Kiwi Scientific Acceleration: C# high-level synthesis for FPGA execution.
Bloom Filter Example

Kiwi Scientific Acceleration: Bloom Filter Example

A Bloom Filter is a well-known, compact way of storing a set where the membership test may have the occasional false positive.

Source Code in C#

A paramatric Bloom Filter is easy to write in C#, although one might want to put a little more care into the hash functions than we did here. Nonetheless, it seemingly works well enough.

class AcceleratedBloomFilter

  uint no_banks, banksize;

  uint [,] banks; // Use 32-bit words as bit vectors.

  public AcceleratedBloomFilter(uint nb, uint bs) // Constructor
  { no_banks = nb;
    banksize = bs;
    banks = new uint [nb, (bs+31)/32];

  uint hasher(uint bn, uint key) // A set of hash functions.
  { return ((((bn+11111)^key)<<0)+
	    ) % banksize;

 public void insert(uint key)
    for (uint i=0; i<no_banks;i++)
      { uint h = hasher(i, key);
        uint j =  h / 32;
	// Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", h, j);
	uint k = (uint)(1 << (int)(h % 32));
        banks[i, j] |= k;

 public bool probe(uint key)
    bool v = true;
    for (uint i=0; i<no_banks;i++)
      { uint h = hasher(i, key);
        uint j =  h / 32;
        uint k = (uint)(1 << (int)(h % 32));
        v &= (banks[i, j] & k) != 0; 
        if (!v) break;
    return v;

A Simple Test Bench Proves the Point

class TestBench
  [Kiwi.OutputBitPort("done")] static bool done = false;

  public static void Main()
    Console.WriteLine("AcceleratedBloomFilter Demo Start");
    var abf = new AcceleratedBloomFilter(3, 512);
    int false_pos = 0, false_neg = 0, trials = 0;
    for (int pass=0;pass<2;pass++)
      {	for (int jojo=3;jojo<123456789*3;jojo += 3) 
	  { Kiwi.NoUnroll(); 
	    uint key = (uint) jojo;
	    bool oracle = (key & 33) > 0;
	    bool result = false;
	    if (pass == 0)
	      { if (oracle) abf.insert(key);
		result = oracle;
	    else if (pass == 1)
	      { trials += 1;
		result = abf.probe(key);		
		if (oracle && !result)
		    Console.WriteLine("False negative on {0}", key);
		    false_neg += 1;
		else if (!oracle && result)
		    Console.WriteLine("False positive on {0}", key);
		    false_pos += 1;
	    if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("  Pass {0} jojo={1}  test result={2}", pass, jojo, result); 
    Console.WriteLine(" Trials ={0}  False_pos={1} False_neg={2}.", trials, false_pos, false_neg);
    Console.WriteLine(" Test AcceleratedBloomFilter finished.");
    done = true;

Run under Mono

A million inserts and probes takes about 130ms on mono on my laptop (i-3 Fedora20).

  MONO_PATH=/home/djg11/d320/hprls/kiwipro/kiwic/distro/support:. time mono AcceleratedBloomFilters.exe
  AcceleratedBloomFilter Demo Start
  Done Reset
  Trials =999999  False_pos=0 False_neg=0.
  Test AcceleratedBloomFilter finished.
  0.13user 0.00system 0:00.14elapsed 96%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 15196maxresident)k
  0inputs+0outputs (0major+1017minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Kiwi Compilation

A simple, singled-threaded Kiwi Compilation with a time/space guiding metric of

Generated RTL file AcceleratedBloomFilters.v.


The design compiles and runs well enough on Mono and FPGA. Discussion TBC ...


We wont here disclose how to speed up this design to make more use of the FPGA until after a student seminar ...

TBC ...

Feb 2017.               UP.