Theory TLS

(*  Title:      HOL/HOLCF/IOA/TLS.thy
    Author:     Olaf Müller

section ‹Temporal Logic of Steps -- tailored for I/O automata›

theory TLS
imports IOA TL

default_sort type

type_synonym ('a, 's) ioa_temp  = "('a option, 's) transition temporal"

type_synonym ('a, 's) step_pred = "('a option, 's) transition predicate"

type_synonym 's state_pred = "'s predicate"

definition mkfin :: "'a Seq  'a Seq"
  where "mkfin s = (if Partial s then SOME t. Finite t  s = t @@ UU else s)"

definition option_lift :: "('a  'b)  'b  'a option  'b"
  where "option_lift f s y = (case y of None  s | Some x  f x)"

definition plift :: "('a  bool)  'a option  bool"
(* plift is used to determine that None action is always false in
   transition predicates *)
  where "plift P = option_lift P False"

definition xt1 :: "'s predicate  ('a, 's) step_pred"
  where "xt1 P tr = P (fst tr)"

definition xt2 :: "'a option predicate  ('a, 's) step_pred"
  where "xt2 P tr = P (fst (snd tr))"

definition ex2seqC :: "('a, 's) pairs  ('s  ('a option, 's) transition Seq)"
  where "ex2seqC =
    (fix  (LAM h ex. (λs. case ex of
      nil  (s, None, s)  nil
    | x ## xs  (flift1 (λpr. (s, Some (fst pr), snd pr)  (h  xs) (snd pr))  x))))"

definition ex2seq :: "('a, 's) execution  ('a option, 's) transition Seq"
  where "ex2seq ex = (ex2seqC  (mkfin (snd ex))) (fst ex)"

definition temp_sat :: "('a, 's) execution  ('a, 's) ioa_temp  bool"  (infixr "" 22)
  where "(ex  P)  ((ex2seq ex)  P)"

definition validTE :: "('a, 's) ioa_temp  bool"
  where "validTE P  (ex. (ex  P))"

definition validIOA :: "('a, 's) ioa  ('a, 's) ioa_temp  bool"
  where "validIOA A P  (ex  executions A. (ex  P))"

lemma IMPLIES_temp_sat [simp]: "(ex  P  Q)  ((ex  P)  (ex  Q))"
  by (simp add: IMPLIES_def temp_sat_def satisfies_def)

lemma AND_temp_sat [simp]: "(ex  P  Q)  ((ex  P)  (ex  Q))"
  by (simp add: AND_def temp_sat_def satisfies_def)

lemma OR_temp_sat [simp]: "(ex  P  Q)  ((ex  P)  (ex  Q))"
  by (simp add: OR_def temp_sat_def satisfies_def)

lemma NOT_temp_sat [simp]: "(ex  ¬ P)  (¬ (ex  P))"
  by (simp add: NOT_def temp_sat_def satisfies_def)

where mkfin_UU [simp]: "mkfin UU = nil"
  and mkfin_nil [simp]: "mkfin nil = nil"
  and mkfin_cons [simp]: "mkfin (a  s) = a  mkfin s"

lemmas [simp del] = HOL.ex_simps HOL.all_simps split_paired_Ex

setup map_theory_claset (fn ctxt => ctxt delSWrapper "split_all_tac")

subsection ‹ex2seqC›

lemma ex2seqC_unfold:
  "ex2seqC =
    (LAM ex. (λs. case ex of
      nil  (s, None, s)  nil
    | x ## xs 
        (flift1 (λpr. (s, Some (fst pr), snd pr)  (ex2seqC  xs) (snd pr))  x)))"
  apply (rule trans)
  apply (rule fix_eq4)
  apply (rule ex2seqC_def)
  apply (rule beta_cfun)
  apply (simp add: flift1_def)

lemma ex2seqC_UU [simp]: "(ex2seqC  UU) s = UU"
  apply (subst ex2seqC_unfold)
  apply simp

lemma ex2seqC_nil [simp]: "(ex2seqC  nil) s = (s, None, s)  nil"
  apply (subst ex2seqC_unfold)
  apply simp

lemma ex2seqC_cons [simp]: "(ex2seqC  ((a, t)  xs)) s = (s, Some a,t )  (ex2seqC  xs) t"
  apply (rule trans)
  apply (subst ex2seqC_unfold)
  apply (simp add: Consq_def flift1_def)
  apply (simp add: Consq_def flift1_def)

lemma ex2seq_UU: "ex2seq (s, UU) = (s, None, s)  nil"
  by (simp add: ex2seq_def)

lemma ex2seq_nil: "ex2seq (s, nil) = (s, None, s)  nil"
  by (simp add: ex2seq_def)

lemma ex2seq_cons: "ex2seq (s, (a, t)  ex) = (s, Some a, t)  ex2seq (t, ex)"
  by (simp add: ex2seq_def)

declare ex2seqC_UU [simp del] ex2seqC_nil [simp del] ex2seqC_cons [simp del]
declare ex2seq_UU [simp] ex2seq_nil [simp] ex2seq_cons [simp]

lemma ex2seq_nUUnnil: "ex2seq exec  UU  ex2seq exec  nil"
  apply (pair exec)
  apply (Seq_case_simp x2)
  apply (pair a)

subsection ‹Interface TL -- TLS›

(* uses the fact that in executions states overlap, which is lost in
   after the translation via ex2seq !! *)

lemma TL_TLS:
  "s a t. (P s)  s aA t  (Q t)
     ex  (Init (λ(s, a, t). P s)  Init (λ(s, a, t). s aA t)
               ((Init (λ(s, a, t). Q s))))"
  apply (unfold Init_def Next_def temp_sat_def satisfies_def IMPLIES_def AND_def)
  apply clarify
  apply (simp split: if_split)
  text TL = UU›
  apply (rule conjI)
  apply (pair ex)
  apply (Seq_case_simp x2)
  apply (pair a)
  apply (Seq_case_simp s)
  apply (pair a)
  text TL = nil›
  apply (rule conjI)
  apply (pair ex)
  apply (Seq_case x2)
  apply (simp add: unlift_def)
  apply (simp add: unlift_def)
  apply (simp add: unlift_def)
  apply (pair a)
  apply (Seq_case_simp s)
  apply (pair a)
  text TL = cons›
  apply (simp add: unlift_def)
  apply (pair ex)
  apply (Seq_case_simp x2)
  apply (pair a)
  apply (Seq_case_simp s)
  apply (pair a)
