University of Cambridge


Talks in 2000/2001

Talks are generally given on Fridays in term, at 2pm in TP4, although out of term dates are also available.

Michaelmas Term

Tuesday 3rd October - Friday 1st December
Michaelmas | Lent | Easter | LS Home page

Date Speaker Title
20th October Mike Spivey Embedding Prolog in Haskell Abstract
27th October Martin Hyland Who wins infinite plays? Abstract
10th November Randy Pollack Dependently Typed Records for Representing Mathematical Structure Abstract
23rd November Martin Berger The 2 Phase Commit Protocol in an Extended pi Calculus Abstract
24th November Andrew D. Gordon Typing a Multi-Language Intermediate Code Abstract
1st December Oege de Moor Pointwise Relations Abstract

Lent Term

Tuesday 16th January - Friday 16th March
Michaelmas | Lent | Easter | LS Home page

Date Speaker Title
19th January Ian Benson Practical Protocol Analysis for System Decomposition and Synthesis Abstract
2nd March Jeffrey Ketland The Possibility of Physical Hypercomputation Abstract
9th March Peter O'Hearn Local Reasoning about Shared Mutable Data Structure Abstract
16th March Peter Welch A CSP Model for Java Threads (and Vice-Versa) Abstract
30th March Ehud Shapiro Molecular Programming with Stochastic Pi Calculus: Computer Representation of Biological Processes Abstract

Easter Term

Tuesday 24th April - Friday 15th June
Michaelmas | Lent | Easter | LS Home page

Date Speaker Title
4th May Iain Stewart Program schemes, finite model theory and computational complexity Abstract
11th May Alex Simpson Comparing functional paradigms for exact real arithmetic Abstract
17th May Giuseppe Longo On the formal unprovability of some provable properties of numbers Abstract
25th May Alexander Rabinovich Temporal Logic over Branching Time: Expressiveness and Complexity Abstract
6th June John Reynolds Further reasoning about shared mutable data structure Abstract
Michaelmas | Lent | Easter | LS Home page