Module Asm

Abstract syntax for x86 assembly language
Require Import String.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Ast.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Pointers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Mem.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Locations.
Require Import Memcomp.
Require Stacklayout.
Require Conventions.
Require Import Libtactics.

X86 assembler syntax and semantics are taken from Myreen cite. The HOL code has been hand-translated into Coq. Some instructions, and support for SSE2 registers and instructions have been added to the original development. We kept the the previous HOL general addressing mode structure. This introduces a little bit of complexity over hard-coding particular instruction/addressing-mode combinations, but it's almost inevitable for x86, and there's a lot of uniformity, eg among binops, to compensate. We made an extractable emulator - though for the assembly Ast rather than machine-code. Porting and inverting Magnus's decoder is left for future work.

A 2-bit value, used by the AST below.
Record word2 := mkword2 { hi:bool; lo:bool}.

Label names

Definition label := positive.

Instruction Syntax


Inductive ireg := EAX | EBX | ECX | EDX | ESP | EBP | ESI | EDI.
Inductive low_ireg := AX | BX | CX | DX.
Inductive freg := XMM0 | XMM1 | XMM2 | XMM3 |XMM4 | XMM5 | XMM6 | XMM7.
Inductive eflags := CF | PF | AF | ZF | SF | OF .

Definition ireg_of_low r :=
  match r with
    | AX => EAX
    | BX => EBX
    | CX => ECX
    | DX => EDX

Lemma low_ireg_eq (x y: ireg): {x=y} + {x<>y}.
decide equality. Qed.

Lemma ireg_eq (x y: ireg): {x=y} + {x<>y}.
decide equality. Qed.

Lemma freg_eq (x y: freg): {x=y} + {x<>y}.
decide equality. Qed.

Lemma eflags_eq (x y: eflags): {x=y} + {x<>y}.
decide equality. Qed.

Instruction operands

x86 immediate arguments (a.k.a., CompCert symbolic constants). Immediate operands to an arithmetic instruction or an indexed memory access can be either integer literals, or a symbolic reference (the address of a symbol). These symbolic references are resolved later by the linker.

Inductive imm :=
  | Cint (i: int)
  | Csymbol (s: ident) (offset: int).

Generalised indexed-memory addressing mode: mem[2^{scale} * index + base + displacement]

Inductive xmem :=
  | Xm (idx: option (word2 * ireg)) (base: option ireg) (displ: imm).

Three possible kinds of register-or-memory addressing modes:

Inductive ireg_or_mem :=
  | Xr (r: ireg)
  | Xmm (xm: xmem).

Inductive low_ireg_or_mem :=
  | Xlr (lr: low_ireg)
  | Xlmm (xm: xmem).

Inductive float_reg_or_mem :=
  | Xfr (fr: freg)
  | Xfmm (xm: xmem).

Pairs of destination and source operand

Inductive int_dest_src :=
  | Xri (dst: ireg) (src: imm) (* r32, imm32/imm8(sign-extended) *)
  | Xrr (dst: ireg) (src: ireg) (* r32, r32 *)
  | Xrm (dst: ireg) (src: xmem) (* r32, m32 *)
  | Xmr (dst: xmem) (src: ireg). (* m32, r32 *)

Inductive float_dest_src :=
  | Xfrr (dst: freg) (src: freg) (* xmm, xmm *)
  | Xfrm (dst: freg) (src: xmem) (* xmm, m64 *)
  | Xfmr (dst: xmem) (src: freg). (* m64, xmm *)

Count operand for shift and rotate instructions

Inductive count :=
  | Xc_imm (i: imm) (* imm8 *)
  | Xc_CL (* CL register *).

Binary and unary operations

Inductive int_binop_name :=
  | Xadd | Xsub | Ximul | Xand | Xor | Xxor | Xcmp | Xtest.

Inductive float_binop_name :=
  Xaddf | Xsubf | Xmulf | Xdivf | Xcomisd.

Inductive shiftop_name :=
  Xsar | Xsal | Xshr | Xrol | Xror.

Inductive monop_name :=
  Xnot | Xneg | Xdiv | Xidiv.

Conditionals for branches and movs

Inductive cond :=
  | X_E | X_NE | X_L | X_B | X_LE | X_BE | X_G | X_A | X_GE | X_AE | X_ENP | X_NEP
  | X_NS.

NB: X_ENP and X_NEP are composite conditions.


These are used in the Xmovx instruction to represent the following four x86 instructions:
    MOVZX r32, r/m8
    MOVZX r32, r/m16
    MOVSX r32, r/m8
    MOVSX r32, r/m16

Inductive extend := ZX_I8 | ZX_I16 | SX_I8 | SX_I16.


These include a number of standard x86 instructions generated by our compiler and a number of pseudo-instructions standing for short instruction sequences, whose meaning is described below. Ideally, these should have been represented as single instructions in the AST, but unfortunately their semantics cannot be specified using Compcert's current set up. These are:

Note that we perform arithmetics only on Mfloat64 values and we use the xmm registers to do so. This raises the following issues:

Inductive instruction :=
  | Xbinop : int_binop_name -> int_dest_src -> instruction
  | Xbinopf : float_binop_name -> float_dest_src -> instruction
  | Xmonop : monop_name -> ireg_or_mem -> instruction
  | Xshift : shiftop_name -> ireg_or_mem -> count -> instruction
  | Xcltd : instruction
  | Xxor_self : ireg -> instruction (* xor r, r (see above) *)
  | Xlea : ireg -> xmem -> instruction
  | Xcallreg : ireg -> instruction
  | Xcall : ident -> instruction
  | Xret : imm -> instruction (* the optional imm16 is how much extra to pop *)
  | Xmov : int_dest_src -> instruction (* move 32-bit int *)
  | Xmovt : extend -> xmem -> low_ireg -> instruction (* move truncate *)
  | Xmovx : extend -> ireg -> low_ireg_or_mem -> instruction (* move extend *)
  | Xmovsd : float_dest_src -> instruction (* move 64-bit float *)
  | Xmovftr : freg -> freg -> instruction (* pseudo-op (see above) *)
  | Xmovftm : xmem -> freg -> instruction (* pseudo-op (see above) *)
  | Xmovif : freg -> ireg -> instruction
  | Xmovfi : ireg -> freg -> instruction
  | Xmovstr : freg -> instruction (* pseudo-op (see above) *)
  | Xmovrst : freg -> instruction (* pseudo-op (see above) *)
  | Xset : cond -> ireg -> instruction (* pseudo-op (SET;MOVZBL) *)
  | Xcmov : cond -> ireg -> ireg_or_mem -> instruction
  | Xjump : cond -> label -> instruction
  | Xlabel : label -> instruction
  | Xfloatconst : freg -> float -> instruction
  | Xcvttsd2si : ireg -> freg -> instruction
  | Xcvtsi2sd : freg -> ireg -> instruction
  | Xcvtss2sd : freg -> xmem -> instruction
  | Xnegf : freg -> instruction (* pseudo-instruction *)
  | Xfctiu : ireg -> freg -> instruction (* pseudo-instruction *)
  | Xiuctf : freg -> ireg -> instruction (* pseudo-instruction *)
  | Xfstpl : xmem -> instruction
  | Xfldl : xmem -> instruction
  | Xmfence : instruction
  | Xcmpxchg : xmem -> ireg -> instruction
  | Xxadd : xmem -> ireg -> instruction
  | Xthreadcreate : instruction.


Auxiliary data structures

Partially executed instructions. These are needed to expose the memory labels and sequencing thereof, via some intermediate states (either in the processor state, eg a "pending write option" pseudoregister, or in the instructions).

Inductive pex_instruction :=
  | XPEdone : pex_instruction
  | XPEstorei : ireg_or_mem -> val -> pex_instruction (* write 32bit int *)
  | XPEstoref : float_reg_or_mem -> val -> pex_instruction (* write 64bit float *)
  | XPEstorem : val -> memory_chunk -> val -> pex_instruction (* write to memory *).

Definition code := list instruction.
Definition fundef := Ast.fundef (signature * code).
Definition program := Ast.program fundef unit.

Inductive preg: Type :=
  | IR: ireg -> preg (* integer registers *)
  | FR: freg -> preg (* float registers *)
  | ST0: preg (* top of FP stack *)
  | EIP: preg (* program counter *)
  | EFLAG: eflags -> preg. (* bits of the status register *)

Coercion IR: ireg >-> preg.
Coercion EFLAG: eflags >-> preg.
Coercion FR: freg >-> preg.

Lemma preg_eq: forall (x y: preg), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
decide equality; auto using ireg_eq, freg_eq, eflags_eq. Qed.

Module PregEq.
  Definition t := preg.
  Definition eq := preg_eq.
End PregEq.

Module Pregmap := EMap(PregEq).

Definition regset := Pregmap.t val.
Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.

Notation "a # b" := (a b) (at level 1, only parsing).
Notation "a # b <- c" := (Pregmap.set b c a) (at level 1, b at next level).

Undefining some registers

Fixpoint undef_regs (l: list preg) (rs: regset) : regset :=
  match l with
  | nil => rs
  | r :: l' => undef_regs l' (rs#r <- Vundef)

Inductive state: Type :=
  | Initstate:
      forall (f: pointer) (* pointer to the function to be called *)
             (args: list val), (* arguments to be passed to the function *)
  | Initargsstate:
      forall (f: pointer) (* function to be called *)
             (args: list val) (* arguments to be passed to the function *)
             (locs: list loc) (* location for arguments *)
             (stkr: arange) (* stack range *)
             (rs: regset), (* register state *)
  | Freestackstate:
      forall (stkr: arange), (* stack range *)
  | Exitstate:
  | Blockedstate:
       forall (s_regs: regset) (* registers *)
              (stkr: arange) (* allocated stack size *)
              (sig: signature), (* signature of the external function *)
  | ReturnExternal:
       forall (s_regs: regset) (* registers *)
              (stkr: arange), (* allocated stack size *)
  | State:
       forall (s_regs: regset) (* registers *)
              (s_instr: pex_instruction) (* fancy partially executed instructions, not really useful for us *)
              (stkr: arange), (* allocated stack size *)

Inductive cl_step_res : Type :=
  | Rnostep : cl_step_res
  | Rtau : state -> cl_step_res
  | Rwrite : pointer -> memory_chunk -> val -> state -> cl_step_res
  | Routofmemory : state -> cl_step_res
  | Rexternalcallmem : ident -> list (pointer * memory_chunk + eventval) -> state -> cl_step_res
  | Rfree : pointer -> mobject_kind -> state -> cl_step_res
  | Rexit : state -> cl_step_res
  | Rread : pointer -> memory_chunk -> (val -> state) -> cl_step_res
  | Rreturn : typ -> (val -> state) -> cl_step_res
  | Ralloc : int -> mobject_kind -> (pointer -> state) -> cl_step_res
  | Rstart : pointer * memory_chunk + val -> list (pointer * memory_chunk + val) -> state -> cl_step_res
  | Rmfence : state -> cl_step_res
  | Rmxadd : pointer -> memory_chunk -> val -> (val -> state) -> cl_step_res
  | Rmcmpxchg : pointer -> memory_chunk -> val -> val -> (val -> state) -> cl_step_res.

Definition preg_of (r: mreg) : preg :=
  match r with
  | rEAX => IR EAX
  | rEBX => IR EBX
  | rEBP => IR EBP
  | rESI => IR ESI
  | rEDI => IR EDI
  | IT1 => IR EDX
  | IT2 => IR ECX
  | rXMM0 => FR XMM0
  | rXMM1 => FR XMM1
  | rXMM2 => FR XMM2
  | rXMM3 => FR XMM3
  | rXMM4 => FR XMM4
  | rXMM5 => FR XMM5
  | FT1 => FR XMM6
  | FT2 => FR XMM7
  | FP0 => ST0

Section x86semantics.

Variable ge: genv.

Finding instruction to execute

Looking up instructions in a code sequence by position.

Fixpoint find_instr (pos: Z) (c: code) {struct c} : option instruction :=
  match c with
  | nil => None
  | i :: il => if zeq pos 0 then Some i else find_instr (pos - 1) il

Position corresponding to a label

Definition is_label (lbl: label) (instr: instruction) : bool :=
  match instr with
  | Xlabel lbl' => if peq lbl lbl' then true else false
  | _ => false

Lemma is_label_correct:
  forall lbl instr,
  if is_label lbl instr then instr = Xlabel lbl else instr <> Xlabel lbl.
  destruct instr; simpl; try done.
  destruct (peq lbl l); congruence.

Fixpoint label_pos (lbl: label) (pos: Z) (c: code) {struct c} : option Z :=
  match c with
  | nil => None
  | instr :: c' =>
      if is_label lbl instr then Some (pos + 1) else label_pos lbl (pos + 1) c'

Manipulations over the EIP register: continuing with the next instruction (nextinstr) or branching to a label (goto_label).

Definition nextinstr (rs : regset) :=
  rs#EIP <- (Val.add rs#EIP Vone).

Definition goto_label (lbl: label) (rs: regset) (stkr: arange) :=
  match rs EIP with
    | Vptr (Ptr b ofs) =>
      match Genv.find_funct_ptr ge (Ptr 0 (Int.repr b)) with
        | Some (Internal (_, c)) =>
          match label_pos lbl 0 c with
            | None => Rnostep
            | Some pos =>
                Rtau (State (rs # EIP <- (Vptr (Ptr b (Int.repr pos)))) XPEdone stkr)
        | _ => Rnostep
    | _ => Rnostep

Calculate operand values

Definition get_symbol (id: ident) : val :=
  match Genv.find_symbol ge id with
  | Some p => Vptr p
  | None => Vundef

Definition value_of_imm imm :=
  match imm with
  | Cint n => Vint n
  | Csymbol id ofs => Val.add (get_symbol id) (Vint ofs)

Calculate the effective address of an m?? operand (possibly with a scaled index and displacement - overapproximating what is allowed in x86)

Definition ea_rm_base (rs:regset) (opt_r:option ireg) := match opt_r with
  | None => Vzero
  | Some r => rs#r

Definition index_of_s s : Z := match (s.(hi),s.(lo)) with
 | (true,true) => 8
 | (true,false) => 4
 | (false,true) => 2
 | (false,false) => 1

Definition ea_rm_index (rs:regset) (opt_sr:option (word2 * ireg)) :=
  match opt_sr with
  | None => Vzero
  | Some (s,r) =>
      match (s.(hi),s.(lo)) with
      | (false,false) => rs#r
      | _ => Val.mul rs#r (Vint (Int.repr (index_of_s s)))

Definition ea (rs:regset) xm :=
  match xm with
    | (Xm i b d) =>
      Val.add (ea_rm_index rs i) (Val.add (ea_rm_base rs b) (value_of_imm d))

8-bit and 16-bit conversions

Definition chunk_of_extend ex :=
  match ex with
    | ZX_I8 => Mint8unsigned
    | ZX_I16 => Mint16unsigned
    | SX_I8 => Mint8signed
    | SX_I16 => Mint16signed

Definition do_extend ex : val -> val :=
  match ex with
    | ZX_I8 => Val.zero_ext 8
    | ZX_I16 => Val.zero_ext 16
    | SX_I8 => Val.sign_ext 8
    | SX_I16 => Val.sign_ext 16

Calculate the value a count operand

Definition value_of_count (rs:regset) count := match count with
  | Xc_imm imm => value_of_imm imm
  | Xc_CL => Val.zero_ext 8 (rs#ECX) (* masking to CL, otherwise unsound *)

Read from & write to memory

Definition read_mem p chunk (f : val -> state) :=
  match p with
    | Vptr p => Rread p chunk f
    | _ => Rnostep

Definition write_mem rs p chunk (v: val) (stkr: arange) :=
  match p with
    | Vptr p => Rwrite p chunk (cast_value_to_chunk chunk v)
                 (State rs XPEdone stkr)
    | _ => Rnostep

Read from & write to effective address

Definition read_ea (rs:regset) xm chunk (f : val -> state) :=
  match ea rs xm with
    | Vptr p => Rread p chunk f
    | _ => Rnostep

Definition write_ea (rs:regset) xm chunk (v : val) (stkr: arange) :=
  match ea rs xm with
    | Vptr p => Rwrite p chunk (cast_value_to_chunk chunk v)
                  (State rs XPEdone stkr)
    | _ => Rnostep

Read from & write to register-or-memory

Definition read_int_rm (rs:regset) x (f : val -> state) :=
  match x with
    | Xr r => Rtau (f (rs r))
    | Xmm m => read_ea rs m Mint32 f

Definition read_low_int_rm (rs:regset) x ex (f : val -> state) :=
  match x with
    | Xlr r => Rtau (f (do_extend ex (rs (ireg_of_low r))))
    | Xlmm m => read_ea rs m (chunk_of_extend ex) f

Definition read_float_rm (rs:regset) x (f : val -> state) :=
  match x with
    | Xfr r => Rtau (f (rs r))
    | Xfmm m => read_ea rs m Mfloat64 f

Definition write_int_rm (rs:regset) x (v : val) (stkr : arange) :=
  match x with
    | Xr r => Rtau (State (rs # r <- v) XPEdone stkr)
    | Xmm m => write_ea rs m Mint32 v stkr

Definition write_float_rm (rs:regset) x (v : val) (stkr : arange) :=
  match x with
    | Xfr r => Rtau (State (rs # r <- v) XPEdone stkr)
    | Xfmm m => write_ea rs m Mfloat64 v stkr

Read from dest_src

Definition read_int_dest_src (rs:regset) ds (f : val -> val -> state) :=
  match ds with
    | Xri r i => Rtau (f (rs r) (value_of_imm i))
    | Xrr r r2 => Rtau (f (rs r) (rs r2))
    | Xrm r m => read_ea rs m Mint32 (f (rs r))
    | Xmr m r => read_ea rs m Mint32 (fun v => f v (rs r))

Definition read_float_dest_src (rs:regset) ds (f : val -> val -> state) :=
  match ds with
    | Xfrr r r2 => Rtau (f (rs r) (rs r2))
    | Xfrm r m => read_ea rs m Mfloat64 (f (rs r))
    | Xfmr m r => read_ea rs m Mfloat64 (fun v => f v (rs r))

Definition move_int_dest_src (rs:regset) ds stkr :=
  match ds with
    | Xri r i => Rtau (State(rs # r <- (value_of_imm i)) XPEdone stkr)
    | Xrr r r2 => Rtau (State(rs # r <- (rs r2)) XPEdone stkr)
    | Xrm r m => read_ea rs m Mint32 (fun v => State (rs # r <- v) XPEdone stkr)
    | Xmr m r => write_ea rs m Mint32 (rs r) stkr

Definition move_float_dest_src (rs:regset) ds stkr :=
  match ds with
    | Xfrr r r2 => Rtau (State(rs # r <- (rs r2)) XPEdone stkr)
    | Xfrm r m => read_ea rs m Mfloat64 (fun v => State (rs # r <- v) XPEdone stkr)
    | Xfmr m r => write_ea rs m Mfloat64 (rs r) stkr

Return the destination of a dest_src.

Definition int_rm_dest ds :=
  match ds with
    | Xri r i => Xr r
    | Xrr r r2 => Xr r
    | Xrm r m => Xr r
    | Xmr m r => Xmm m

Definition float_rm_dest ds :=
  match ds with
    | Xfrr r r2 => Xfr r
    | Xfrm r m => Xfr r
    | Xfmr m r => Xfmm m

Definition chunk_of_ty (ty: typ) : memory_chunk :=
   match ty with
     | Tint => Mint32
     | Tfloat => Mfloat64

Updating the flags

Definition byte_parity (v:val) : val :=
  match v with
  | Vint n => Vundef
  | _ => Vundef

Definition int_msb (n: int) : bool :=
  negb (Int.eq (Int.and n (Int.repr Int.half_modulus))

Definition word_msb (v:val) : val :=
  match v with
  | Vint n => Val.of_bool (int_msb n)
  | _ => Vundef

Definition word_signed_overflow_sub (a b: int) : val :=
    (andb (xorb (int_msb a) (int_msb b))
          (xorb (int_msb (Int.sub a b)) (int_msb a))).

Definition word_is_zero (v:val) :=
  match v with
    | Vint n => (if Int.eq n then Vtrue else Vfalse)
    | _ => Vundef

Definition write_eflag (f:eflags) (v:val) (rs:regset) :regset :=
  rs#(EFLAG f) <- v.

Definition write_logical_eflags (v:val) (rs:regset) :regset :=
    write_eflag PF (byte_parity v) (
    write_eflag ZF (word_is_zero v) (
    write_eflag SF (word_msb v) (
    write_eflag OF Vfalse (
    write_eflag CF Vfalse (
    write_eflag AF Vundef rs))))).

Definition write_arith_eflags (vc:val*val*val*val) (rs:regset) :regset :=
    let '(v,vcf,vof,_) := vc in
    write_eflag PF (byte_parity v) (
    write_eflag ZF (word_is_zero v) (
    write_eflag SF (word_msb v) (
    write_eflag OF vof (
    write_eflag CF vcf (
    write_eflag AF Vundef rs))))).

Definition write_arith_eflags_ZF (vc:val*val*val*val) (rs:regset) :regset :=
    let '(v,vcf,vof,vzf) := vc in
    write_eflag PF (byte_parity v) (
    write_eflag ZF vzf (
    write_eflag SF (word_msb v) (
    write_eflag OF vof (
    write_eflag CF vcf (
    write_eflag AF Vundef rs))))).

Definition erase_eflags (rs:regset) :regset :=
    write_eflag PF Vundef (
    write_eflag ZF Vundef (
    write_eflag SF Vundef (
    write_eflag OF Vundef (
    write_eflag CF Vundef (
    write_eflag AF Vundef rs))))).

Binary ALU operations

Definition write_int_result rs rm vc stkr :=
  State (write_arith_eflags vc rs) (XPEstorei rm (let '(v,_,_,_) := vc in v)) stkr.

Definition write_result_flags_only rs vc stkr :=
  State (write_arith_eflags_ZF vc rs) XPEdone stkr.

Definition write_logical_result rs rm v stkr :=
  State (write_logical_eflags v rs) (XPEstorei rm v) stkr.

Definition write_logical_result_flags_only rs v stkr :=
  State (write_logical_eflags v rs) XPEdone stkr.

Definition write_result_erase_flags rs rm v stkr :=
  State (erase_eflags rs) (XPEstorei rm v) stkr.

These two properly belong in Int.v
Definition add_carry (x y: int) : int :=
  if zle (Zplus (Int.unsigned x) (Int.unsigned y)) Int.modulus

Definition sub_borrow (x y: int) : int :=
  if zlt (Int.unsigned x) (Int.unsigned y)

These two properly belong in Values.v. Note that for pointers the carry and borrow are calculated just from the offset arithmetic; the soundness of this w.r.t. real x86 execution would depend on the block base address being zero, or on some more subtle property ensuring that arithmetic on pointers never over/underflows

Definition add_with_carry_out (v1 v2: val) : (val*val*val*val) :=
  match v1, v2 with
  | Vint n1, Vint n2 => (Vint(Int.add n1 n2), Vint (add_carry n1 n2), Vundef, Vundef)
  | Vptr (Ptr b1 ofs1), Vint n2 =>
    (Vptr (Ptr b1 (Int.add ofs1 n2)), Vint (add_carry ofs1 n2), Vundef, Vundef)
  | Vint n1, Vptr (Ptr b2 ofs2) =>
    (Vptr (Ptr b2 (Int.add ofs2 n1)), Vint (add_carry n1 ofs2), Vundef, Vundef)
  | _, _ => (Vundef, Vundef, Vundef, Vundef)

VV: The following definition is really hacky. Normally, for the subtraction of pointers, we should require b1 = b2 = 0. Here we assume (1) all pointers to be compared are non-zero (the null pointer is represented as Vint 0), and (2) pointers to different blocks are unequal. The fourth component of the result encodes this hack.
Definition sub_with_borrow_out (v1 v2: val) : (val*val*val*val) :=
  match v1, v2 with
    | Vint n1, Vint n2 =>
        (Vint(Int.sub n1 n2), Vint (sub_borrow n1 n2),
         word_signed_overflow_sub n1 n2, word_is_zero (Vint (Int.sub n1 n2)))
    | Vptr (Ptr b1 ofs1), Vint n2 =>
        (Vptr (Ptr b1 (Int.sub ofs1 n2)), Vint (sub_borrow ofs1 n2),
         word_signed_overflow_sub ofs1 n2, Vzero)
    | Vint n1, Vptr (Ptr b2 ofs2) =>
        (Vundef, Vundef, Vundef, Vzero)
    | Vptr (Ptr b1 ofs1), Vptr (Ptr b2 ofs2) =>
        if zeq b1 b2 then
          (Vint (Int.sub ofs1 ofs2), Vint (sub_borrow ofs1 ofs2),
           word_signed_overflow_sub ofs1 ofs2, word_is_zero (Vint (Int.sub ofs1 ofs2)))
        else (Vundef, Vundef, Vundef, Vzero)
    | _, _ => (Vundef, Vundef, Vundef, Vundef)

Definition write_int_binop rs binop rm stkr (v1 v2 : val) : state :=
  match binop with
    | Xadd => write_int_result rs rm (add_with_carry_out v1 v2) stkr
    | Xsub => write_int_result rs rm (sub_with_borrow_out v1 v2) stkr
    | Ximul => write_result_erase_flags rs rm (Val.mul v1 v2) stkr
    | Xcmp => write_result_flags_only rs (sub_with_borrow_out v1 v2) stkr
    | Xand => write_logical_result rs rm (Val.and v1 v2) stkr
    | Xxor => write_logical_result rs rm (Val.xor v1 v2) stkr
    | Xor => write_logical_result rs rm (Val.or v1 v2) stkr
    | Xtest => write_logical_result_flags_only rs (Val.and v1 v2) stkr

Binary floating point operations

Definition floatop (v1 v2: val) (op: float -> float -> float): val :=
  match v1, v2 with
    | Vfloat f1, Vfloat f2 => Vfloat (op f1 f2)
    | _, _ => Vundef

Definition unorderedf (v1 v2 : val) :=
  match v1, v2 with
    | Vfloat f1, Vfloat f2 => Val.of_bool (Float.unordered f1 f2)
    | _, _ => Vundef

Definition write_comisd rs (v1 v2 : val) stkr : state :=
    State (
      write_eflag OF Vzero (
      write_eflag AF Vzero (
      write_eflag SF Vzero (
      write_eflag PF (unorderedf v1 v2) (
      write_eflag ZF (Val.or (unorderedf v1 v2) (Val.cmpf Ceq v1 v2)) (
      write_eflag CF (Val.or (unorderedf v1 v2) (Val.cmpf Clt v1 v2)) rs))))))

Definition write_float_binop rs binop rm stkr (v1 v2 : val) :=
  match binop with
    | Xaddf => State rs (XPEstoref rm (floatop v1 v2 Float.add)) stkr
    | Xsubf => State rs (XPEstoref rm (floatop v1 v2 Float.sub)) stkr
    | Xmulf => State rs (XPEstoref rm (floatop v1 v2 Float.mul)) stkr
    | Xdivf => State rs (XPEstoref rm (floatop v1 v2 Float.div)) stkr
    | Xcomisd => write_comisd rs v1 v2 stkr

Shift operations

Definition write_shift rs shiftop_name rm (v1 v2:val) :=
  match shiftop_name with
    | Xrol => write_result_erase_flags rs rm (Val.rol v1 v2)
    | Xshr => write_result_erase_flags rs rm (Val.shru v1 v2)
    | Xsar => write_result_erase_flags rs rm (Val.shr v1 v2)
    | Xsal => write_result_erase_flags rs rm (Val.shl v1 v2)
    | Xror => write_result_erase_flags rs rm (Val.ror v1 v2)

Unary operations

Definition write_monop rs monop rm stkr v :=
  match monop with
    | Xnot => State rs (XPEstorei rm (Val.notint v)) stkr
    | Xneg => write_int_result rs rm (Val.sub Vzero v, Vundef, Vundef, Vundef) stkr
    | Xdiv =>
        if Val.eq_dec (rs#EDX) Vzero then
          State (rs#EAX <- (Val.divu rs#EAX v)
                   #EDX <- (Val.modu rs#EAX v))
                XPEdone stkr
          State (rs#EAX <- Vundef
                   #EDX <- Vundef)
                XPEdone stkr
    | Xidiv =>
        if Val.eq_dec (rs#EDX) (Val.sign (rs#EAX)) then
          State (rs#EAX <- (Val.divs rs#EAX v)
                   #EDX <- (Val.mods rs#EAX v))
                XPEdone stkr
          State (rs#EAX <- Vundef
                   #EDX <- Vundef)
                XPEdone stkr

Evaluating conditions of eflags

Definition vi_eq (v1 v2: val): bool3 :=
  match v1, v2 with
  | Vint n1, Vint n2 => if (Int.eq n1 n2) then b3_true else b3_false
  | _, _ => b3_unknown

Definition read_cond (rs:regset) cond : bool3 :=
  match cond with
  | X_A => andb3 (vi_eq (rs#CF) Vzero) (vi_eq (rs#ZF) Vzero) (* CF=0 /\ ZF=0 *)
  | X_AE => vi_eq (rs#CF) Vzero (* CF=0 *)
  | X_ALWAYS => b3_true (* t *)
  | X_B => vi_eq (rs#CF) Vone (* CF=1 *)
  | X_BE => orb3 (vi_eq (rs#CF) Vone) (vi_eq (rs#ZF) Vone) (* CF=1 \/ ZF=1 *)
  | X_E => vi_eq (rs#ZF) Vone (* ZF=1 *)
  | X_G => andb3(vi_eq (rs#ZF) Vzero) (vi_eq (rs#SF) (rs#OF)) (* ZF=0 /\ SF=OF *)
  | X_GE => vi_eq (rs#SF) (rs#OF) (* SF=OF *)
  | X_L => negb3 (vi_eq (rs#SF) (rs#OF)) (* SF=/=OF *)
  | X_LE => orb3(vi_eq (rs#ZF) Vone) (negb3 (vi_eq (rs#SF) (rs#OF)))(* ZF=1 \/ SF=/=OF *)
  | X_NE => vi_eq (rs#ZF) Vzero (* ZF=0 *)
  | X_NS => vi_eq (rs#SF) Vzero (* SF=0 *)
  | X_ENP => andb3(vi_eq (rs#ZF) Vone) (vi_eq (rs#PF) Vzero) (* PSEUDO: ZF=1 /\ PF=0 *)
  | X_NEP => orb3 (vi_eq (rs#ZF) Vzero) (vi_eq (rs#PF) Vone) (* PSEUDO: ZF=0 \/ PF=1 *)

Execution of one instruction

NB For a machine code semantics, we'd have to pass the instruction opcode length len in as a parameter here because it is not determined by the instruction; there may be a LOCK prefix. In CompCert, EIP stores instruction indices, not addresses, so that's not necessary.

Definition code_pointer_from_function_ident (id: ident) : val :=
  match Genv.find_symbol ge id with
    | Some (Ptr b ofs) => Vptr (Ptr (Int.unsigned ofs)
    | None => Vundef

Definition memarg_of_location_asm rs sp l :=
  match l with
    | R r => inr _ (Pregmap.get (preg_of r) rs)
    | S (Incoming ofs ty) =>
        inl _ (Ptr.add sp (Int.repr (4 * ofs)), chunk_of_ty ty)
    | _ => inr _ Vundef

Definition memarglist_from_sig_asm (rs : regset) (sp : pointer) (sig : signature)
                           : list (pointer * memory_chunk + val) :=
  map (memarg_of_location_asm rs sp) (Conventions.loc_parameters sig).

Definition exec_instr (i: instruction) (rs:regset) (stkr: arange) : cl_step_res :=
  match i with
  | Xbinop binop_name ds =>
      read_int_dest_src rs ds
        (write_int_binop (nextinstr rs) binop_name (int_rm_dest ds) stkr)
  | Xbinopf binop_name ds =>
      read_float_dest_src rs ds
        (write_float_binop (nextinstr rs) binop_name (float_rm_dest ds) stkr)
  | Xmonop monop_name rm =>
      match monop_name with
      | Xdiv | Xidiv =>
         read_int_rm (rs#EDX <- Vundef) rm
            (write_monop (nextinstr rs) monop_name rm stkr)
      | _ =>
         read_int_rm rs rm
            (write_monop (nextinstr rs) monop_name rm stkr)
  | Xshift shiftop_name rm count =>
      read_int_rm rs rm
        (fun v => write_shift (nextinstr rs)
           shiftop_name rm v (value_of_count rs count) stkr)
  | Xxor_self r =>
      Rtau (write_logical_result (nextinstr rs) (Xr r) Vzero stkr)
  | Xcltd =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # EDX <- (Val.sign (rs # EAX))) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xlea r m =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # r <- (ea rs m)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xmov ds =>
      move_int_dest_src (nextinstr rs) ds stkr
  | Xmovx ex r rm =>
      read_low_int_rm (nextinstr rs) rm ex
         (fun v => State ((nextinstr rs) # r <- v) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xmovt ex m r =>
     write_ea (nextinstr rs) m (chunk_of_extend ex) (rs (ireg_of_low r)) stkr
  | Xmovsd ds =>
      move_float_dest_src (nextinstr rs) ds stkr
  | Xmovftr r1 r2 =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # r1 <- (Val.singleoffloat (rs # r2))) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xmovftm m r =>
      write_ea (nextinstr rs) m Mfloat32 ( (rs # r)) stkr
  | Xmovif r1 r2 =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # r1 <- (rs # r2)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xmovfi r1 r2 =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # r1 <- (rs # r2)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xmovstr fr =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # fr <- (rs ST0)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xmovrst fr =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # ST0 <- (rs fr)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xset c r =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # ECX <- Vundef
                                  # EDX <- Vundef
                                  # r <-
         (match (read_cond rs c) with
          | b3_true => Vone
          | b3_false => Vzero
          | b3_unknown => Vundef
          end)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xcmov c r rm =>
      match read_cond rs c with
        | b3_true =>
        read_int_rm rs rm
          (fun v => State ((nextinstr rs) # r <- v) XPEdone stkr)
        | b3_false =>
          Rtau (State (nextinstr rs) XPEdone stkr)
        | b3_unknown => Rnostep
  | Xjump cond lbl =>
      match read_cond rs cond with
        | b3_true => goto_label lbl rs stkr
        | b3_false => Rtau (State (nextinstr rs) XPEdone stkr)
        | b3_unknown => Rnostep
  | Xlabel l =>
      Rtau (State (nextinstr rs) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xcall ident =>
      let v_new_eip := code_pointer_from_function_ident ident in
      let v_next_eip := Val.add (rs EIP) Vone in
      let v_new_esp := Val.sub (rs ESP) (Vint (Int.repr 4)) in
      match v_new_esp with
        | Vptr p =>
            if range_inside_dec (p, stkr
            then write_mem ((rs#EIP<-v_new_eip)#ESP<-v_new_esp) v_new_esp Mint32 v_next_eip stkr
            else Routofmemory Exitstate
        | _ => write_mem ((rs#EIP<-v_new_eip)#ESP<-v_new_esp) v_new_esp Mint32 v_next_eip stkr
  | Xcallreg r =>
      match rs r with
      | Vptr (Ptr b ofs) =>
          let v_new_eip := Vptr (Ptr (Int.unsigned ofs) in
          let v_next_eip := Val.add (rs EIP) Vone in
          let v_new_esp := Val.sub (rs ESP) (Vint (Int.repr 4)) in
          match v_new_esp with
          | Vptr p =>
              if range_inside_dec (p, stkr
              then write_mem ((rs#EIP<-v_new_eip)#ESP<-v_new_esp) v_new_esp Mint32 v_next_eip stkr
              else Routofmemory Exitstate
          | _ => write_mem ((rs#EIP<-v_new_eip)#ESP<-v_new_esp) v_new_esp Mint32 v_next_eip stkr
        | _ => Rnostep
  | Xret imm =>
      let v_extra_pop := value_of_imm imm in
      let v_new_esp := Val.add (rs ESP) (Val.add v_extra_pop (Vint (Int.repr 4))) in
      read_mem (rs ESP) Mint32
        (fun v_new_eip =>
          if Val.eq_dec v_new_eip (Vptr nullptr)
          then Freestackstate stkr
          else State ((rs#EIP<-v_new_eip)#ESP<-v_new_esp) XPEdone stkr)

  | Xfloatconst r v =>
     Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # r <- (Vfloat v)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xcvttsd2si ir fr =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # ir <- (Val.intoffloat rs#fr)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xcvtsi2sd fr ir =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # fr <- (Val.floatofint rs#ir)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xcvtss2sd fr m =>
      read_ea rs m Mfloat32 (fun v => State ((nextinstr rs) # fr <- v) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xnegf fr =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # fr <- (Val.negf rs#fr)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xfctiu ir fr =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # ir <- (Val.intuoffloat rs#fr)
                                  # XMM7 <- Vundef # XMM6 <- Vundef) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xiuctf fr ir =>
      Rtau (State ((nextinstr rs) # fr <- (Val.floatofintu rs#ir)) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xfstpl m =>
      write_float_rm (nextinstr rs) (Xfmm m) (rs#ST0) stkr
  | Xfldl m =>
      read_float_rm rs (Xfmm m) (fun v =>
        State ((nextinstr rs) # ST0 <- v) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xmfence =>
      Rmfence (State (nextinstr rs) XPEdone stkr)
  | Xthreadcreate =>
      match (rs ESP) with
      | Vptr p =>
        match memarglist_from_sig_asm rs p thread_create_sig with
        | fn :: args => Rstart fn args (State (nextinstr rs) XPEdone stkr)
        | _ => Rnostep
      | _ => Rnostep
  | Xxadd m r =>
      match ea rs m with
      | Vptr p =>
          Rmxadd p Mint32 (rs#r)
            (fun v => State ((nextinstr rs) # r <- v) XPEdone stkr)
      | _ => Rnostep
  | Xcmpxchg m r =>
      match ea rs m with
      | Vptr p =>
          Rmcmpxchg p Mint32 (rs#EAX) (rs#r) (fun v =>
            State (if Val.eq_dec v (rs#EAX)
                   then (erase_eflags (nextinstr rs)) # ZF <- Vtrue
                   else ((erase_eflags (nextinstr rs)) # EAX <- v) # ZF <- Vfalse)
                  XPEdone stkr)
      | _ => Rnostep


Definition funsig (f : fundef) :=
  match f with
    | External ef => ef.(ef_sig)
    | Internal (sg, _) => sg

Definition eval_of_val_memarg (v : pointer * memory_chunk + val)
                            : option (pointer * memory_chunk + eventval) :=
  match v with
    | inl pc => Some (inl _ pc)
    | inr v => match eval_of_val v with Some ev => Some (inr _ ev) | None => None end

Fixpoint map_eval_of_val_memarg (vl : list (pointer * memory_chunk + val))
                            : option (list (pointer * memory_chunk + eventval)) :=
  match vl with
    | nil => Some nil
    | v::vl =>
      match eval_of_val_memarg v with
        | Some ev => match map_eval_of_val_memarg vl with
                       | Some evl => Some (ev :: evl)
                       | None => None
        | None => None

Definition align_stack p :=
  let '(Ptr b ofs) := p in
  let nofs := (Int.unsigned ofs / 16) * 16 in
   Ptr b (Int.repr nofs).

Definition rm_eq_esp rm :=
  match rm with
    | Xr ESP => true
    | _ => false

Definition exec_pex_instr (s:state) : cl_step_res :=
  match s with
    | State rs i stkr =>
      match i with
        | XPEdone =>
          match rs EIP with
            | Vptr (Ptr b ofs) =>
              match Genv.find_funct_ptr ge (Ptr 0 (Int.repr b)) with
                | Some (Internal (_, c)) =>
                  match find_instr (Int.unsigned ofs) c with
                    | Some i => exec_instr i rs stkr
                    | None => Rnostep
                | Some (External ef) =>
                  match rs ESP with
                    | Vptr sp =>
                        let memargs := memarglist_from_sig_asm rs
                             (Ptr.add sp (Int.repr Stacklayout.fe_retaddrsize)) ef.(ef_sig) in
                        match map_eval_of_val_memarg memargs with
                          | Some extmemargs =>
                            Rexternalcallmem ef.(ef_id) extmemargs
                                    (Blockedstate rs stkr ef.(ef_sig))
                          | _ => Rnostep
                    | _ => Rnostep
                | _ => Rnostep
            | _ => Rnostep
        | XPEstorei rm v =>
            if (rm_eq_esp rm) then
              match v with
                | Vptr p =>
                    if range_inside_dec (p, stkr
                    then write_int_rm rs rm v stkr
                    else Routofmemory Exitstate
                | _ => Rnostep
            else write_int_rm rs rm v stkr
        | XPEstoref rm v => write_float_rm rs rm v stkr
        | XPEstorem p chunk v => write_mem rs p chunk v stkr

    | Blockedstate rs stkr efsig =>
       let ty := match sig_res efsig with Some x => x | None => Tint end in
       Rreturn ty (fun v =>
         ReturnExternal (rs#(preg_of (Conventions.loc_result efsig)) <- v) stkr)

    | ReturnExternal rs stkr =>
       let v_new_esp := Val.add (rs ESP) (Vint (Int.repr 4)) in
       read_mem (rs ESP) Mint32
        (fun v_new_eip =>
          if Val.eq_dec v_new_eip (Vptr nullptr)
          then Freestackstate stkr
          else State ((rs#EIP<-v_new_eip)#ESP<-v_new_esp) XPEdone stkr)

    | Initstate f args =>
      match Genv.find_funct_ptr ge f with
        | Some fn =>
          let size := 4 * Conventions.size_arguments (funsig fn) in
          if zle (size + 15 + Stacklayout.fe_retaddrsize) Stacklayout.thread_stack_size
          Ralloc (Int.repr Stacklayout.thread_stack_size) MObjStack
                 (fun stkp =>
                   let sp := Ptr.add stkp (Int.repr (Stacklayout.thread_stack_size - size)) in
                   let asp := align_stack sp in
                   f args (Conventions.loc_parameters (funsig fn))
                   (stkp, Int.repr Stacklayout.thread_stack_size)
          ((Pregmap.init Vundef)
             # ESP <- (Vptr (Ptr.sub_int asp (Int.repr Stacklayout.fe_retaddrsize)))))
          else Routofmemory s
        | None => Rnostep

    | Initargsstate (Ptr b ofs) nil nil stkr rs =>
        match rs ESP with
          | Vptr sp =>
            let rs' := rs # EIP <- (Vptr (Ptr (Int.unsigned ofs) in
              Rwrite sp Mint32 (Vptr nullptr)
              (State rs' XPEdone stkr)
          | _ => Rnostep

    | Initargsstate f (arg::args) (S (Incoming ofs ty) :: locs) stkr rs =>
        match rs ESP with
          | Vptr sp =>
              let argp := Ptr.add sp (Int.repr (4 * ofs + Stacklayout.fe_retaddrsize)) in
              Rwrite argp (chunk_of_ty ty) arg
              (Initargsstate f args locs stkr rs)
          | _ => Rnostep
    | Initargsstate f (arg::args) ((R r) :: locs) stkr rs =>
        (Initargsstate f args locs stkr (rs# (preg_of r)<-arg))
    | Initargsstate f _ _ stkr rs =>
    | Freestackstate stkr =>
        Rfree (fst stkr) MObjStack Exitstate

    | Exitstate =>
        Rexit Exitstate

Execution of the instruction at rs#EIP

Definition xstep_fn (s : state) (te : thread_event) : option state :=
  match exec_pex_instr s with
  | Rnostep => None
  | Rtau s => if thread_event_eq_dec te TEtau then Some s else None
  | Rwrite p c v s => if thread_event_eq_dec te (TEmem (MEwrite p c v)) then Some s else None
  | Routofmemory s => if thread_event_eq_dec te TEoutofmem then Some s else None
  | Rexternalcallmem id args s =>
      if thread_event_eq_dec te (TEexternalcallmem id args) then Some s else None
  | Rfree p ok s => if thread_event_eq_dec te (TEmem (MEfree p ok)) then Some s else None
  | Rexit s => if thread_event_eq_dec te TEexit then Some s else None
  | Rstart fn args s => if thread_event_eq_dec te (TEstartmem fn args) then Some s else None
  | Rread p c f =>
      match te with
      | TEmem (MEread p' c' v) =>
           if Ptr.eq_dec p p' then
             if memory_chunk_eq_dec c c' then
               if Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk c) then Some (f v)
               else None
             else None
           else None
      | _ => None
  | Ralloc size k f =>
      match te with
      | TEmem (MEalloc p size' k') =>
          if Int.eq_dec size size'
            then if mobject_kind_eq_dec k k'
              then Some (f p)
              else None
            else None
      | _ => None
  | Rreturn typ f =>
      match te with
      | TEext (Ereturn typ' v) =>
          if typ_eq_dec typ typ' then
            if Val.has_type (val_of_eval v) typ
              then Some (f (val_of_eval v))
            else None
          else None
      | _ => None
  | Rmfence s =>
      if thread_event_eq_dec te (TEmem MEfence) then Some s else None
  | Rmxadd p c vadd f =>
      match te with
      | TEmem (MErmw p' c' vret ao) =>
          if Ptr.eq_dec p p' then
            if memory_chunk_eq_dec c c' then
              if rmw_instr_dec ao (rmw_ADD vadd) then
                if Val.has_type vret (type_of_chunk c) then Some (f vret)
                else None
              else None
            else None
          else None
     | _ => None
  | Rmcmpxchg p c vold vnew f =>
      match te with
      | TEmem (MErmw p' c' vret ao) =>
          if Ptr.eq_dec p p' then
            if memory_chunk_eq_dec c c' then
              if rmw_instr_dec ao (rmw_CAS vold vnew) then
                if Val.has_type vret (type_of_chunk c) then Some (f vret)
                else None
              else None
            else None
          else None
     | _ => None


Definition x86_init (p : pointer) (vs : list val) : option state :=
  match Genv.find_funct_ptr ge p with
   | Some (Internal f) =>
       if beq_nat (length vs) (length (fst f).(sig_args))
         then Some (Initstate p (Val.conv_list vs (fst f).(sig_args)))
         else None
   | _ => None

End x86semantics.

Definition x86_ge_init (p : program) (ge : genv) (m : Mem.mem) :=
  Genv.globalenv_initmem p ge low_mem_restr m.

TSO machine set up

Section X86_TSO.

Definition x86_step := fun ge s l s' => xstep_fn ge s l = Some s'.

Lemma x86_receptive :
  forall ge l l' s s',
    x86_step ge s l s' ->
    te_samekind l' l ->
    exists s'', x86_step ge s l' s''.
  unfold x86_step, xstep_fn.
  intros g l l' s s' Step Te_Samekind.
  destruct (exec_pex_instr g s) as [] _eqn: X; clarify;
    destruct l as [[] | [] | | | | | |]; clarify;
     destruct l' as [[] | [] | | | | | |]; simpl in Te_Samekind;
       repeat match goal with
              | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H; clarify
     clarify; vauto;
  repeat (destruct thread_event_eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct Ptr.eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct Int.eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct memory_chunk_eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct mobject_kind_eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct typ_eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct list_eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct rmw_instr_dec; clarify; vauto);
  simpl in *; repeat match goal with
              | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H; clarify
  by do 2 destruct (Val.has_type); clarify; exploit H0; clarify; vauto.

Lemma x86_determinate:
  forall ge s s' s'' l l',
    x86_step ge s l s' ->
    x86_step ge s l' s'' ->
    (te_samekind l l' /\ (l = l' -> s' = s'')).
  unfold x86_step, xstep_fn.
  intros g s s' s'' l l' ST1 ST2.
    destruct (exec_pex_instr); clarify;
  repeat (destruct thread_event_eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  try (by destruct t as [[] | [] | | | |]);
    destruct l as [[] | [] | | | | | |]; clarify;
     destruct l' as [[] | [] | | | | | |];
     clarify; simpl;
  repeat (destruct Ptr.eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct Int.eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct memory_chunk_eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct mobject_kind_eq_dec; clarify; vauto);
  repeat (destruct typ_eq_dec; clarify; vauto); simpl.
  by do 2 (destruct Val.has_type; clarify); split; intros; clarify.
  split; try destruct Val.has_type; intros; clarify;
    by do 3 (destruct Val.has_type; clarify); try split; intros; clarify.
  by split; intros; clarify.
  repeat split;
    [ repeat (destruct rmw_instr_dec; clarify; vauto)
    | do 2 (destruct Val.has_type; clarify); destruct rmw_instr_dec; inv ST1
    | intros; clarify'].
  repeat split;
    [ repeat (destruct rmw_instr_dec; clarify; vauto)
    | do 2 (destruct Val.has_type; clarify); destruct rmw_instr_dec; inv ST1
    | intros; clarify'].

Require Import Classical.

Lemma x86_progress_dec:
    forall ge s, (forall s' l', ~ x86_step ge s l' s') \/
      (exists l', exists s', x86_step ge s l' s').
  intros g s.
  set (P := exists l' : thread_event, exists s' : state, x86_step g s l' s').
  destruct (classic P). auto.
  left. intros s' l'. revert s'. apply not_ex_all_not.
  revert l'. apply not_ex_all_not. auto.

Definition x86_sem : SEM :=
  mkSEM state genv program x86_ge_init (@prog_main _ _) (@Genv.find_symbol _)
  x86_step x86_init x86_progress_dec x86_receptive x86_determinate.

End X86_TSO.