Concurrent Systems

University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Principal lecturer: Dr Jean Bacon (
Taken by: Part IB

Past exam questions
The lecture notes for this course grew into a book - Concurrent Systems - and the course follows the structure of the book. Please see the study guide for more information and for other references for reading around.

Each chapter of CS has exercises. Edition 1 had an Instructor's Guide, published by Addison Wesley, and the parts of this containing the exercises and solutions are available in the book locker.

Addison Wesley have funded a web-browsable Instructor's Guide for Edition 2. It is available here *for local use only*. Click on "Exercise solutions" (top left) then select the appropriate chapter. Outside Cambridge it is available only to teachers - please respect this.


Provisional information only
Generated at 18:01.29 on 18/9/2000