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Local Link Example Code

Here is a data source in Verilog RTL for LocalLink that generates a stream of packets containing arbitrary data with arbitrary gaps.

module LocalLinkSrc(
                 input reset,
                 input clk,
                 output [7:0] src_data,
                 output src_sof_n,
                 output src_eof_n,
                 output src_src_rdy_n,
                 input src_dst_rdy_n);

   // The source generates 'random' data using a pseudo random sequence generator (prbs).
   // The source also makes gaps in its data using bit[9] of the generator.
   reg [14:0] prbs;
   reg       started;
   assign src_data = (!src_src_rdy_n) ? prbs[7:0] : 0;
   assign src_src_rdy_n = !(prbs[9]);

   // The end of packet is arbitrarily generated when bits 14:12 have a particular value.
   assign src_eof_n =  !(!src_src_rdy_n && prbs[14:12]==2);

   // A start of frame must be flagged during the first new word after the previous frame has ended.
   assign src_sof_n =  !(!src_src_rdy_n && !started);

  always @(posedge clk) begin
     started <= (reset) ? 0: (!src_eof_n) ? 0 : (!src_sof_n) ? 1 : started;
        prbs <= (reset) ? 100: (src_dst_rdy_n) ? prbs: (prbs << 1) | (prbs[14] != prbs[13]);

And here is a corresponding data sink:

module LocalLinkSink(
                  input reset,
                  input clk,
                  input [7:0] sink_data,
                  input sink_sof_n,
                  input sink_eof_n,
                  output sink_src_rdy_n,
                  input sink_dst_rdy_n);

   // The sink also maintains a prbs to make it go busy or not on an arbitrary basis.
   reg [14:0] prbs;
   assign sink_dst_rdy_n = prbs[0];
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      if (!sink_dst_rdy_n && !sink_src_rdy_n) $display(
        "%m LocalLinkSink sof_n=%d eof_n=%d  data=0x%h", sink_sof_n, sink_eof_n, sink_data);
      // Put a blank line between packets on the console.
      if (!sink_dst_rdy_n && !sink_src_rdy_n && !sink_eof_n) $display("\n\n");
      prbs <= (reset) ? 200: (prbs << 1) | (prbs[14] != prbs[13]);
endmodule // LocalLinkSrc

And here is a testbench that wires them together:

module SIMSYS();

  reg reset;
  reg clk;
  wire [7:0] data;
  wire sof_n;
  wire eof_n;
  wire ack_n;
  wire req_n;

  // Instance of the src
  LocalLinkSrc src (.reset(reset),   

  // Instance of the sink
  LocalLinkSink sink (.reset(reset),   

   initial begin clk =0; forever #50 clk = !clk; end
   initial begin reset = 1; #130 reset=0; end

endmodule // SIMSYS

5: (C) 2008-17, DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory.