Karen Sparck Jones

M. Masterman, R.M. Needham, K. Sparck Jones and B. Mayoh,
``Agricola incurvo terram dimovit aratro'', Cambridge Language Research Unit, Report (ML84) ML92, 1957. Reprinted with a new introduction by K. Sparck Jones, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1986; this reprinted in M. Masterman, Language, Cohesion and Form, (Ed. Y. Wilks), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.)

M. Masterman, R.M. Needham and K. Sparck Jones,
``The analogy between mechanical translation and library retrieval'', Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific Information (1958), National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1959, Vol. 2, 917-935.

K. Sparck Jones, R.M. Needham and A.H.J. Miller,
``The information retrieval system of the Cambridge Language Research Unit'', Cambridge Language Research Unit, Report ML 109, 1960.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Mechanised semantic classification'', Proceedings of the 1961 International Conference on Machine Translation and Applied Language Analysis, London: HMSO, 1962, Vol. 2, 417-433.

K. Sparck Jones,
Synonymy and Semantic Classification, Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 1964; Cambridge Language Research Unit, Report ML 170, 1964; Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1986.

K. Sparck Jones and R.M. Needham,
``Keywords and clumps'', Journal of Documentation, 20, 1964, 5-15. (Reprinted in Theory of Subject Analysis, (Ed. L.M. Chan, P.A. Richmond and E. Svenonius), Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1985.)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Experiments in semantic classification'', Mechanical Translation, 8, 1965, 97-112.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Semantic markers'', Cambridge Language Research Unit, Report ML 181, 1965.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Semantic classes and semantic message forms'', Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-related Semantic Analysis (1965), Wayne State University, 1966, X1-X17.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Current work on automatic classification for information retrieval'', T.A. Informations, No. 2, 1967, 92-96.

K. Sparck Jones and D.M. Jackson,
``Current approaches to classification and clump-finding at the Cambridge Language Research Unit'', The Computer Journal, 10, 1967, 29-37.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Dictionary circles'', System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, Report TM-3304, 1967.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Notes on semantic discourse structure'', System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, Report SP-2714, 1967.

K. Sparck Jones and D.M. Jackson,
``Some experiments in the use of automatically-obtained term clusters for information retrieval'', (Proceedings of the FID/IFIP Conference on Mechanised Information Storage, Retrieval and Dissemination (1967)), Mechanised Information Storage, Retrieval and Dissemination, (Ed. K. Samuelson), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1968, 203-212.

K. Sparck Jones and R.M. Needham,
``Automatic term classifications and retrieval'', (Proceedings of the First Cranfield International Conference on Mechanised Information Storage and Retrieval Systems (1967)), Information Storage and Retrieval, 4, 1968, 91-100.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Automatic term classification and information retrieval'', Information Processing 68: Proceedings of IFIP Congress 1968, (Ed. A.J.H. Morrell), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1969, 1290-1295.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Some thoughts on classification for retrieval'', Journal of Documentation, 26, 1970, 89-101. (Reprinted in Journal of Documentation, 61, 2005, 571-581.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Automatic thesaurus construction and the relation of a thesaurus to indexing terms'', Aslib Proceedings, 22, 1970, 26-28.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Computers and information'', in (Proceedings of the Girton College Symposium on Computer Science (1969)), Computer Science, special issue of the Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 6(1), 1970, 4-7.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Some problems arising in computer studies of lexical fields'', Actes du Congres International des Linguistes (1967), Bucarest: Academie de la Republique Socialiste de Roumanie, 1970, 577-582.

K. Sparck Jones,
``The evaluation of archaeological classifications'', in (Proceedings of the Colloque International sur l'Archeologie et les Calculateurs (1969)), Archeologie et Calculateurs: Problemes Semiologiques et Mathematiques, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1970, 245-276.

K. Sparck Jones and D.M. Jackson,
``The use of automatically-obtained keyword classifications for information retrieval'', Information Storage and Retrieval, 5, 1970, 175-201.

K. Sparck Jones,
Automatic Keyword Classification for Information Retrieval, London: Butterworths, 1971.

K. Sparck Jones,
``The theory of clumps'', Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, (Ed. A. Kent and H. Lancour), New York: Marcel Dekker, Vol. 5, 1971, 208-224. (Reprinted in Subject and Information Analysis, (Ed. E.D. Dym), New York: Marcel Dekker, 1985.)

K. Sparck Jones and E.O. Barber,
``What makes an automatic keyword classification effective?'', Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 22, 1971, 166-175.

K. Sparck Jones and M. Kay,
``Automated language processing'', in Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, (Ed. C.A. Cuadra), Vol. 6, Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1971, 141-166.

K. Sparck Jones,
``A statistical interpretation of term specificity and its application in retrieval'', Journal of Documentation, 28, 1972, 11-21. (Reprinted in Key Papers in Information Science, (Ed. B.C. Griffith), American Society for Information Science, 1980, in Document Retrieval Systems, (Ed. P. Willett), London: Taylor Graham, 1988, and in Journal of Documentation, 60, 2004, 493-502.) pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Some thesauric history'', Aslib Proceedings, 24, 1972, 400-411.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Collection properties influencing automatic term classification performance'', Information Storage and Retrieval, 9, 1973, 499-513.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Does indexing exhaustivity matter?'', Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 24, 1973, 313-316.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Index term weighting'', Information Storage and Retrieval, 9, 1973, 619-633.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Index term frequency and quartile deletion'', Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 24, 1973, 166-167.

J.L. Cutbill and K. Sparck Jones,
``The needs of the pseudo-pro'', (Proceedings of the Universities Computer Services Management Conference (1972)), Software - Practice and Experience, 3, 1973, 83-86.

K. Sparck Jones and M. Kay,
Linguistics and Information Science, New York: Academic Press, 1973.

C.J. van Rijsbergen and K. Sparck Jones,
``A test for the separation of relevant and non-relevant documents in experimental retrieval collections'', Journal of Documentation, 29, 1973, 251-257.

K. Sparck Jones,
Automatic indexing 1974: a state of the art review, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1974 (OSTI Report 5193).

K. Sparck Jones,
``Automatic indexing'', Journal of Documentation, 30, 1974, 393-432. (Reprinted in Progress in Documentation: Some Themes and Topics, London: Aslib, 1981.)

K. Sparck Jones,
``A performance yardstick for test collections'', Journal of Documentation, 31, 1975, 266-272.

K. Sparck Jones and C.J. van Rijsbergen,
Report on the need for and provision of an 'ideal' information retrieval test collection, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1975 (BL R&D Report 5266).

K. Sparck Jones,
``Automatic classification'', in Classification in the 1970's: A Second Look, (Ed. A. Maltby), London: Bingley, 1976, 209-225.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Classification with a purpose'', paper read to The Classification Society, 1976; summary in The Classification Society Bulletin, 3(4), 1976, 96-97.

(K. Sparck Jones and M. Kay,
Linguistik und informationswissenschaft: translation of Linguistics and Information Science, Munich: Verlag Dokumentation, 1976.)

K. Sparck Jones and C.J. van Rijsbergen,
``Information retrieval test collections'', Journal of Documentation, 32, 1976, 59-75.

S.E. Robertson and K. Sparck Jones,
``Relevance weighting of search terms'', Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 27, 1976, 129-146. (Reprinted in Document Retrieval Systems, (Ed. P. Willett), London: Taylor Graham, 1988.)

K. Sparck Jones and R.G. Bates,
Report on a design study for the `ideal' information retrieval test collection, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1977 (BL R&D Report 5428).

K. Sparck Jones and R.G. Bates,
Research on automatic indexing 1974-1976, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2 vols., 1977 (BL R&D Report 5464).

K. Sparck Jones and M. Kay,
``Linguistics and information science: after five years'', in Natural Language in Information Science, (Ed. D.E. Walker, H. Karlgren and M. Kay), Stockholm: Skriptor,1977, 183-192.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Artificial intelligence: what can it offer information retrieval'', (Proceedings of Informatics 3 (1975)), Informatics 3, (Ed. K.P. Jones and V. Horsnell), London: Aslib, 1978, 3-11.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Performance averaging for recall and precision'', Journal of Informatics, 2, 1978, 95-105, 145.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Modern on-line systems: challenges to research'', (Proceedings of the ACM-SIGIR International Conference on Information Storage and Retrieval (1978)), ACM SIGIR Forum, 13(3), 1979, 15-25.

K. Sparck Jones,
``The role of automatic indexing in operational on-line retrieval systems'', (Proceedings of FID Congress(1978)), New Trends in Documentation and Information, (Ed. P.J. Taylor), London: Aslib, 1980, 33-38.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Experiments in relevance weighting of search terms'', Information Processing and Management, 15, 1979, 133-144. (Reprinted in Key Papers in Information Science, (Ed. B.C. Griffith), American Society forInformation Science, 1980.)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Search term relevance weighting given little relevance information'', Journal of Documentation, 35, 1979, 30-48. (Reprinted in Readings in Information Retrieval, (Ed. K. Sparck Jones and P. Willett), San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Intelligent automatic information retrieval'', BCS 79 Living with Computing Conference, 1979; Journal of Informatics, 3, 1979, 75-88.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Problems in the representation of meaning in document retrieval'', (Proceedings of Informatics 5 (1979)), The Analysis of Meaning : Informatics 5, (Ed. M. MacCafferty and K. Gray), London: Aslib, 1979, 193-201.

H. Gilbert and K. Sparck Jones,
Statistical bases of relevance assessment for the `ideal' information retrieval test collection, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1979 (BL R&D Report 5481).

K. Sparck Jones,
``Statistically-based document indexing'', Skrifter om Anvendt og Matematisk Lingvistik, 6, 1980, 79-93.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Search term relevance weighting - some recent results'', (Seventh Cranfield International Conference on Mechanised Information Storage and Retrieval Systems (1979)), Journal of Information Science, 1, 1980, 325-332.

K. Sparck Jones and C.A. Webster,
Research on relevance weighting 1976 -1979, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1980 (BL R&D Report 5553).

K. Sparck Jones (Editor),
Information Retrieval Experiment, London: Butterworths, 1981.
OCR version available in IRLIB at
http://www.nist.gov/itl/div894/894.02/projects/irlib (visited in 2000)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Retrieval system tests 1958 - 1978'' and ``The Cranfield tests'', in Information Retrieval Experiment, (Ed. K. Sparck Jones), London: Butterworths, 1981, 213-255 and 256-284.

B.K. Boguraev and K. Sparck Jones,
``A general semantic analyser for data base access'', IJCAI-81, Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1981, 443-445.

B.K. Boguraev and K. Sparck Jones,
``A natural language analyser for database access'', Information Technology: Research and Development, 1, 1981, 23-39.

M.F. Porter and K. Sparck Jones,
Gosling (a system manual), Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1982.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language access to databases: some questions and a specific approach'', Journal of Information Science, 4, 1982, 41-48.

B.K. Boguraev and K. Sparck Jones,
``Steps towards natural language to data language translation using general semantic information'', ECAI-82, 1982 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1982, 232-233.

B.K. Boguraev, K. Sparck Jones and J.I. Tait,
``Compound nouns: a problem for inference'', Conference on Language, Reasoning and Inference, School of Epistemics, University of Edinburgh, 1982, 59-61.

K. Sparck Jones,
``So what about parsing compound nouns?'', in Automatic Natural Language Parsing, Proceedings of a Workshop, (Ed. K. Sparck Jones and Y. Wilks), Cognitive Studies Centre Memo No. 10, University of Essex, 1982; and in Automatic Natural Language Parsing, (Ed. K. Sparck Jones and Y. Wilks), Chichester: Ellis Horwood, 1983, 164-168.

K. Sparck Jones,
Intelligent knowledge based systems: Papers for the Alvey Committee, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1982.

K. Sparck Jones,
``UK initiatives on intelligent knowledge based systems'', AISB Quarterly, No. 45, 1982, 23-25.

B.K. Boguraev and K. Sparck Jones,
``How to drive a database front end using general semantic information'', Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, ACL, 1983, 81-88.

K. Sparck Jones and Y. Wilks (Editors),
Automatic Natural Language Parsing, Chichester: Ellis Horwood, 1983.

Y. Wilks and K. Sparck Jones,
``Introduction: a little light history``, in Automatic Natural Language Parsing, (Ed. K. Sparck Jones and Y.Wilks), Chichester: Ellis Horwood, 1983, 11-21.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Intelligent retrieval'', (Proceedings of Informatics 7 (1983)), Informatics 7, (Ed. K. Jones), London: Aslib, 1983, 136-142.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Shifting meaning representations'', IJCAI-83, Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1983, 621-623.

B.K. Boguraev and K. Sparck Jones,
``A natural language front end to databases with evaluative feedback'', (ICOD-2 Workshop on New Applications of Databases (1983)), in New Applications of Databases, (Ed. E. Gardarin and E. Gelenbe), London: Academic Press, 1984, 159-182.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Proposals for R&D in intelligent knowledge based systems (IKBS)'', titled as Expert Systems and the IKBS Programme, Logica Technology Seminar, 1983; Journal of Information Science, 8, 1984, 139-147.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Compound noun interpretation problems'', (SERC/CREST Course on Computer Speech Processing (1983)), in Computer Speech Processing, (Ed. F. Fallside and W.A. Woods), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1985, 363-381.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Programmes in advanced information technology'', Journal of Documentation, 39, 1983, 85-87

J.I. Tait and K. Sparck Jones,
Automatic search term variant generation for document retrieval, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1983 (BL R&D Report 5793).

K. Sparck Jones and J.I. Tait,
``Automatic search term variant generation'', Journal of Documentation, 40, 1984, 50-66.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language and databases, again'', (Panel Introduction), COLING 84, 1984, 182-183.

K. Sparck Jones and J.I. Tait,
``Linguistically motivated descriptive term selection'', COLING 84, 1984, 287-290.

K. Sparck Jones,
User models and expert systems, Technical Report 61, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1984.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language processing'', video, The Alvey Tapes, Open University, 1984; text version ``Natural language processing'', in Intelligent Knowledge Based Systems: an Introduction, (Ed. T. O'Shea, J. Self and G. Thomas), London: Harper and Row, 1987, 175-196.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language interfaces for expert systems: an introductory note'', (Expert Systems 84 (1984)), in Research and Development in Expert Systems, (Ed. M.A. Bramer), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, 85-94.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Issues in user modelling for expert systems'', Proceedings of AISB-85, 1985, 177-186. (Reprinted in Artificial Intelligence and its Applications, (Ed. A.G. Cohn and J.R. Thomas), Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1986.)

B.K. Boguraev and K. Sparck Jones,
A framework for inference in natural language front ends to databases, Technical Report 64, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1985.

P. Brooks and K. Sparck Jones,
Menunet: using index menus to enhance access to system utilities, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1985.

K. Sparck Jones,
Synonymy and Semantic Classification, (thesis, 1964), Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1986.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Twenty years later: a review'', additional chapter in Synonymy and Semantic Classification, (thesis, 1964), Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1986, 1-12.

B. Grosz, K. Sparck Jones and B. Webber (Editors),
Readings in Natural Language Processing, Los Altos CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 1986.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Linguistic theory and beyond'', in Alvey/ICL Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Computer Applications, Transcripts, Report 86/2, Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST, 1986; and in Linguistic Theory and Computer Applications, (Ed. P.J. Whitelock et al.), London: Academic Press, 1987, 287-312.

B.K. Boguraev, A.A. Copestake and K. Sparck Jones,
``Inference in natural language front ends for databases'', in Data and Knowledge (DS-2) (Proceedings of the Second IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Database Semantics, `Data and Knowledge' (DS-2) (1986)), (Ed. R.A. Meersman and A.C. Sernadas), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988, 41-70.

H. Alshawi, R.C. Moore, S.G. Pulman and K. Sparck Jones,
Feasibility study for a research programme in natural-language processing, Final Report Project ECC-1437, SRI International Computer Science Research Centre, Cambridge, 1986.

K. Sparck Jones,
``What sort of a thing is an AI experiment?'', (Workshop on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (1986)), in The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence: A Source Book, (Ed. D. Partridge and Y. Wilks), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, 267-281. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Architecture problems in the construction of expert systems in document retrieval'', (AI-IR Seminar (1986)), in Knowledge Engineering: Expert Systems and Information Retrieval, (Ed. I. Wormell), London: Taylor Graham, 1987, 7-33. (Republished under the title ``Intelligent interfaces for information retrieval: architecture problems in the construction of expert systems in document retrieval'', (Silver Jubilee Conference of The City University's Department of Information Science (1987)), in Future Trends in Information Science and Technology, (Ed. P.A. Yates-Mercer), London: Taylor Graham, 1988.)

K. Sparck Jones,
``They say it's a new sort of engine: but the SUMP's still there'', TINLAP-3, Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing-3, 1987, 119-122; and in Theoretical issues in natural language processing, (Ed. Y. Wilks), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989, 136-140. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Information retrieval'', Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, (Ed. S.C. Shapiro), New York: Wiley, 1987, 419-421.

K. Sparck Jones and B.K. Boguraev,
``A note on a study of cases'', Computational Linguistics, 13, 1987, 65-68. pdf

B.K. Boguraev and K. Sparck Jones,
Material concerning a study of cases, Technical Report 118, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1987.

N.J. Belkin and others, including K. Sparck Jones.
``Distributed expert-based information systems" an interdisciplinary approach'', Information Processing and Management, 23, 1987, 395-409.

K. Sparck Jones,
``User models, discourse models, and some others'', Computational Linguistics, 14 (3), 1988, 98-100. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Robust, cooperative, and transportable natural language front ends to databases'', in Information Technology in Indian Languages (Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India (1988)), (Ed. S.V. Raghavan and S. Venkatasubramanian), Delhi: Macmillan India, 1988. (Reprinted in Computer Science and Informatics 18 (2), 1989, 21-28.) pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Fashionable trends and feasible strategies in information management'', (RIAO 88 (1988)), Information Processing and Management, 24, 1988, 703-711. pdf

A. Copestake and K. Sparck Jones,
``A database front end design (Alvey Project IKBS 019: Natural Language Processing)'', AISB Quarterly, No 65, Summer 1988, 16-17.

K. Sparck Jones,
``A look back and a look forward'', 11th International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, ACM-SIGIR, 1988, 13-29. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Realism about user modelling'', in User Models in Dialogue Systems, (Ed. A. Kobsa and W. Wahlster), Berlin: Springer, 1989, 341-363. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Tailoring output to the user: what does user modelling in generation mean?'', in Natural Language Generation in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics, (Ed. C.L. Paris, W.R. Swartout and W.C. Mann), Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1991, 201-225. pdf

A. Copestake and K. Sparck Jones,
Inference in a natural language front end for databases, Technical Report 163, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1989.

A. Copestake and K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language interfaces to databases'', Knowledge Engineering Review, 5, 1990, 225-249.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Retrieving information or answering questions?'' (The British Library Annual Research Lecture 1989), London: The British Library, 1990. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``What exactly should we look to AI, and NLP especially, for?'', (AAAI Spring Symposium on Text-Based Intelligent Systems (1990)), in Text-Based Intelligent Systems: Current Research in Text Analysis, Information Extraction, and Retrieval, (Ed. P.S. Jacobs), Report 90CRD198, General Electric R & D Centre, Schenectady NY, 1990, 35-37. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``What's in a user?'' AAAI-90, Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1990, 1140-41.

K. Sparck Jones,
``The role of artificial intelligence in information retrieval'', Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 42, 1991, 558-565. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Notes and references on early classification work'', ACM SIGIR Forum, 25(1), 1991, 10-17. pdf

P. Gladwin, S.G. Pulman and K. Sparck Jones,
Shallow processing and automatic summarising: a first study, Technical Report 223, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1991.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Summarising: a testbed for studying discourse structure'' and ``Discourse modelling: where are we now and where should we be going?'', Working Notes: AAAI Fall Symposium on Discourse Structure in Natural Language Understanding and Generation, 1991, 112-113 and 142-145.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language processing: an overview'' and ``System architectures``, in International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, (Ed. W. Bright), New York: Oxford University Press, 1992, 53-55 and 118-120.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Information retrieval'', Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Ed, (Ed. S.C. Shapiro), New York: John Wiley, 1992, 684-690.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Thesaurus'', Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Ed, (Ed. S.C. Shapiro), New York: John Wiley, 1992, 1605-1613.

A. Cawsey, J. Galliers, S. Reece and K. Sparck Jones,
``Automating the librarian: belief revision as a base for system action and communication with the user'', The Computer Journal, 35, 1992, 221-232. pdf

A. Cawsey, J. Galliers, S. Reece and K. Sparck Jones,
Automating the librarian: a fundamental approach using belief revision, Technical Report 243, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1992.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Assumptions and issues in text-based retrieval'', in Text-based Intelligent Systems, (Ed. P.S. Jacobs), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1992, 157-177. pdf

A. Cawsey, J. Galliers, S. Reece and K. Sparck Jones,
``A comparison of architectures for autonomous multi-agent communication'', ECAI-92, 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (Ed. B. Neumann), 1992, 249-251.

A. Cawsey, J. Galliers, S. Reece and K. Sparck Jones,
``The role of explanations in collaborative problem solving'', ECAI Workshop on Improving the Use of Knowledge-Based Systems with Explanations, 1992.

A. Cawsey, J. Galliers, S. Reece and K. Sparck Jones,
``Conflict and cooperation in a heterogeneous system'', AAAI Workshop on Cooperation among Heterogeneous Intelligent Systems, 1992, 17-23.

A. Cawsey, J. Galliers, S. Reece and K. Sparck Jones,
``Belief revision in human computer dialogue for information retrieval'', AISB Quarterly No 81, 1992, 26-29.

A. Cawsey, J. Galliers, B. Logan, S. Reece and K. Sparck Jones,
``Revising beliefs and intentions: a unified framework for agent interaction'', Prospects for Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of AISB Conference, 1993, (Ed. A. Sloman et al), Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1993, 130-139.

J.R. Galliers and K. Sparck Jones,
Evaluating natural language processing systems, Technical Report 291, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1993.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Discourse modelling for automatic summarising'', (Technical Report 290, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1993), Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague (Prague Linguistic Circle Papers), New Series, Volume 1, 1995, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 201-227.

D.D. Lewis and K. Sparck Jones,
Natural language processing for information retrieval, Technical Report 307, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1993.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Document retrieval and text retrieval'', Human Language Technology, (Ed. M. Bates) (Proceedings of the ARPA Workshop, 1993), San Francisco CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 1993, 347-348.

K. Sparck Jones,
``How do I centre large-scale text structure?'' Workshop on Centering in Naturally-Occurring Discourse, IRCS, University of Pennsylvania, 1993.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Summarising as a lever for studying large-scale discourse structure'', ACL Workshop on Intentionality and Structure in Discourse Relations, Columbus, OH, 1993, 125-127.

K. Sparck Jones,
``What might be in a summary?'', Information Retrieval 93: Von der Modellierung zur Anwendung, (Ed. G. Knorz, J. Krause and C. Womser-Hacker), Konstanz: Universitatsverlag Konstanz), 1993, 9-26.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/ftp/papers/ksj/ksj-whats-in-a-summary.ps.gz) ps

K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language processing: a historical review'', in Current Issues in Computational Linguistics: in Honour of Don Walker, (Ed. A. Zampolli, N. Calzolari and M. Palmer), Amsterdam: Kluwer, 1994, 3-16.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Towards better NLP system evaluation'', Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Workshop, 1994, (ARPA), San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1994, 102-107.
(via http:/www.cl.cam.ac.uk/ftp/papers/ksj/ksj-towards-better-nlp-evaluation.dvi.gz) ps

B. Logan, S. Reece, A. Cawsey, J. Galliers and K. Sparck Jones,
Belief revision and dialogue management in information retrieval: a computational study, Technical Report 339, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1994.

B. Endres-Niggemeyer, J. Hobbs and K. Sparck Jones (Editors),
Summarising Text for Intelligent Communication, Dagstuhl Seminar Report 79, 13.12-17.12.93 (9350), IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany, 1995.
(Full version: via http://www.bid.fh-hannover.de/SimSum/Abstract/)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Summarising: analytic framework, key component, experimental method'', in Summarising Text for Intelligent Communication, (Ed. B. Endres-Niggemeyer, J. Hobbs and K. Sparck Jones), Dagstuhl Seminar Report 79, 13.12-17.12.93 (9350), 1995.
(Report Full version: via http://www.bid.fh-hannover.de/SimSum/Abstract/)

B. Logan, S. Reece and K. Sparck Jones,
``Modelling information retrieval agents with belief revision'', SIGIR 94, Proceedings of the 17th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, (London: Springer-Verlag), 1994, 91-100.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Finding the information wood in the natural language trees'', video, (Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, 1994), University Video Communications, Stanford, 1995.

G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
Video mail retrieval using voice: Report on keyword definition and data collection, Technical Report 335, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1994.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Summarisation'', in Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology, (Ed. R.A. Cole et al), 1996,
via http://www.cse.ogi.edu/CSLU/HLTsurvey/
and in Survey ..., (Ed. R.A. Cole et al), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, 232-235.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Reflections on TREC'', Information Processing and Management 31, 1995, 291-314.
(Technical Report 347, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge,
via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)
(Reprinted in From Classification to `Knowledge Organisation'. Dorking Revisited or `Past is Prelude', (Ed. A. Gilchrist), FID 714, The Hague: Federation International de Documentation, 1997.) pdf

M.G. Brown, J.T. Foote, G.J.F. Jones, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
``Video mail retrieval by voice: an overview of the Cambridge/Olivetti retrieval system'', Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 94: Workshop on Multimedia Database Management Systems, 1994, 47-55.
(via ftp.cam-orl.co.uk/pub/docs/ORL/tr.94.8.ps.Z)

G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, K. Sparck Jones and S.J.Young,
``Video mail retrieval: the effect of word spotting accuracy on precision'', ICASSP-95, Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 1995, pp I-(309-312).
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Video_Mail_Retrieval_Voice/)

S.E. Robertson and K. Sparck Jones,
Simple, proven approaches to text retrieval, Technical Report 356, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1994; updated 1996, 1997, 2006.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)

K. Sparck Jones and B. Endres-Niggemeyer,
``Introduction: Automatic summarising'', Editors' introduction to the special issue on summarising text, Information Processing and Management, 31, 1995, 625-630.

K. Sparck Jones, J.T. Foote, G.J.F. Jones and S.J. Young,
``Spoken document retrieval- a multimedia tool'', Fourth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval, Information Science Research Institute, University of Nevada Las Vegas, 1995, 1-11. ps

K. Sparck Jones,
``Comparison between TREC2 and TREC3'', Appendix C in Overview of the Third Text REtrieval Conference, (Ed. D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-225, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 1995, C1-C4.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Testing predictions: its all a matter of experiment'', video, in 30 Years of Information Retrieval at Cornell: A SMART Celebration, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, 1995.

K. Sparck Jones, G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote and S.J. Young,
Retrieving spoken documents: VMR Project experiments, Technical Report 366, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1995.

J.T. Foote, M.G. Brown, G.J.F. Jones, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
``Video mail retrieval by voice: towards intelligent retrieval and browsing of multimedia documents'', Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Intelligence and Modality in Intelligent Interfaces, 1995.
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Video_Mail_Retrieval_Voice/)

M.G. Brown, J.T. Foote, G.J.F. Jones, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
``Automatic content-based retrieval of broadcast news'', ACM Multimedia '95, 1995, 35-43.
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Video_Mail_Retrieval_Voice/)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language processing: she needs something old and something new (maybe something borrowed and something blue, too)'', Presidential Address, Association for Computational Linguistics, June 1994; published electronically (1995) by the ACL,
via http://www.cs.columbia.edu/acl
and by the Computatation and Language E-Print Archive,
now via http://arxiv.org/abs/cmp-lg/9512004 ps

J.T. Foote, G.J.F. Jones, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
``Talker-independent keyword spotting for information retrieval'', Proceedings of Eurospeech 95, ESCA, 1995, Vol. 3, 2145-2148.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Spoken document retrieval'', video, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1995.

K. Sparck Jones,
Contributor to Crouch, R., Gaizauskas, R and Netter, K. Report of the Study Group on Assessment and Evaluation, 1995; published electronically,
via http://xxx.lanl.gov/cmp-lg/9601003

D.D. Lewis and K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language processing for information retrieval'', Communications of the ACM 39 (1), 1996, 92-101. (Reprinted in From Classification to `Knowledge Organisation'. Dorking Revisited or `Past is Prelude', (Ed. A. Gilchrist), FID 714, The Hague: Federation International de Documentation, 1997.) pdf

K. Sparck Jones and J.R. Galliers,
Evaluating Natural Language Processing Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1083, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1996.

K. Sparck Jones, G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote and S.J. Young,
``Experiments in spoken document retrieval'', Information Processing and Management, 32, 1996, 399-417. (Reprinted in Readings in Information Retrieval, (Ed. K. Sparck Jones and P. Willett), San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.)

with G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote and S.J. Young,
``Robust talker-independent audio document retrieval'', ICASSP-96, Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 1, 1996, 311-314

G.J.F. Jones, J.T, Foote, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
``Video mail retrieval using voice: an overview of the Stage 2 system'', (MIRO '95 Workshop), in Multimedia Information Retrieval, Glasgow 1995, (Ed. I. Ruthven), Electronic Workshops in Computing, Berlin: Springer, 1996; published electronically,
via http://www.springer.co.uk/eWiC/Introduction.html

G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
``The Video Mail Project: experiences in retrieving spoken documents'', in Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval, (Ed. M.T. Maybury), Menlo Park CA: AAAI Press, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1997, 191-214.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Foreword" to Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval, (Ed. M.T. Maybury), Menlo Park CA: AAAI Press, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1997, xi-xiv.

G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
``Retrieving spoken documents by combining multiple index sources'', SIGIR 96, Proceedings of 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 1996, 30-38. Best Paper Award.

M.G. Brown, J.T. Foote, G.J.F. Jones, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
``Open-vocabulary speech indexing for voice and video mail retrieval'', ACM Multimedia '96, 1996, 307-316. Best Paper Award. (Reprinted in Readings in Multimedia Computing and Networking, (Ed. K. Jaffay and H.J. Zhang), San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.)

G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
Video mail retrieval using voice: report on collection of naturalistic requests and relevance assessments, Technical Report 402, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1996.

S.J. Young, M.G. Brown, J.T. Foote, G.J.F. Jones and K. Sparck Jones,
``Acoustic indexing for multimedia retrieval and browsing'', ICASSP-97, Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 1, 1997, 199-202.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Summary performance comparisons: TREC-2, TREC-3, TREC-4'', Appendix C in The Fourth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-4), (Ed. D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-236, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 1996, C1-C5.

K. Sparck Jones,
``How much has information technology contributed to linguistics?'', in Information Technology and Scholarship, (Ed. T. Coppock), London: The British Academy, 1999, 109-127.
(via http://xxx.lanl.gov/cmp-lg/9702011) pdf

K. Sparck Jones and P. Willett (Editors),
Readings in Information Retrieval, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.

E. Voorhees, J. Garofolo and K. Sparck Jones,
``The TREC-6 spoken document retrieval track'', Proceedings of the DARPA Speech Recognition Workshop, February 2-5 1997, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1997, 155-159.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Summary performance comparisons: TREC-2, TREC-3, TREC-4, TREC-5'', in The Fifth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-5), (Ed. E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-238. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 1997, B1-B6.

K. Sparck Jones,
``What is the role of NLP in text retrieval?'', in Natural Language Information Retrieval, (Ed. T. Strzalkowski), Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1999, 1-24. pdf

J.T. Foote, S.J. Young, G.J.F. Jones and K. Sparck Jones,
``Unconstrained keyword spotting using phone lattices with application to spoken document retrieval'', Computer Speech and Language, 11, 1997, 207-224.

K. Sparck Jones,
``The way forward in information retrieval'', Elsnews 6.3, 1997, 12-13.

G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, K. Sparck Jones and S.J. Young,
Video mail retrieval using voice: report on topic spotting, (Deliverable Report on VMR Task No 6), Technical Report 430, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1997.

S. Walker, S.E. Robertson, M. Boughanem, G.J.F. Jones and K. Sparck Jones,
``Okapi at TREC-6: automatic ad hoc, VLC, routing, filtering and QSDR'', The Sixth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-6), (Ed. E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-240, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 1998, 125-136.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Summary performance comparisons: TREC-2, TREC-3, TREC-4, TREC-5, TREC-6'', in The Sixth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-6), (Ed. E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-240. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 1998, B1-B8.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Automatic summarising: factors and directions'', in Advances in Automatic Text Summarisation, (Ed. I. Mani and M.T. Maybury), Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1999, 1-12.
(via http://xxx.lanl.gov/cmp-lg/9805011) pdf

J.S. Garofolo, E.M. Voorhees, V.M. Stanford and K. Sparck Jones,
``TREC-6 1997 spoken document retrieval track; overview and results'', Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop, February 8-11 1998, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1998, 166-174.

K. Sparck Jones, S. Walker and S.E. Robertson,
A probabilistic model of information retrieval : development and status, Technical Report 446, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1998.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)

K. Sparck Jones,
``R.H. Richens: translation in the NUDE'', in Early Years in Machine Translation, (Ed. W.J. Hutchins), Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2000, 263-278. pdf

S.E. Johnson, P. Jourlin, G.L. Moore, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``Spoken document retrieval for TREC-7 at Cambridge University'', The Seventh Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-7), (Ed. E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-242, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 1999, 191-200.
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Multimedia_Document_Retrieval/)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Summary performance comparisons, TREC-2 through TREC-7'', in The Seventh Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-7), (Ed. E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-242, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 1999, B1-B6.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Information retrieval: how far will really simple methods take you?'', TWLT 14, Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, (Ed. D. Hiemstra, F. de Jong and K. Netter), Twente Workshop on Language Technology, Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands, 1998, 71-78. ps

K. Sparck Jones,
``Further reflections on TREC'', Information Processing and Management, 36, 2000, 37-85. pdf

S.E. Johnson, P. Jourlin, G.L. Moore, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``The Cambridge University spoken document retrieval system'', ICASSP-99, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol 1, 49-52.
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Multimedia_Document_Retrieval/)

K. Sparck Jones (Compiler),
``A brief, informal history of the Computer Laboratory'', prepared for EDSAC 99, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1999.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Information retrieval and artificial intelligence'', Artificial Intelligence, 114 (1-2), 1999, 257-281. ps

P. Jourlin, S.E. Johnson, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``General query expansion techniques for spoken document retrieval'', Accessing Information in Spoken Audio, Proceedings of the ESCA ETRW Workshop, April 1999, 8-13.
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Multimedia_Document_Retrieval/)

P. Robinson and K. Sparck Jones (Editors),
EDSAC 99, Souvenir Booklet, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1999.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/)

P. Jourlin, S.E. Johnson, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``Improving retrieval on imperfect speech transcriptions'', [poster], SIGIR 99, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 1999, 283-284.
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Multimedia_Document_Retrieval/)

K. Sparck Jones,
``IR lessons for AI'' (extended abstract). IEE Seminar 99/199 on Searching for information: artificial intelligence and information retrieval approaches, Glasgow, 1999, 7/1-3.

K. Sparck Jones, G. Gazdar and R. Needham (Editors),
``Computers, language and speech: formal theories and statistical data'', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Vol. 358, Number 1769, 2000, 1225-1431.

K. Sparck Jones, G. Gazdar and R. Needham,
``Introduction: combining formal theories and statistical data in natural language processing'', ``Computers, language and speech: formal theories and statistical data'', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Vol. 358, Number 1769, 2000, 1225-1238. pdf

S.E. Johnson, P. Jourlin, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``Spoken document retrieval for TREC-8 at Cambridge University'' The Eighth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-8), (Ed. E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-246, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 2000, 197-206.
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Multimedia_Document_Retrieval/)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Summary performance comparisons, TREC-2 through TREC-8'', in The Eigthth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-8), (Ed. E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-246, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 2000, B-1 - B-5.

P. Jourlin, S.E. Johnson, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``Spoken document representations for probabilistic retrieval'', Speech Communication, 32, 2000, 21-36.

K. Sparck Jones, S. Walker and S.E. Robertson,
``A probabilistic model of information retrieval: development and comparative experiments. Parts 1 and 2'', Information Processing and Management, 36 (6), 2000, 779-808 and 809-840. pt1ps pt2ps

S.E, Johnson, P. Jourlin, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``Audio indexing and retrieval of complete broadcast news shows'', RIAO '2000, Content-Based Multimedia Information Access, Conference Proceedings, Paris: Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire (CID), 2000, 1163-1177.
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Multimedia_Document_Retrieval/)

A. Tuerk, S.E, Johnson, P. Jourlin, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``The Cambridge University Multimedia Document Retrieval Demo System'', RIAO '2000, Content-Based Multimedia Information Access, Conference Proceedings, Paris: Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire (CID), 2000, Vol. 3, Applications, 14-15.
(via http://www-svr.eng.cam.ac.uk/Research/Projects/Multimedia_Document_Retrieval/)

P.C. Woodland, S.E. Johnson, K. Sparck Jones and P. Jourlin: ``Effects of out of vocabulary words in spoken document retrieval'', [poster], SIGIR 2000, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2000, 372-374.

A. Tuerk, S.E, Johnson, P. Jourlin, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``The Cambridge University Multimedia Document Retrieval Demo System'', [demo], SIGIR 2000, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2000, 394.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Automatic language and information processing: rethinking evaluation'', Natural Language Engineering, 7, 2001, 1-18. pdf

S.E. Johnson, P. Jourlin, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``Spoken document retrieval for TREC-9 at Cambridge University'', The Ninth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-9), (Ed. E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman), NIST Special Publication 500-249, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 2001, 117-126.

S.E. Johnson, P. Jourlin, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``Information retrieval from unsegmented broadcast news audio'', International Journal of Speech Technology, 4, 2001, 251-268. ps

A. Tuerk, S.E. Johnson, P. Jourlin, K. Sparck Jones and P.C. Woodland,
``The Cambridge University multimedia document retrieval demo system'', International Journal of Speech Technology, 4, 2001, 241-250.

T. Sakai and K. Sparck Jones,
``Generic summaries for indexing in information retrieval'', SIGIR 01, Proceedings of 24th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2001, 190-198. ps

T. Sakai and K. Sparck Jones,
Generic summaries for indexing in information retrieval - detailed test results, Technical Report 513, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2001.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)

K. Sparck Jones, P. Jourlin, S.E. Johnson and P.C. Woodland,
The Cambridge multimedia document retrieval (MDR) project : summary of experiments, Technical Report 517, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2001.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Factorial summary evaluation'', Workshop on Text Summarisation, ACM SIGIR 2001 Conference, 2001.
(via http://www-nlpir.nist.gov/projects/duc/pubs/2001papers/cambridge2.pdf) ps

K. Sparck Jones,
``Natural language processing: an overview'', in International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2nd Ed, (Ed. W.D. Frawley), New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.

K. Sparck Jones and R. Gaizauskas,
``System architectures'', in International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2nd Ed, (Ed. W.D. Frawley), New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.

K. Sparck Jones,
Letter on Blair article, Information Processing and Management, 39, 2003, 156-159.

K. Sparck Jones, S. Robertson, D. Hiemstra, and H. Zaragoza,
``Language modelling and relevance'', in Language Modelling for Information Retrieval, (Ed. W.B. Croft and J. Lafferty), Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2003, 57-71. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
Computer security - a layperson's guide, from the bottom up, Technical Report 550, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2002.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)

K. Sparck Jones,
``ACL 1993-1994'', for the Association for Computational Linguistics, Reflections on 40 Years of the ACL, 2002.
(via http://www.aclweb/org/anthology/).

K. Sparck Jones,
2002 ASIST Award of Merit acceptance speech, Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 29 (3), 2003, 12-14.

K. Sparck Jones,
``Meta-reflections on TREC'', in TREC: experiment and evaluation in information retrieval, (Ed. E.M. Voorhees and D.K. Harman), Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2005, 421-448. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Document retrieval: shallow data, deep theories; historical reflections, potential directions'', Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR-03), (Ed. F. Sebastiani), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2633, Berlin: Springer, 2003, 1-11. pdf

A. Herbert and K. Sparck Jones (Editors),
Computer Systems: Papers for Roger Needham, Microsoft Research Limited, Cambridge, 2003.

S.E. Robertson and K. Sparck Jones,
``Retrieval system models: what's new?'', in Computer Systems: Papers for Roger Needham, (Ed. A. Herbert and K. Sparck Jones), Microsoft Research Limited, Cambridge, 2003, 195-199.

A. Herbert and K. Sparck Jones (Editors),
Computer Systems: Theory, Technology, and Applications. A Tribute to Roger Needham, New York: Springer, 2004.

S.E. Robertson and K. Sparck Jones,
``Retrieval system models: what's new?'', in Computer Systems: Theory, Technology, and Applications. A Tribute to Roger Needham, (Ed. A. Herbert and K. Sparck Jones), New York: Springer, 2004, 237-242. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Privacy: what's different now?'', Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 28 (4), 2003, 287-292. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Is question answering a rational task?'', Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives (Second CoLogNET-ElsNET Symposium), Ed. R. Barnardi and M. Moortgat, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, 2003, 24-35. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``IDF term weighting and IR research issues'', Journal of Documentation, 60, 2004, 521-523. (Comment on S.E. Robertson, ``On theoretical arguments for IDF weighting'', Journal of Documentation, 60, 2004, 503-520.) pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Some points in a time'', Computational Linguistics, 31, 2005, 1-14. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``What's new about the Semantic Web? Some questions'', ACM SIGIR Forum, 38 (2), December 2004, 18-23.
(via http://www.acm.org/sigir/forum/2004D-TOC.html) pdf

K. Sparck Jones (Chair),
E-resources for research in the humanities and social sciences, London: The British Academy, 2005.

R.I. Tucker and K. Sparck Jones,
Between shallow and deep: an experiment in automatic summarising, Technical Report 632, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2005.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Revisiting classification for retrieval'', Journal of Documentation, 61, 2005, 598-601.. (Comment on B. Hjörland and K.N. Pedersen, ``A substantive theory of classification for retrieval'', Journal of Documentation, 61, 2005, 598-601.) pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
Wearing proper combinations, Technical Report 655, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2005.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Collective intelligence: it's all in the numbers'', IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21 (3), 2006, 64-65. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``What's the value of TREC - is there a gap to jump or a chasm to bridge?'', SIGIR Forum, 40 (1), 2006, 10-20. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``The AI vision then and now: what does natural language processing tell us about it?'' (Summary), The Founders Forum Panel, AAAI Fellows Symposium, Celebration of 50 Years of Artificial Intelligence, July 15-16 2006, 2006. pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Information retrieval and digital libraries: lessons of research'', International Workshop on Research Issues in Digital Libraries (IWRIDL 2006), Kolkata 2006, ACM, (in press). pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Statistics and retrieval: past and future", International Conference on Computing: Theory and Applications (Platinum Jubilee Conference of the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 2007, IEEE, (in press). pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Automatic summarising: the state of the art'', Information Processing and Management, 2007, (in press). pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
Auomatic summarising: a review and discussion of the state of the art, Technical Report 679, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2007.
(via http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports/UCAM-CL-TR-table.html)

K. Sparck Jones,
``Computational linguistics: what about the linguistics'', Computational Linguistics, 2007, (in press). pdf

K. Sparck Jones,
``Semantic primitives: the tip of the iceberg'', in Words and intelligence: Part II: Essays in honour of Yorick Wilks,, (Ed. K. Ahmad, C. Brewster and M. Stevenson), Berlin: Springer, 2007 (in press). pdf

Karen Sparck-Jones 2006-11-30