addimm; intros until x.
  generalize (Int.eq_spec n case (Int.eq n; intro.
  subst n. rewrite Int.add_zero. auto.
  case (addimm_match a); intros; InvEval.
  EvalOp. simpl. rewrite Int.add_commut. auto.
  inv H0. EvalOp. simpl. rewrite (eval_offset_addressing _ _ _ _ EVAL). auto.
  EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. apply app_nil_end. unfold eval_operation. unfold eval_addressing. done.
Theorem eval_addimm_ptr:
  forall t n a b ofs,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vptr (Ptr b ofs)) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (addimm n a) (Vptr (Ptr b (Int.add ofs n))).
  unfold addimm; intros until ofs.
  generalize (Int.eq_spec n case (Int.eq n; intro.
  subst n. rewrite Int.add_zero. auto.
  case (addimm_match a); intros; InvEval.
  inv H0. EvalOp. simpl. rewrite (eval_offset_addressing _ _ _ _ EVAL). auto.
  EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. by rewrite <- app_nil_end. auto.

Theorem eval_add:
  forall ta tb a b x y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (add a b) (Vint (Int.add x y)).
  intros until y.
  unfold add; case (add_match a b); intros; InvEval.
- rewrite Int.add_commut. apply eval_addimm. auto.
- apply eval_addimm. rewrite <- app_nil_end. auto.
- subst. EvalOp. simpl. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. apply Int.add_permut.
  subst. EvalOp. simpl. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. apply Int.add_permut.

  subst. EvalOp. simpl. decEq. decEq. rewrite Int.add_commut. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. apply Int.add_commut.

  destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0.
  subst. EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. simpl. eauto. rewrite <- app_nil_end. auto.
  unfold eval_operation. unfold eval_addressing. rewrite Int.add_commut. auto.
  subst. EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. rewrite <-app_nil_end. done. unfold eval_addressing. unfold eval_operation. auto.
  subst. EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. auto. rewrite <-app_nil_end. done. simpl. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. apply Int.add_commut.
  subst. EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. auto. rewrite <-app_nil_end. done. simpl. decEq. decEq. apply Int.add_assoc.
  EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. auto. rewrite <-app_nil_end. done. simpl. rewrite Int.add_zero. auto.

Theorem eval_add_ptr:
  forall ta tb a b p x y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vptr (Ptr p x)) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (add a b) (Vptr (Ptr p (Int.add x y))).
  intros until y. unfold add; case (add_match a b); intros; InvEval.
  apply eval_addimm_ptr; auto.
  subst. rewrite <- app_nil_end. done.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. apply Int.add_permut.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. apply Int.add_permut.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. by rewrite <- app_nil_end. simpl. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0. decEq. decEq. unfold Ptr.add. destruct p0. unfold Ptr.add in H1. clarify.
  decEq. rewrite Int.add_assoc. rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. apply Int.add_commut.
  subst. simpl. rewrite <- app_nil_end. EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. by rewrite <-app_nil_end. unfold eval_operation. unfold eval_addressing. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0. unfold Ptr.add. destruct p0. unfold Ptr.add in H1. clarify.
  decEq. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. apply Int.add_commut.
  subst. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. auto. auto. econstructor.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. by rewrite <-app_nil_end. simpl. decEq. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. apply Int.add_commut.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. by rewrite <-app_nil_end. simpl. decEq. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. auto.
  EvalOp; simpl. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. by rewrite <-app_nil_end. simpl. rewrite Int.add_zero. auto.

Theorem eval_add_ptr_2:
  forall ta tb a b x p y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vptr (Ptr p y)) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (add a b) (Vptr (Ptr p (Int.add y x))).
  intros until y. unfold add; case (add_match a b); intros; InvEval.
  apply eval_addimm_ptr; auto.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq.
    rewrite (Int.add_commut n1 n2). decEq. apply Int.add_permut.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq.
    rewrite (Int.add_commut n1 n2). apply Int.add_permut.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0.
  decEq. decEq. unfold Ptr.add. destruct p0. unfold Ptr.add in H1. clarify. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. apply Int.add_commut.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id); inv H0.
  decEq. decEq. unfold Ptr.add in *. destruct p0. clarify. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. decEq. decEq. apply Int.add_commut.
  subst. EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. auto. by rewrite<-app_nil_end. simpl. done.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. auto. by rewrite<-app_nil_end. simpl. decEq. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. auto.
  subst. EvalOp; simpl. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. auto. by rewrite<-app_nil_end. simpl. decEq. decEq. decEq. repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq. apply Int.add_commut.
  EvalOp; simpl. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. auto. by rewrite<-app_nil_end. simpl. rewrite Int.add_zero. auto.

Ltac EvalOp2 :=
  (repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end);
  eapply eval_Eop;
    try match goal with
          | |- eval_exprlist _ _ _ _ (_ ::: _ ::: Enil) _ =>
            econstructor; eauto; econstructor; eauto; try econstructor;
              (try repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end); try simpl

Theorem eval_sub:
  forall ta tb a b x y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (sub a b) (Vint (Int.sub x y)).
  intros until y.
  unfold sub; case (sub_match a b); intros; InvEval.
- rewrite Int.sub_add_opp.
    apply eval_addimm. rewrite <- app_nil_end. assumption.
- replace (Int.sub x y) with (Int.add (Int.sub i0 i) (Int.sub n1 n2)).
    apply eval_addimm. EvalOp2.
    subst x; subst y.
    repeat rewrite Int.sub_add_opp.
    repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq.
    rewrite Int.add_permut. decEq. symmetry. apply Int.neg_add_distr.
- replace (Int.sub x y) with (Int.add (Int.sub i y) n1).
    apply eval_addimm. EvalOp2.
    subst x. rewrite Int.sub_add_l. auto.
- replace (Int.sub x y) with (Int.add (Int.sub x i) (Int.neg n2)).
    apply eval_addimm. EvalOp2.
    subst y. rewrite (Int.add_commut i n2). symmetry. apply Int.sub_add_r.
- EvalOp2.

Theorem eval_sub_ptr_int:
  forall ta tb a b p x y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vptr (Ptr p x)) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (sub a b) (Vptr (Ptr p (Int.sub x y))).
  intros until y.
  unfold sub; case (sub_match a b); intros; InvEval.
  rewrite Int.sub_add_opp.
    apply eval_addimm_ptr. rewrite <- app_nil_end. assumption.
  subst z. replace (Int.sub x y) with (Int.add (Int.sub i0 i) (Int.sub n1 n2)).
    apply eval_addimm_ptr. EvalOp2.
    subst x; subst y.
    repeat rewrite Int.sub_add_opp.
    repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq.
    rewrite Int.add_permut. decEq. symmetry. apply Int.neg_add_distr.
  subst z. replace (Int.sub x y) with (Int.add (Int.sub i y) n1).
    apply eval_addimm_ptr. EvalOp2.
    subst x. rewrite Int.sub_add_l. auto.
  replace (Int.sub x y) with (Int.add (Int.sub x i) (Int.neg n2)).
    apply eval_addimm_ptr. EvalOp2.
    subst y. rewrite (Int.add_commut i n2). symmetry. apply Int.sub_add_r.

Theorem eval_sub_ptr_ptr:
  forall ta tb a b p x y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vptr (Ptr p x)) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vptr (Ptr p y)) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (sub a b) (Vint (Int.sub x y)).
  intros until y.
  unfold sub; case (sub_match a b); intros; InvEval.
  replace (Int.sub x y) with (Int.add (Int.sub i0 i) (Int.sub n1 n2)).
    apply eval_addimm. EvalOp2.
    simpl; unfold Z_eq_dec. subst z0; subst z; rewrite zeq_true. auto.
    subst x; subst y.
    repeat rewrite Int.sub_add_opp.
    repeat rewrite Int.add_assoc. decEq.
    rewrite Int.add_permut. decEq. symmetry. apply Int.neg_add_distr.
  subst z. replace (Int.sub x y) with (Int.add (Int.sub i y) n1).
    apply eval_addimm. EvalOp2.
    simpl. unfold Z_eq_dec. rewrite zeq_true. auto.
    subst x. rewrite Int.sub_add_l. auto.
  subst z. replace (Int.sub x y) with (Int.add (Int.sub x i) (Int.neg n2)).
    apply eval_addimm. EvalOp2.
    simpl. unfold Z_eq_dec. rewrite zeq_true. auto.
    subst y. rewrite (Int.add_commut i n2). symmetry. apply Int.sub_add_r.
  EvalOp2. simpl. unfold Z_eq_dec. rewrite zeq_true. auto.

Definition Int_iwordsize := Int.repr ( 32).

Ltac EvalOp1 :=
  (repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end);
  eapply eval_Eop;
    try match goal with
          | |- eval_exprlist _ _ _ _ (_ ::: Enil) _ =>
            econstructor; eauto; try econstructor;
              (try rewrite <- app_nil_end); (try rewrite <- app_nil_end); (try rewrite <- app_nil_end); try simpl

Theorem eval_shlimm:
  forall t a n x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  Int.ltu n Int_iwordsize = true ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (shlimm a n) (Vint (Int.shl x n)).
  intros until x; unfold shlimm.
  generalize (Int.eq_spec n; case (Int.eq n
  intros. subst n. rewrite Int.shl_zero. auto.
  case (shlimm_match a); intros.
  InvEval. EvalOp.
  case_eq (Int.ltu (Int.add n n1) (Int.repr 32) ); intros.
  InvEval. revert EVAL. case_eq (Int.ltu n1 (Int.repr 32) ); intros; inv EVAL.
  EvalOp1. simpl. rewrite H2. rewrite Int.shl_shl; auto; rewrite Int.add_commut; auto.
  EvalOp1. simpl. unfold Int_iwordsize in*. rewrite H1; auto.
  InvEval. subst.
  destruct (shift_is_scale n).
  EvalOp1. simpl. decEq. decEq.
  rewrite (Int.shl_mul (Int.add i n1)); auto. rewrite (Int.shl_mul n1); auto.
  rewrite Int.mul_add_distr_l. auto.

  econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. eauto. econstructor. econstructor. repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end. done. unfold Int_iwordsize in *. unfold eval_operation. rewrite H1. auto.
  destruct (shift_is_scale n).
  EvalOp1. simpl. decEq. decEq.
  rewrite Int.add_zero. symmetry. apply Int.shl_mul. unfold Int_iwordsize in *.
  EvalOp1. simpl. rewrite H1; auto.

Theorem eval_shruimm:
  forall t a n x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  Int.ltu n Int_iwordsize = true ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (shruimm a n) (Vint (Int.shru x n)).
  intros until x; unfold shruimm.
  generalize (Int.eq_spec n; case (Int.eq n
  intros. subst n. rewrite Int.shru_zero. auto.
  case (shruimm_match a); intros.
  InvEval. EvalOp.
  unfold Int_iwordsize in *. case_eq (Int.ltu (Int.add n n1) Int_iwordsize); intros.
  InvEval. revert EVAL. case_eq (Int.ltu n1 (Int.repr 32)); intros. inv EVAL. unfold Int_iwordsize in *. rewrite H2. rewrite <- app_nil_end. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. rewrite <- app_nil_end. done. unfold eval_operation. rewrite H2. rewrite Int.shru_shru. decEq. decEq. decEq. rewrite Int.add_commut. done. unfold Int.wordsize. clarify. unfold Int.wordsize. clarify. unfold Int.wordsize. rewrite Int.add_commut. clarify.

unfold Int_iwordsize in *. rewrite H2. EvalOp1. simpl. rewrite H1; auto.
unfold Int_iwordsize in *. EvalOp1. simpl. rewrite H1; auto.

Theorem eval_shrimm:
  forall t a n x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  Int.ltu n Int_iwordsize = true ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (shrimm a n) (Vint (Int.shr x n)).
  intros until x; unfold shrimm.
  generalize (Int.eq_spec n; case (Int.eq n
  intros. subst n. rewrite Int.shr_zero. auto.
  case (shrimm_match a); intros.
  InvEval. EvalOp1. econstructor. auto.
  case_eq (Int.ltu (Int.add n n1) Int_iwordsize); intros.
  InvEval. revert EVAL. case_eq (Int.ltu n1 (Int.repr 32) ); intros; inv EVAL.
  unfold Int_iwordsize in *. rewrite H2. EvalOp1. simpl. rewrite H2. rewrite Int.shr_shr; auto; rewrite Int.add_commut; auto.
  unfold Int_iwordsize in *. rewrite H2. EvalOp1. simpl. rewrite H1; auto.
  unfold Int_iwordsize in *. EvalOp1. simpl. rewrite H1; auto.

Lemma eval_mulimm_base:
  forall t a n x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (mulimm_base n a) (Vint (Int.mul x n)).
  intros; unfold mulimm_base.
  generalize (Int.one_bits_decomp n).
  generalize (Int.one_bits_range n).
  destruct (Int.one_bits n).
  intros. EvalOp1.
  destruct l.
  intros. rewrite H1. simpl.
  rewrite Int.add_zero. rewrite <- Int.shl_mul.
  apply eval_shlimm. auto. auto with coqlib.
  destruct l.
  intros. EvalOp1.
  intros. EvalOp1.

Theorem eval_mulimm:
  forall t a n x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (mulimm n a) (Vint (Int.mul x n)).
  intros until x; unfold mulimm.
  generalize (Int.eq_spec n; case (Int.eq n; intro.
  subst n. rewrite Int.mul_zero. intros. econstructor. edone. econstructor. econstructor. auto. rewrite <- app_nil_end. done.

  generalize (Int.eq_spec n; case (Int.eq n; intro.
  subst n. rewrite Int.mul_one. auto.
  case (mulimm_match a); intros; InvEval.
econstructor. econstructor. rewrite Int.mul_commut. auto.

  subst. rewrite Int.mul_add_distr_l.
  rewrite (Int.mul_commut n n2). apply eval_addimm. apply eval_mulimm_base. rewrite <- app_nil_end. auto.
  apply eval_mulimm_base. assumption.

Theorem eval_mul:
  forall ta tb a b x y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (mul a b) (Vint (Int.mul x y)).
  intros until y.
  unfold mul; case (mul_match a b); intros; InvEval.
  rewrite Int.mul_commut. apply eval_mulimm. auto.
  apply eval_mulimm. auto. rewrite <- app_nil_end. assumption.

Lemma eval_orimm:
  forall t n a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (orimm n a) (Vint (Int.or x n)).
  intros. unfold orimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n
  subst n. rewrite Int.or_zero. auto.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Int.mone.
  subst n. rewrite Int.or_mone. econstructor. edone. econstructor. econstructor. edone. rewrite <- app_nil_end. done.

Remark eval_same_expr:
  forall t1 t2 a1 a2 v1 v2,
  same_expr_pure a1 a2 = true ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t1 a1 v1 ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t2 a2 v2 ->
  t1 = t2 /\ a1 = a2 /\ v1 = v2.
  intros until v2.
  destruct a1; simpl; try (intros; discriminate).
  destruct a2; simpl; try (intros; discriminate).
  case (ident_eq i i0); intros.
  subst i0. inversion H0. inversion H1. split. done. split. auto. congruence.

Theorem eval_or:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (or a b) (Vint (Int.or x y)).
  intros until y; unfold or; case (or_match a b); intros; InvEval. simpl.

  rewrite Int.or_commut. apply eval_orimm; auto.
 rewrite <- app_nil_end. apply eval_orimm; auto.

  repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end.

  revert EVAL0; case_eq (Int.ltu n1 (Int.repr 32) ). intros. inv EVAL0. revert H; case_eq (Int.ltu n2 (Int.repr 32)); intros. rewrite H in *. inv EVAL. repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end. econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. simpl. rewrite H0. eauto. econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. simpl. rewrite H. eauto. econstructor. eauto. by repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end. simpl. done.

rewrite H in EVAL. discriminate.

intros. discriminate.

econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. simpl. eauto.

econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. simpl. eauto.
econstructor. eauto. by repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end.
by simpl.
econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. by rewrite <- app_nil_end. simpl. done.

Lemma eval_andimm:
  forall t n a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (andimm n a) (Vint (Int.and x n)).
  intros. unfold andimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n
  subst n. rewrite Int.and_zero. econstructor. edone. econstructor. econstructor. edone. rewrite <- app_nil_end. done.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n Int.mone.
  subst n. rewrite Int.and_mone. auto.

Theorem eval_and:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (and a b) (Vint (Int.and x y)).
  intros until y; unfold and. case (mul_match a b); intros.
  InvEval. rewrite Int.and_commut. apply eval_andimm; auto.
  InvEval. apply eval_andimm. rewrite <- app_nil_end. auto.

Lemma eval_xorimm:
  forall t n a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (xorimm n a) (Vint (Int.xor x n)).
  intros. unfold xorimm.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec n
  subst n. rewrite Int.xor_zero. auto.

Theorem eval_xor:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (xor a b) (Vint (Int.xor x y)).
  intros until y; unfold xor. case (mul_match a b); intros.
  InvEval. rewrite Int.xor_commut. apply eval_xorimm; auto.
  InvEval. apply eval_xorimm; rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto.

Theorem eval_divu:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  y <> ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (divu a b) (Vint (Int.divu x y)).
  intros; unfold divu; EvalOp2.
  simpl. rewrite Int.eq_false; auto.

Theorem eval_modu:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  y <> ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (modu a b) (Vint (Int.modu x y)).
  intros; unfold modu; EvalOp2.
  simpl. rewrite Int.eq_false; auto.

Lemma eqz: forall y, y = -> Int.eq y = true.
  intros. subst. auto.

Lemma neqz: forall y, y <> -> Int.eq y = false.
  assert (if Int.eq y then else y <>
  eapply Int.eq_spec.
  destruct (Int.eq y clarify. auto.

Theorem eval_divs:
  forall ta tb a b x y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  y <> ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (divs a b) (Vint (Int.divs x y)).
  TrivialOp divs. simpl.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec y contradiction. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. by rewrite <- app_nil_end. unfold eval_operation.

 assert (Int.eq y = false). by apply neqz. rewrite H2. eauto.

Theorem eval_mods:
  forall ta tb a b x y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  y <> ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (mods a b) (Vint (Int.mods x y)).
  TrivialOp mods. simpl.
  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec y contradiction. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. rewrite <- app_nil_end. done. unfold eval_operation. assert (Int.eq y = false). apply neqz. auto. rewrite H2. auto.

Theorem eval_shl:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  Int.ltu y Int_iwordsize = true ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (shl a b) (Vint (Int.shl x y)).
  intros until y; unfold shl; case (shift_match b); intros.
  InvEval. apply eval_shlimm; auto. rewrite <- app_nil_end. auto.
  EvalOp2. unfold Int_iwordsize in *. simpl. rewrite H1. auto.

Theorem eval_shru:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  Int.ltu y Int_iwordsize = true ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (shru a b) (Vint (Int.shru x y)).
  intros until y; unfold shru; case (shift_match b); intros.
  InvEval. apply eval_shruimm; auto. rewrite <- app_nil_end. auto.
  EvalOp2. unfold Int_iwordsize in *. simpl. rewrite H1. auto.

Theorem eval_shr:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  Int.ltu y Int_iwordsize = true ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (shr a b) (Vint (Int.shr x y)).
  intros until y; unfold shr; case (shift_match b); intros.
  InvEval. apply eval_shrimm; auto. rewrite <- app_nil_end. auto.
  EvalOp2. unfold Int_iwordsize in *. simpl. rewrite H1. auto.

Theorem eval_comp_int:
  forall ta tb c a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (comp c a b) (Val.of_bool(Int.cmp c x y)).
  intros until y.
  unfold comp; case (comp_match a b); intros; InvEval; simpl.
  EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. by rewrite <- app_nil_end. simpl. rewrite Int.swap_cmp. destruct (Int.cmp c x y); reflexivity.
  EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. by rewrite <- app_nil_end. simpl. destruct (Int.cmp c x y); reflexivity.
  EvalOp. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. rewrite <- app_nil_end. eauto. by repeat rewrite <- app_nil_end. simpl. destruct (Int.cmp c x y); reflexivity.

Remark eval_compare_null_transf:
  forall c x v,
  Cminor.eval_compare_null c x = Some v ->
  match eval_compare_null c x with
  | Some true => Some Vtrue
  | Some false => Some Vfalse
  | None => None (A:=val)
  end = Some v.
  unfold Cminor.eval_compare_null, eval_compare_null, Cminor.eval_compare_null,Cminorops.eval_compare_null; intros.
  destruct (Int.eq x; try discriminate.
  destruct c; try discriminate; auto.

Theorem eval_comp_ptr_int:
  forall ta tb c a x1 x2 b y v,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vptr (Ptr x1 x2)) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  Cminor.eval_compare_null c y = Some v ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (comp c a b) v.
  intros until v.
  unfold comp; case (comp_match a b); intros; InvEval.
rewrite <- app_nil_end. econstructor. econstructor. edone. econstructor. by rewrite <- app_nil_end. simpl. apply eval_compare_null_transf; auto.
  EvalOp2. simpl. apply eval_compare_null_transf; auto.

Remark eval_compare_null_swap:
  forall c x,
  Cminor.eval_compare_null (swap_comparison c) x =
  Cminor.eval_compare_null c x.
  intros. unfold Cminor.eval_compare_null,Cminorops.eval_compare_null.
  destruct (Int.eq x destruct c; auto. auto.

Theorem eval_comp_int_ptr:
  forall ta tb c a x b y1 y2 v,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vptr (Ptr y1 y2)) ->
  Cminor.eval_compare_null c x = Some v ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (comp c a b) v.
  intros until v.
  unfold comp; case (comp_match a b); intros; InvEval.
   simpl. econstructor. econstructor. edone. econstructor. by rewrite <- app_nil_end. simpl. apply eval_compare_null_transf.
  rewrite eval_compare_null_swap; auto.
  EvalOp2. simpl. apply eval_compare_null_transf. auto.

Theorem eval_comp_ptr_ptr3:
  forall ta tb c a pa b pb v
  (EE1:eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vptr pa))
  (EE2:eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vptr pb))
  (VOB:Val.option_val_of_bool3 (Ptr.cmp c pa pb) = Some v),
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (comp c a b) v.
  unfold comp; intros until v.
  case (comp_match a b); intros; InvEval. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. eauto. by rewrite <- app_nil_end.

  generalize VOB. destruct (Ptr.cmp c pa pb); simpl; done.

Theorem eval_compu:
  forall ta tb c a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vint y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (compu c a b) (Val.of_bool(Int.cmpu c x y)).
  intros until y.
  unfold compu; case (comp_match a b); intros; InvEval.
  simpl. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. by rewrite<- app_nil_end. simpl. rewrite Int.swap_cmpu. destruct (Int.cmpu c x y); reflexivity.
simpl. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. by rewrite<- app_nil_end. simpl. destruct (Int.cmpu c x y); reflexivity.
  EvalOp2. simpl. destruct (Int.cmpu c x y); reflexivity.

Theorem eval_compf:
  forall ta tb c a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vfloat x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vfloat y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (compf c a b) (Val.of_bool(Float.cmp c x y)).
  intros. unfold compf. EvalOp2. simpl.
  destruct (Float.cmp c x y); reflexivity.

Theorem eval_cast8signed:
  forall t a v,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a v ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (cast8signed a) (Val.sign_ext 8 v).
intros; unfold cast8signed; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_cast8unsigned:
  forall t a v,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a v ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (cast8unsigned a) (Val.zero_ext 8 v).
intros; unfold cast8unsigned; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_cast16signed:
  forall t a v,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a v ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (cast16signed a) (Val.sign_ext 16 v).
intros; unfold cast16signed; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_cast16unsigned:
  forall t a v,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a v ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (cast16unsigned a) (Val.zero_ext 16 v).
intros; unfold cast16unsigned; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_singleoffloat:
  forall t a v,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a v ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (singleoffloat a) (Val.singleoffloat v).
intros; unfold singleoffloat; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_notint:
  forall t a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (notint a) (Vint (Int.xor x Int.mone)).
intros; unfold notint; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_negint:
  forall t a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (negint a) (Vint (Int.neg x)).
intros; unfold notint; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_negf:
  forall t a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vfloat x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (negf a) (Vfloat (Float.neg x)).
intros; unfold negf; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_intoffloat:
  forall t a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vfloat x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (intoffloat a) (Vint (Float.intoffloat x)).
intros; unfold intoffloat; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_floatofint:
  forall t a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (floatofint a) (Vfloat (Float.floatofint x)).
intros; unfold floatofint; EvalOp1. Qed.

Theorem eval_addf:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vfloat x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vfloat y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (addf a b) (Vfloat (Float.add x y)).
intros; unfold addf; EvalOp2. Qed.

Theorem eval_subf:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vfloat x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vfloat y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (subf a b) (Vfloat (Float.sub x y)).
intros; unfold subf; EvalOp2. Qed.

Theorem eval_mulf:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vfloat x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vfloat y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (mulf a b) (Vfloat (Float.mul x y)).
intros; unfold mulf; EvalOp2. Qed.

Theorem eval_divf:
  forall ta tb a x b y,
  eval_expr ge sp e ta a (Vfloat x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e tb b (Vfloat y) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e (ta++tb) (divf a b) (Vfloat (Float.div x y)).
intros; unfold divf; EvalOp2. Qed.

Theorem eval_intuoffloat:
  forall t a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vfloat x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (intuoffloat a) (Vint (Float.intuoffloat x)).
  intros. unfold intuoffloat.
  econstructor. eauto.
  - econstructor. eauto. econstructor. by rewrite <- app_nil_end.
  - simpl. auto.

Theorem eval_floatofintu:
  forall t a x,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a (Vint x) ->
  eval_expr ge sp e t (floatofintu a) (Vfloat (Float.floatofintu x)).
  intros. unfold floatofintu. EvalOp1.

Theorem eval_addressing:
  forall t chunk a v b ofs,
  eval_expr ge sp e t a v ->
  v = Vptr (Ptr b ofs) ->
  match addressing chunk a with (mode, args) =>
    exists vl,
    eval_exprlist ge sp e t args vl /\
    eval_addressing ge sp mode vl = Some v
  intros until v. unfold addressing; case (addressing_match a); intros; InvEval.
  inv H. exists vl; auto.
  exists (v :: nil); split. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. by rewrite <- app_nil_end. unfold eval_addressing. clarify. auto. rewrite Int.add_zero; auto.