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University of Cambridge Home Computer Laboratory
Computer Laboratory > Abstracts

Seminars will be held in the Lecture Theatre 1 - William Gates Building, Computer Laboratory at 4.15pm
See also:

 Networks & OS seminars
 Security seminars
 Logic and Semantics seminars
 Additional meetings
 weekly timetable
for other seminars

Security and Complexity

Andrew Cormack


The media term "hacking" covers a very wide range of activities. Networked computers are subject to many different types of attack at many different technical levels and with many different motivations. Defending against such diverse threats is likely to require similarly diverse measures. This talk will examine the current threats and the measures that can be taken to defend against them, and discuss how increases in the scale and complexity of computer systems may affect the balance between attack and defence.

Wednesday Seminars

Click here for previous seminars.