
Hot or Not: Revealing Hidden Services by their Clock Skew

TempCov is a set of programs used to collect, analyse and plot the clock skew data for the paper Hot or Not: Revealing Hidden Services by their Clock Skew. and send and record timestamp probes respectively. plot_offset_skew.R takes the data produced by these scripts, finds the clock skew and plots a graph.

See the included README.txt file for further details. The distribution package also includes example data which was used to produce Figure 5 in the paper.

Low-Cost Traffic Analysis of Tor

TorTA is a set of programs based on those developed for the paper Low-cost Traffic Analysis of Tor.

There are two pairs of programs:
sender sends probe packets to receiver which measures the latency.
evil_server sends data to victim in a pattern, hopefully altering the latency of any probe packets on nodes which share a path with the target stream.

For further information, see the README file in the distribution package and the associated paper.

Message Splitting Against the Partial Adversary

This is an extended version of the data used in Message Splitting Against the Partial Adversary, to be presented at the 2005 PET Workshop. It consists of latency measurements of test messages sent through the Mixmaster and Mixminion networks, collected from 5 April 2005 till 22 May 2005.

The data can be downloaded here (files are gzip compressed): (Mixmaster) (Mixminion)


The files are designed to be read by the GNU R read.table() function but the format is simple so should be readable by most applications with minimal hassle.

The first line is the column headers:
sent rec path\n

Each following line is of the format:
MessageID SentTime ReceivedTime Path\n

MessageID is an unique ID for the message
SentTime and ReceivedTime are the time the message was sent and received respectively. Times are expressed as seconds since 1 January 1970, in the BST (UTC+1) timezone.
Path is the path chosen through the mix network, enclosed in double quotes. Mix names are separated by commas normally, and by a colon in the Mixminion data to indicate the swap point.

Last modified 2009-07-31 17:58:50 +0100

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