Theory Prelim


theory Prelim
imports Base

chapter ‹Preliminaries›

section ‹Contexts \label{sec:context}›

text ‹
  A logical context represents the background that is required for formulating
  statements and composing proofs. It acts as a medium to produce formal
  content, depending on earlier material (declarations, results etc.).

  For example, derivations within the Isabelle/Pure logic can be described as
  a judgment Γ ⊢Θ φ›, which means that a proposition φ› is derivable from
  hypotheses Γ› within the theory Θ›. There are logical reasons for keeping
  Θ› and Γ› separate: theories can be liberal about supporting type
  constructors and schematic polymorphism of constants and axioms, while the
  inner calculus of Γ ⊢ φ› is strictly limited to Simple Type Theory (with
  fixed type variables in the assumptions).

  Contexts and derivations are linked by the following key principles:

   Transfer: monotonicity of derivations admits results to be transferred
  into a ‹larger› context, i.e.\ Γ ⊢Θ φ› implies Γ' ⊢Θ' φ› for contexts
  Θ' ⊇ Θ› and Γ' ⊇ Γ›.

   Export: discharge of hypotheses admits results to be exported into a
  ‹smaller› context, i.e.\ Γ' ⊢Θ φ› implies Γ ⊢Θ Δ ⟹ φ› where Γ' ⊇ Γ›
  and Δ = Γ' - Γ›. Note that Θ› remains unchanged here, only the Γ› part is

  By modeling the main characteristics of the primitive Θ› and Γ› above, and
  abstracting over any particular logical content, we arrive at the
  fundamental notions of ‹theory context› and ‹proof context› in
  Isabelle/Isar. These implement a certain policy to manage arbitrary
  ‹context data›. There is a strongly-typed mechanism to declare new kinds of
  data at compile time.

  The internal bootstrap process of Isabelle/Pure eventually reaches a stage
  where certain data slots provide the logical content of Θ› and Γ› sketched
  above, but this does not stop there! Various additional data slots support
  all kinds of mechanisms that are not necessarily part of the core logic.

  For example, there would be data for canonical introduction and elimination
  rules for arbitrary operators (depending on the object-logic and
  application), which enables users to perform standard proof steps implicitly
  (cf.\ the rule› method cite"isabelle-isar-ref").

  Thus Isabelle/Isar is able to bring forth more and more concepts
  successively. In particular, an object-logic like Isabelle/HOL continues the
  Isabelle/Pure setup by adding specific components for automated reasoning
  (classical reasoner, tableau prover, structured induction etc.) and derived
  specification mechanisms (inductive predicates, recursive functions etc.).
  All of this is ultimately based on the generic data management by theory and
  proof contexts introduced here.

subsection ‹Theory context \label{sec:context-theory}›

text ‹
  A ‹theory› is a data container with explicit name and unique identifier.
  Theories are related by a (nominal) sub-theory relation, which corresponds
  to the dependency graph of the original construction; each theory is derived
  from a certain sub-graph of ancestor theories. To this end, the system
  maintains a set of symbolic ``identification stamps'' within each theory.

  The begin› operation starts a new theory by importing several parent
  theories (with merged contents) and entering a special mode of nameless
  incremental updates, until the final end› operation is performed.

  The example in \figref{fig:ex-theory} below shows a theory graph derived
  from Pure›, with theory Length› importing Nat› and List›. The body of
  Length› consists of a sequence of updates, resulting in locally a linear
  sub-theory relation for each intermediate step.

        &            & Pure› \\
        &            & ↓› \\
        &            & FOL› \\
        & $\swarrow$ &              & $\searrow$ & \\
  Nat› &    &              &            & List› \\
        & $\searrow$ &              & $\swarrow$ \\
        &            & Length› \\
        &            & \multicolumn{3}{l}{~~@{keyword "begin"}} \\
        &            & $\vdots$~~ \\
        &            & \multicolumn{3}{l}{~~@{command "end"}} \\
  \caption{A theory definition depending on ancestors}\label{fig:ex-theory}

  Derived formal entities may retain a reference to the background theory in
  order to indicate the formal context from which they were produced. This
  provides an immutable certificate of the background theory.

text %mlref ‹
  @{define_ML_type theory} \\
  @{define_ML Context.eq_thy: "theory * theory -> bool"} \\
  @{define_ML Context.subthy: "theory * theory -> bool"} \\
  @{define_ML Theory.begin_theory: "string * Position.T -> theory list -> theory"} \\
  @{define_ML Theory.parents_of: "theory -> theory list"} \\
  @{define_ML Theory.ancestors_of: "theory -> theory list"} \\

   Type ML_typetheory represents theory contexts.

   MLContext.eq_thy~(thy1, thy2)› check strict identity of two

   MLContext.subthy~(thy1, thy2)› compares theories according to the
  intrinsic graph structure of the construction. This sub-theory relation is a
  nominal approximation of inclusion (⊆›) of the corresponding content
  (according to the semantics of the ML modules that implement the data).

   MLTheory.begin_theory~name parents› constructs a new theory based
  on the given parents. This ML function is normally not invoked directly.

   MLTheory.parents_of~thy› returns the direct ancestors of thy›.

   MLTheory.ancestors_of~thy› returns all ancestors of thy› (not
  including thy› itself).

text %mlantiq ‹
  @{ML_antiquotation_def "theory"} & : & ML_antiquotation› \\
  @{ML_antiquotation_def "theory_context"} & : & ML_antiquotation› \\

  rail@@{ML_antiquotation theory} embedded?
  @@{ML_antiquotation theory_context} embedded

   @{theory}› refers to the background theory of the current context --- as
  abstract value.

   @{theory A}› refers to an explicitly named ancestor theory A› of the
  background theory of the current context --- as abstract value.

   @{theory_context A}› is similar to @{theory A}›, but presents the result
  as initial ML_typeProof.context (see also MLProof_Context.init_global).

subsection ‹Proof context \label{sec:context-proof}›

text ‹
  A proof context is a container for pure data that refers to the theory from
  which it is derived. The init› operation creates a proof context from a
  given theory. There is an explicit transfer› operation to force
  resynchronization with updates to the background theory -- this is rarely
  required in practice.

  Entities derived in a proof context need to record logical requirements
  explicitly, since there is no separate context identification or symbolic
  inclusion as for theories. For example, hypotheses used in primitive
  derivations (cf.\ \secref{sec:thms}) are recorded separately within the
  sequent Γ ⊢ φ›, just to make double sure. Results could still leak into an
  alien proof context due to programming errors, but Isabelle/Isar includes
  some extra validity checks in critical positions, notably at the end of a

  Proof contexts may be manipulated arbitrarily, although the common
  discipline is to follow block structure as a mental model: a given context
  is extended consecutively, and results are exported back into the original
  context. Note that an Isar proof state models block-structured reasoning
  explicitly, using a stack of proof contexts internally. For various
  technical reasons, the background theory of an Isar proof state must not be
  changed while the proof is still under construction!

text %mlref ‹
  @{define_ML_type Proof.context} \\
  @{define_ML Proof_Context.init_global: "theory -> Proof.context"} \\
  @{define_ML Proof_Context.theory_of: "Proof.context -> theory"} \\
  @{define_ML Proof_Context.transfer: "theory -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\

   Type ML_typeProof.context represents proof contexts.

   MLProof_Context.init_global~thy› produces a proof context derived
  from thy›, initializing all data.

   MLProof_Context.theory_of~ctxt› selects the background theory from

   MLProof_Context.transfer~thy ctxt› promotes the background theory of
  ctxt› to the super theory thy›.

text %mlantiq ‹
  @{ML_antiquotation_def "context"} & : & ML_antiquotation› \\

   @{context}› refers to ‹the› context at compile-time --- as abstract
  value. Independently of (local) theory or proof mode, this always produces a
  meaningful result.

  This is probably the most common antiquotation in interactive
  experimentation with ML inside Isar.

subsection ‹Generic contexts \label{sec:generic-context}›

text ‹
  A generic context is the disjoint sum of either a theory or proof context.
  Occasionally, this enables uniform treatment of generic context data,
  typically extra-logical information. Operations on generic contexts include
  the usual injections, partial selections, and combinators for lifting
  operations on either component of the disjoint sum.

  Moreover, there are total operations theory_of› and proof_of› to convert a
  generic context into either kind: a theory can always be selected from the
  sum, while a proof context might have to be constructed by an ad-hoc init›
  operation, which incurs a small runtime overhead.

text %mlref ‹
  @{define_ML_type Context.generic} \\
  @{define_ML Context.theory_of: "Context.generic -> theory"} \\
  @{define_ML Context.proof_of: "Context.generic -> Proof.context"} \\

   Type ML_typeContext.generic is the direct sum of ML_typetheory
  and ML_typeProof.context, with the datatype constructors MLContext.Theory and MLContext.Proof.

   MLContext.theory_of~context› always produces a theory from the
  generic context›, using MLProof_Context.theory_of as required.

   MLContext.proof_of~context› always produces a proof context from the
  generic context›, using MLProof_Context.init_global as required (note
  that this re-initializes the context data with each invocation).

subsection ‹Context data \label{sec:context-data}›

text ‹
  The main purpose of theory and proof contexts is to manage arbitrary (pure)
  data. New data types can be declared incrementally at compile time. There
  are separate declaration mechanisms for any of the three kinds of contexts:
  theory, proof, generic.

paragraph ‹Theory data›
text ‹declarations need to implement the following ML signature:

  \<type> T› & representing type \\
  \<val> empty: T› & empty default value \\
  \<val> extend: T → T› & obsolete (identity function) \\
  \<val> merge: T × T → T› & merge data \\

  The empty› value acts as initial default for ‹any› theory that does not
  declare actual data content; extend› is obsolete: it needs to be the
  identity function.

  The merge› operation needs to join the data from two theories in a
  conservative manner. The standard scheme for merge (data1, data2)›
  inserts those parts of data2 into data1 that are not yet present,
  while keeping the general order of things. The MLLibrary.merge
  function on plain lists may serve as canonical template. Particularly note
  that shared parts of the data must not be duplicated by naive concatenation,
  or a theory graph that resembles a chain of diamonds would cause an
  exponential blowup!

  Sometimes, the data consists of a single item that cannot be ``merged'' in a
  sensible manner. Then the standard scheme degenerates to the projection to
  data1, ignoring data2 outright.

paragraph ‹Proof context data›
text ‹declarations need to implement the following ML signature:

  \<type> T› & representing type \\
  \<val> init: theory → T› & produce initial value \\

  The init› operation is supposed to produce a pure value from the given
  background theory and should be somehow ``immediate''. Whenever a proof
  context is initialized, which happens frequently, the the system invokes the
  init› operation of ‹all› theory data slots ever declared. This also means
  that one needs to be economic about the total number of proof data
  declarations in the system, i.e.\ each ML module should declare at most one,
  sometimes two data slots for its internal use. Repeated data declarations to
  simulate a record type should be avoided!

paragraph ‹Generic data›
text ‹
  provides a hybrid interface for both theory and proof data. The init›
  operation for proof contexts is predefined to select the current data value
  from the background theory.

  Any of the above data declarations over type T› result in an ML structure
  with the following signature:

  get: context → T› \\
  put: T → context → context› \\
  map: (T → T) → context → context› \\

  These other operations provide exclusive access for the particular kind of
  context (theory, proof, or generic context). This interface observes the ML
  discipline for types and scopes: there is no other way to access the
  corresponding data slot of a context. By keeping these operations private,
  an Isabelle/ML module may maintain abstract values authentically.

text %mlref ‹
  @{define_ML_functor Theory_Data} \\
  @{define_ML_functor Proof_Data} \\
  @{define_ML_functor Generic_Data} \\

   ML_functor‹Theory_Data›(spec)› declares data for type ML_typetheory
  according to the specification provided as argument structure. The resulting
  structure provides data init and access operations as described above.

   ML_functor‹Proof_Data›(spec)› is analogous to ML_functor‹Theory_Data›
  for type ML_typeProof.context.

   ML_functor‹Generic_Data›(spec)› is analogous to ML_functor‹Theory_Data› for type ML_typeContext.generic. ›

text %mlex ‹
  The following artificial example demonstrates theory data: we maintain a set
  of terms that are supposed to be wellformed wrt.\ the enclosing theory. The
  public interface is as follows:

    val get: theory -> term list
    val add: term -> theory -> theory

text ‹
  The implementation uses private theory data internally, and only exposes an
  operation that involves explicit argument checking wrt.\ the given theory.

ML structure Wellformed_Terms: WELLFORMED_TERMS =

  structure Terms = Theory_Data
    type T = term Ord_List.T;
    val empty = [];
    fun merge (ts1, ts2) =
      Ord_List.union Term_Ord.fast_term_ord ts1 ts2;

  val get = Terms.get;

  fun add raw_t thy =
      val t = Sign.cert_term thy raw_t;
    in (Ord_List.insert Term_Ord.fast_term_ord t) thy


text ‹
  Type ML_typeterm Ord_List.T is used for reasonably efficient
  representation of a set of terms: all operations are linear in the number of
  stored elements. Here we assume that users of this module do not care about
  the declaration order, since that data structure forces its own arrangement
  of elements.

  Observe how the ML_text‹merge› operation joins the data slots of the two
  constituents: MLOrd_List.union prevents duplication of common data from
  different branches, thus avoiding the danger of exponential blowup. Plain
  list append etc.\ must never be used for theory data merges!

  Our intended invariant is achieved as follows:

     MLWellformed_Terms.add only admits terms that have passed the MLSign.cert_term check of the given theory at that point.
     Wellformedness in the sense of MLSign.cert_term is monotonic wrt.\
    the sub-theory relation. So our data can move upwards in the hierarchy
    (via extension or merges), and maintain wellformedness without further

  Note that all basic operations of the inference kernel (which includes MLSign.cert_term) observe this monotonicity principle, but other user-space
  tools don't. For example, fully-featured type-inference via MLSyntax.check_term (cf.\ \secref{sec:term-check}) is not necessarily
  monotonic wrt.\ the background theory, since constraints of term constants
  can be modified by later declarations, for example.

  In most cases, user-space context data does not have to take such invariants
  too seriously. The situation is different in the implementation of the
  inference kernel itself, which uses the very same data mechanisms for types,
  constants, axioms etc.

subsection ‹Configuration options \label{sec:config-options}›

text ‹
  A ‹configuration option› is a named optional value of some basic type
  (Boolean, integer, string) that is stored in the context. It is a simple
  application of general context data (\secref{sec:context-data}) that is
  sufficiently common to justify customized setup, which includes some
  concrete declarations for end-users using existing notation for attributes
  (cf.\ \secref{sec:attributes}).

  For example, the predefined configuration option @{attribute show_types}
  controls output of explicit type constraints for variables in printed terms
  (cf.\ \secref{sec:read-print}). Its value can be modified within Isar text
  like this:


declare [[show_types = false]]
  ― ‹declaration within (local) theory context›

  note [[show_types = true]]
    ― ‹declaration within proof (forward mode)›
  term x

  have "x = x"
    using [[show_types = false]]
      ― ‹declaration within proof (backward mode)›


text ‹
  Configuration options that are not set explicitly hold a default value that
  can depend on the application context. This allows to retrieve the value
  from another slot within the context, or fall back on a global preference
  mechanism, for example.

  The operations to declare configuration options and get/map their values are
  modeled as direct replacements for historic global references, only that the
  context is made explicit. This allows easy configuration of tools, without
  relying on the execution order as required for old-style mutable

text %mlref ‹
  @{define_ML Config.get: "Proof.context -> 'a Config.T -> 'a"} \\
  @{define_ML "'a Config.T -> ('a -> 'a) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context"} \\
  @{define_ML Attrib.setup_config_bool: "binding -> (Context.generic -> bool) ->
  bool Config.T"} \\
  @{define_ML Attrib.setup_config_int: "binding -> (Context.generic -> int) ->
  int Config.T"} \\
  @{define_ML Attrib.setup_config_real: "binding -> (Context.generic -> real) ->
  real Config.T"} \\
  @{define_ML Attrib.setup_config_string: "binding -> (Context.generic -> string) ->
  string Config.T"} \\

   MLConfig.get~ctxt config› gets the value of config› in the given
  context. f ctxt› updates the context by updating the value
  of config›.

   config =›~MLAttrib.setup_config_bool~name default› creates a named
  configuration option of type ML_typebool, with the given default›
  depending on the application context. The resulting config› can be used to
  get/map its value in a given context. There is an implicit update of the
  background theory that registers the option as attribute with some concrete

   MLAttrib.config_int, MLAttrib.config_real, and MLAttrib.config_string work like MLAttrib.config_bool, but for types
  ML_typeint and ML_typestring, respectively.

text %mlex ‹
  The following example shows how to declare and use a Boolean configuration
  option called my_flag› with constant default value MLfalse.

ML val my_flag =
    Attrib.setup_config_bool bindingmy_flag (K false)

text ‹
  Now the user can refer to @{attribute my_flag} in declarations, while ML
  tools can retrieve the current value from the context via MLConfig.get.

ML_val assert (Config.get context my_flag = false)

declare [[my_flag = true]]

ML_val assert (Config.get context my_flag = true)

    note [[my_flag = false]]
    ML_val assert (Config.get context my_flag = false)
  ML_val assert (Config.get context my_flag = true)

text ‹
  Here is another example involving ML type ML_typereal (floating-point

ML val airspeed_velocity =
    Attrib.setup_config_real bindingairspeed_velocity (K 0.0)

declare [[airspeed_velocity = 10]]
declare [[airspeed_velocity = 9.9]]

section ‹Names \label{sec:names}›

text ‹
  In principle, a name is just a string, but there are various conventions for
  representing additional structure. For example, ``›'' is
  considered as a long name consisting of qualifier› and base name
  baz›. The individual constituents of a name may have further substructure,
  e.g.\ the string ``‹α›'' encodes as a single symbol (\secref{sec:symbols}).

  Subsequently, we shall introduce specific categories of names. Roughly
  speaking these correspond to logical entities as follows:

   Basic names (\secref{sec:basic-name}): free and bound variables.

   Indexed names (\secref{sec:indexname}): schematic variables.

   Long names (\secref{sec:long-name}): constants of any kind (type
  constructors, term constants, other concepts defined in user space). Such
  entities are typically managed via name spaces (\secref{sec:name-space}).

subsection ‹Basic names \label{sec:basic-name}›

text ‹
  A ‹basic name› essentially consists of a single Isabelle identifier. There
  are conventions to mark separate classes of basic names, by attaching a
  suffix of underscores: one underscore means ‹internal name›, two
  underscores means ‹Skolem name›, three underscores means ‹internal Skolem

  For example, the basic name foo› has the internal version foo_›, with
  Skolem versions foo__› and foo___›, respectively.

  These special versions provide copies of the basic name space, apart from
  anything that normally appears in the user text. For example, system
  generated variables in Isar proof contexts are usually marked as internal,
  which prevents mysterious names like xaa› to appear in human-readable text.

  Manipulating binding scopes often requires on-the-fly renamings. A ‹name
  context› contains a collection of already used names. The declare›
  operation adds names to the context.

  The invents› operation derives a number of fresh names from a given
  starting point. For example, the first three names derived from a› are a›,
  b›, c›.

  The variants› operation produces fresh names by incrementing tentative
  names as base-26 numbers (with digits a..z›) until all clashes are
  resolved. For example, name foo› results in variants fooa›, foob›,
  fooc›, \dots, fooaa›, fooab› etc.; each renaming step picks the next
  unused variant from this sequence.

text %mlref ‹
  @{define_ML Name.internal: "string -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML Name.skolem: "string -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML_type Name.context} \\
  @{define_ML Name.context: Name.context} \\
  @{define_ML Name.declare: "string -> Name.context -> Name.context"} \\
  @{define_ML Name.invent: "Name.context -> string -> int -> string list"} \\
  @{define_ML Name.variant: "string -> Name.context -> string * Name.context"} \\
  @{define_ML Variable.names_of: "Proof.context -> Name.context"} \\

   MLName.internal~name› produces an internal name by adding one

   MLName.skolem~name› produces a Skolem name by adding two underscores.

   Type ML_typeName.context represents the context of already used names;
  the initial value is MLName.context.

   MLName.declare~name› enters a used name into the context.

   MLName.invent~context name n› produces n› fresh names derived from

   MLName.variant~name context› produces a fresh variant of name›; the
  result is declared to the context.

   MLVariable.names_of~ctxt› retrieves the context of declared type and
  term variable names. Projecting a proof context down to a primitive name
  context is occasionally useful when invoking lower-level operations. Regular
  management of ``fresh variables'' is done by suitable operations of
  structure ML_structureVariable, which is also able to provide an
  official status of ``locally fixed variable'' within the logical environment
  (cf.\ \secref{sec:variables}).

text %mlex ‹
  The following simple examples demonstrate how to produce fresh names from
  the initial MLName.context.

ML_val val list1 = Name.invent Name.context "a" 5;
  assert (list1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]);

  val list2 =
    #1 (fold_map Name.variant ["x", "x", "a", "a", "'a", "'a"] Name.context);
  assert (list2 = ["x", "xa", "a", "aa", "'a", "'aa"]);

  The same works relatively to the formal context as follows.›

experiment fixes a b c :: 'a

ML_val val names = Variable.names_of context;

  val list1 = Name.invent names "a" 5;
  assert (list1 = ["d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]);

  val list2 =
    #1 (fold_map Name.variant ["x", "x", "a", "a", "'a", "'a"] names);
  assert (list2 = ["x", "xa", "aa", "ab", "'aa", "'ab"]);


subsection ‹Indexed names \label{sec:indexname}›

text ‹
  An ‹indexed name› (or indexname›) is a pair of a basic name and a natural
  number. This representation allows efficient renaming by incrementing the
  second component only. The canonical way to rename two collections of
  indexnames apart from each other is this: determine the maximum index
  maxidx› of the first collection, then increment all indexes of the second
  collection by maxidx + 1›; the maximum index of an empty collection is

  Occasionally, basic names are injected into the same pair type of indexed
  names: then (x, -1)› is used to encode the basic name x›.

  Isabelle syntax observes the following rules for representing an indexname
  (x, i)› as a packed string:

     ?x› if x› does not end with a digit and i = 0›,

     ?xi› if x› does not end with a digit,

     ?x.i› otherwise.

  Indexnames may acquire large index numbers after several maxidx shifts have
  been applied. Results are usually normalized towards 0› at certain
  checkpoints, notably at the end of a proof. This works by producing variants
  of the corresponding basic name components. For example, the collection
  ?x1, ?x7, ?x42› becomes ?x, ?xa, ?xb›.

text %mlref ‹
  @{define_ML_type indexname = "string * int"} \\

   Type ML_typeindexname represents indexed names. This is an
  abbreviation for ML_typestring * int. The second component is usually
  non-negative, except for situations where (x, -1)› is used to inject basic
  names into this type. Other negative indexes should not be used.

subsection ‹Long names \label{sec:long-name}›

text ‹
  A ‹long name› consists of a sequence of non-empty name components. The
  packed representation uses a dot as separator, as in ``A.b.c›''. The last
  component is called ‹base name›, the remaining prefix is called
  ‹qualifier› (which may be empty). The qualifier can be understood as the
  access path to the named entity while passing through some nested
  block-structure, although our free-form long names do not really enforce any
  strict discipline.

  For example, an item named ``A.b.c›'' may be understood as a local entity
  c›, within a local structure b›, within a global structure A›. In
  practice, long names usually represent 1--3 levels of qualification. User ML
  code should not make any assumptions about the particular structure of long

  The empty name is commonly used as an indication of unnamed entities, or
  entities that are not entered into the corresponding name space, whenever
  this makes any sense. The basic operations on long names map empty names
  again to empty names.

text %mlref ‹
  @{define_ML Long_Name.base_name: "string -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML Long_Name.qualifier: "string -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML Long_Name.append: "string -> string -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML Long_Name.implode: "string list -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML Long_Name.explode: "string -> string list"} \\

   MLLong_Name.base_name~name› returns the base name of a long name.

   MLLong_Name.qualifier~name› returns the qualifier of a long name.

   MLLong_Name.append~name1 name2 appends two long names.

   MLLong_Name.implode~names› and MLLong_Name.explode~name› convert
  between the packed string representation and the explicit list form of long

subsection ‹Name spaces \label{sec:name-space}›

text ‹
  A name space› manages a collection of long names, together with a mapping
  between partially qualified external names and fully qualified internal
  names (in both directions). Note that the corresponding intern› and
  extern› operations are mostly used for parsing and printing only! The
  declare› operation augments a name space according to the accesses
  determined by a given binding, and a naming policy from the context.

  A binding› specifies details about the prospective long name of a newly
  introduced formal entity. It consists of a base name, prefixes for
  qualification (separate ones for system infrastructure and user-space
  mechanisms), a slot for the original source position, and some additional

  A naming› provides some additional details for producing a long name from a
  binding. Normally, the naming is implicit in the theory or proof context.
  The full› operation (and its variants for different context types) produces
  a fully qualified internal name to be entered into a name space. The main
  equation of this ``chemical reaction'' when binding new entities in a
  context is as follows:

  binding + naming ⟶ long name + name space accesses›

  As a general principle, there is a separate name space for each kind of
  formal entity, e.g.\ fact, logical constant, type constructor, type class.
  It is usually clear from the occurrence in concrete syntax (or from the
  scope) which kind of entity a name refers to. For example, the very same
  name c› may be used uniformly for a constant, type constructor, and type

  There are common schemes to name derived entities systematically according
  to the name of the main logical entity involved, e.g.\ fact c.intro› for a
  canonical introduction rule related to constant c›. This technique of
  mapping names from one space into another requires some care in order to
  avoid conflicts. In particular, theorem names derived from a type
  constructor or type class should get an additional suffix in addition to the
  usual qualification. This leads to the following conventions for derived

  logical entity & fact name \\\hline
  constant c› & c.intro› \\
  type c› & c_type.intro› \\
  class c› & c_class.intro› \\

text %mlref ‹
  @{define_ML_type binding} \\
  @{define_ML Binding.empty: binding} \\
  @{define_ML "string -> binding"} \\
  @{define_ML Binding.qualify: "bool -> string -> binding -> binding"} \\
  @{define_ML Binding.prefix: "bool -> string -> binding -> binding"} \\
  @{define_ML Binding.concealed: "binding -> binding"} \\
  @{define_ML Binding.print: "binding -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML_type Name_Space.naming} \\
  @{define_ML Name_Space.global_naming: Name_Space.naming} \\
  @{define_ML Name_Space.add_path: "string -> Name_Space.naming -> Name_Space.naming"} \\
  @{define_ML Name_Space.full_name: "Name_Space.naming -> binding -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML_type Name_Space.T} \\
  @{define_ML Name_Space.empty: "string -> Name_Space.T"} \\
  @{define_ML Name_Space.merge: "Name_Space.T * Name_Space.T -> Name_Space.T"} \\
  @{define_ML Name_Space.declare: "Context.generic -> bool ->
  binding -> Name_Space.T -> string * Name_Space.T"} \\
  @{define_ML Name_Space.intern: "Name_Space.T -> string -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML Name_Space.extern: "Proof.context -> Name_Space.T -> string -> string"} \\
  @{define_ML Name_Space.is_concealed: "Name_Space.T -> string -> bool"}

   Type ML_typebinding represents the abstract concept of name bindings.

   MLBinding.empty is the empty binding.› produces a binding with base name name›. Note
  that this lacks proper source position information; see also the ML
  antiquotation @{ML_antiquotation binding}.

   MLBinding.qualify~mandatory name binding› prefixes qualifier name›
  to binding›. The mandatory› flag tells if this name component always needs
  to be given in name space accesses --- this is mostly false› in practice.
  Note that this part of qualification is typically used in derived
  specification mechanisms.

   MLBinding.prefix is similar to MLBinding.qualify, but affects the
  system prefix. This part of extra qualification is typically used in the
  infrastructure for modular specifications, notably ``local theory targets''
  (see also \chref{ch:local-theory}).

   MLBinding.concealed~binding› indicates that the binding shall refer
  to an entity that serves foundational purposes only. This flag helps to mark
  implementation details of specification mechanism etc. Other tools should
  not depend on the particulars of concealed entities (cf.\ MLName_Space.is_concealed).

   MLBinding.print~binding› produces a string representation for
  human-readable output, together with some formal markup that might get used
  in GUI front-ends, for example.

   Type ML_typeName_Space.naming represents the abstract concept of a
  naming policy.

   MLName_Space.global_naming is the default naming policy: it is global
  and lacks any path prefix. In a regular theory context this is augmented by
  a path prefix consisting of the theory name.

   MLName_Space.add_path~path naming› augments the naming policy by
  extending its path component.

   MLName_Space.full_name~naming binding› turns a name binding (usually
  a basic name) into the fully qualified internal name, according to the given
  naming policy.

   Type ML_typeName_Space.T represents name spaces.

   MLName_Space.empty~kind› and MLName_Space.merge~(space1,
  space2)› are the canonical operations for maintaining name spaces according
  to theory data management (\secref{sec:context-data}); kind› is a formal
  comment to characterize the purpose of a name space.

   MLName_Space.declare~context strict binding space› enters a name
  binding as fully qualified internal name into the name space, using the
  naming of the context.

   MLName_Space.intern~space name› internalizes a (partially qualified)
  external name.

  This operation is mostly for parsing! Note that fully qualified names
  stemming from declarations are produced via MLName_Space.full_name and
  MLName_Space.declare (or their derivatives for ML_typetheory and

   MLName_Space.extern~ctxt space name› externalizes a (fully qualified)
  internal name.

  This operation is mostly for printing! User code should not rely on the
  precise result too much.

   MLName_Space.is_concealed~space name› indicates whether name› refers
  to a strictly private entity that other tools are supposed to ignore!

text %mlantiq ‹
  @{ML_antiquotation_def "binding"} & : & ML_antiquotation› \\

  rail@@{ML_antiquotation binding} embedded

   @{binding name}› produces a binding with base name name› and the source
  position taken from the concrete syntax of this antiquotation. In many
  situations this is more appropriate than the more basic

text %mlex ‹
  The following example yields the source position of some concrete binding
  inlined into the text:

ML_val Binding.pos_of binding‹here›

  That position can be also printed in a message as follows:

    ("Look here" ^ (Binding.pos_of binding‹here›))

text ‹
  This illustrates a key virtue of formalized bindings as opposed to raw
  specifications of base names: the system can use this additional information
  for feedback given to the user (error messages etc.).

  The following example refers to its source position directly, which is
  occasionally useful for experimentation and diagnostic purposes:

ML_command warning ("Look here" ^ )
