Theory Warshall

(*  Title:      HOL/Proofs/Extraction/Warshall.thy
    Author:     Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen

section ‹Warshall's algorithm›

theory Warshall
imports "HOL-Library.Realizers"

text ‹
  Derivation of Warshall's algorithm using program extraction,
  based on Berger, Schwichtenberg and Seisenberger cite"Berger-JAR-2001".

datatype b = T | F

primrec is_path' :: "('a  'a  b)  'a  'a list  'a  bool"
  "is_path' r x [] z  r x z = T"
| "is_path' r x (y # ys) z  r x y = T  is_path' r y ys z"

definition is_path :: "(nat  nat  b)  (nat * nat list * nat)  nat  nat  nat  bool"
  where "is_path r p i j k 
    fst p = j  snd (snd p) = k 
    list_all (λx. x < i) (fst (snd p)) 
    is_path' r (fst p) (fst (snd p)) (snd (snd p))"

definition conc :: "'a × 'a list × 'a  'a × 'a list × 'a  'a × 'a list * 'a"
  where "conc p q = (fst p, fst (snd p) @ fst q # fst (snd q), snd (snd q))"

theorem is_path'_snoc [simp]: "x. is_path' r x (ys @ [y]) z = (is_path' r x ys y  r y z = T)"
  by (induct ys) simp+

theorem list_all_scoc [simp]: "list_all P (xs @ [x])  P x  list_all P xs"
  by (induct xs) (simp+, iprover)

theorem list_all_lemma: "list_all P xs  (x. P x  Q x)  list_all Q xs"
proof -
  assume PQ: "x. P x  Q x"
  show "list_all P xs  list_all Q xs"
  proof (induct xs)
    case Nil
    show ?case by simp
    case (Cons y ys)
    then have Py: "P y" by simp
    from Cons have Pys: "list_all P ys" by simp
    show ?case
      by simp (rule conjI PQ Py Cons Pys)+

theorem lemma1: "p. is_path r p i j k  is_path r p (Suc i) j k"
  unfolding is_path_def
  apply (simp cong add: conj_cong add: split_paired_all)
  apply (erule conjE)+
  apply (erule list_all_lemma)
  apply simp

theorem lemma2: "p. is_path r p 0 j k  r j k = T"
  unfolding is_path_def
  apply (simp cong add: conj_cong add: split_paired_all)
  apply (case_tac a)
  apply simp_all

theorem is_path'_conc: "is_path' r j xs i  is_path' r i ys k 
  is_path' r j (xs @ i # ys) k"
proof -
  assume pys: "is_path' r i ys k"
  show "j. is_path' r j xs i  is_path' r j (xs @ i # ys) k"
  proof (induct xs)
    case (Nil j)
    then have "r j i = T" by simp
    with pys show ?case by simp
    case (Cons z zs j)
    then have jzr: "r j z = T" by simp
    from Cons have pzs: "is_path' r z zs i" by simp
    show ?case
      by simp (rule conjI jzr Cons pzs)+

theorem lemma3:
  "p q. is_path r p i j i  is_path r q i i k 
    is_path r (conc p q) (Suc i) j k"
  apply (unfold is_path_def conc_def)
  apply (simp cong add: conj_cong add: split_paired_all)
  apply (erule conjE)+
  apply (rule conjI)
  apply (erule list_all_lemma)
  apply simp
  apply (rule conjI)
  apply (erule list_all_lemma)
  apply simp
  apply (rule is_path'_conc)
  apply assumption+

theorem lemma5:
  "p. is_path r p (Suc i) j k  ¬ is_path r p i j k 
    (q. is_path r q i j i)  (q'. is_path r q' i i k)"
proof (simp cong add: conj_cong add: split_paired_all is_path_def, (erule conjE)+)
  fix xs
  assume asms:
    "list_all (λx. x < Suc i) xs"
    "is_path' r j xs k"
    "¬ list_all (λx. x < i) xs"
  show "(ys. list_all (λx. x < i) ys  is_path' r j ys i) 
    (ys. list_all (λx. x < i) ys  is_path' r i ys k)"
    have "j. list_all (λx. x < Suc i) xs  is_path' r j xs k 
      ¬ list_all (λx. x < i) xs 
    ys. list_all (λx. x < i) ys  is_path' r j ys i" (is "PROP ?ih xs")
    proof (induct xs)
      case Nil
      then show ?case by simp
      case (Cons a as j)
      show ?case
      proof (cases "a=i")
        case True
        show ?thesis
          from True and Cons have "r j i = T" by simp
          then show "list_all (λx. x < i) []  is_path' r j [] i" by simp
        case False
        have "PROP ?ih as" by (rule Cons)
        then obtain ys where ys: "list_all (λx. x < i) ys  is_path' r a ys i"
          from Cons show "list_all (λx. x < Suc i) as" by simp
          from Cons show "is_path' r a as k" by simp
          from Cons and False show "¬ list_all (λx. x < i) as" by (simp)
        show ?thesis
          from Cons False ys
          show "list_all (λx. x<i) (a#ys)  is_path' r j (a#ys) i" by simp
    from this asms show "ys. list_all (λx. x < i) ys  is_path' r j ys i" .
    have "k. list_all (λx. x < Suc i) xs  is_path' r j xs k 
      ¬ list_all (λx. x < i) xs 
      ys. list_all (λx. x < i) ys  is_path' r i ys k" (is "PROP ?ih xs")
    proof (induct xs rule: rev_induct)
      case Nil
      then show ?case by simp
      case (snoc a as k)
      show ?case
      proof (cases "a=i")
        case True
        show ?thesis
          from True and snoc have "r i k = T" by simp
          then show "list_all (λx. x < i) []  is_path' r i [] k" by simp
        case False
        have "PROP ?ih as" by (rule snoc)
        then obtain ys where ys: "list_all (λx. x < i) ys  is_path' r i ys a"
          from snoc show "list_all (λx. x < Suc i) as" by simp
          from snoc show "is_path' r j as a" by simp
          from snoc and False show "¬ list_all (λx. x < i) as" by simp
        show ?thesis
          from snoc False ys
          show "list_all (λx. x < i) (ys @ [a])  is_path' r i (ys @ [a]) k"
            by simp
    from this asms show "ys. list_all (λx. x < i) ys  is_path' r i ys k" .

theorem lemma5':
  "p. is_path r p (Suc i) j k  ¬ is_path r p i j k 
    ¬ (q. ¬ is_path r q i j i)  ¬ (q'. ¬ is_path r q' i i k)"
  by (iprover dest: lemma5)

theorem warshall: "j k. ¬ (p. is_path r p i j k)  (p. is_path r p i j k)"
proof (induct i)
  case (0 j k)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "r j k")
    assume "r j k = T"
    then have "is_path r (j, [], k) 0 j k"
      by (simp add: is_path_def)
    then have "p. is_path r p 0 j k" ..
    then show ?thesis ..
    assume "r j k = F"
    then have "r j k  T" by simp
    then have "¬ (p. is_path r p 0 j k)"
      by (iprover dest: lemma2)
    then show ?thesis ..
  case (Suc i j k)
  then show ?case
    assume h1: "¬ (p. is_path r p i j k)"
    from Suc show ?case
      assume "¬ (p. is_path r p i j i)"
      with h1 have "¬ (p. is_path r p (Suc i) j k)"
        by (iprover dest: lemma5')
      then show ?case ..
      assume "p. is_path r p i j i"
      then obtain p where h2: "is_path r p i j i" ..
      from Suc show ?case
        assume "¬ (p. is_path r p i i k)"
        with h1 have "¬ (p. is_path r p (Suc i) j k)"
          by (iprover dest: lemma5')
        then show ?case ..
        assume "q. is_path r q i i k"
        then obtain q where "is_path r q i i k" ..
        with h2 have "is_path r (conc p q) (Suc i) j k" 
          by (rule lemma3)
        then have "pq. is_path r pq (Suc i) j k" ..
        then show ?case ..
    assume "p. is_path r p i j k"
    then have "p. is_path r p (Suc i) j k"
      by (iprover intro: lemma1)
    then show ?case ..

extract warshall

text ‹
  The program extracted from the above proof looks as follows
  @{thm [display, eta_contract=false] warshall_def [no_vars]}
  The corresponding correctness theorem is
  @{thm [display] warshall_correctness [no_vars]}

ML_val "@{code warshall}"
