Workshop on Theorem Proving in Certification

Cambridge, UK
December 6 - 7, 2010


At least two separate communities - safety and security - are exploring the use of machine-assisted theorem proving (interactive and automatic) as a method for increasing assurance that implementations meet specifications.

Certification standards play a role in influencing which methods are used, so it is important to try to ensure that the methods prescribed are effective and practical.

In the security area Common Criteria and FIPS 140 are prominent. In the safety area DO-254 (hardware) and DO-178B (software) are established standards for airborne systems, and DO-178C is being developed to reflect that "current technology trends in software code development are requiring new verification and certification approaches" (a formal methods supplement for DO-178C has been drafted).

The overall goal of the workshop is to consider how formal methods can make systems more reliable, and what value, if any, theorem proving can have in providing assurance. To this end it is hoped to explore synergies between the security and safety critical communities, to contribute to research agendas, and to provide sound arguments that are useful for promoting formal methods and theorem proving.

The aim is to bring together participants from both the safety and security assurance communities to share experiences and discuss common problems. We hope that the majority of participants will have familiarity with some theorem proving technology and would like to see its role in critical systems better appreciated. In addition, we hope to have a number of observers who might be less expert technically, but who are interested in the area and can contribute to the general discussions.

A lasting outcome of the workshop would be a web page summarising its results and linking to relevant papers and documents. A post workshop position paper is a possible additional result. It is hoped that the results of the workshop will be useful to:

Format and schedule

The workshop will take place on December 6-7, 2010 in Cambridge, UK at the University Centre.

The workshop is free, but participants will need to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

Some hotel information can be found on this map and at Hotels Combined. There is a direct bus from Heathrow Airport to Cambridge (possibly obsolete timetable) or several very convenient, but very expensive, taxi services (Microsoft and the Computer Laboratory often use ECS). Stansted Airport is about 30 minutes drive from Cambridge and there are buses, taxis and a trains available in the airport terminal.

We have invited a fairly diverse audience (from both academic and industry).  We have 27 confirmed participants from different organizations including UK Government, US DoD, Canadian Government, NASA, QinetiQ, Altran Praxis, ARM, and several academic institutions.

The format of the workshop will be a combination of context-setting presentations together with dynamically-determined discussions during just-in-time sessions. A short description of these sessions and a set of default discussion topics are given below. 

The workshop will be held in the Cormack Room for both days (this is a recent change). Below is a draft schedule.

Monday, Dec. 6   Presenter/Moderator   Description
------------------- ----------
09:00 - 09:30 Mike, Lee & Naghmeh Welcome: purpose and outcome of the workshop
09:30 - 10:15 Jeff Joyce RTCA DO 178C: An opportunity and challenge
for the use of Theorem-proving in Certification
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 - 11:30 Shiu-Kai Chin Theorem Proving for Certified Mission Assurance
11:30 - 12:00 Jeff Joyce Just-in-time discussion topics
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:00 Nick Tudor Formal Methods Tool Qualification for DO 178B and DO 178C
14:00 - 14:30 Pete Manolios Design by Verification for Safety-Critical
Cyber-Physical Systems
14:30 - 15:45 Just-in-time session
15:45 - 16:15 Afternoon tea
16:15 - 17:30 Just-in-time session

19:00 - 21:00 Dinner (£30, menu)
[Please email Mike with starter and main course selection if you wish to attend

Tuesday, Dec. 7 Presenter/Moderator Description
------------------- -----------
09:00 - 09:30 Paul Miner On the Utility of Proof-based Evidence: Experiences
from the Formal Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Systems
09:30 - 10:15 Mark Lawford Revisiting the Formal Verification of the Darlington
Nuclear Generating Station Shutdown Systems
12 Years Later
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 - 12:00 Just-in-time session
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:00 Julien Schmaltz Automatic certification and Interactive Theorem Proving:
An Impossible Combination?
14:00 - 14:30 Fredric Painchaud The Road from Software Testing to Theorem Proving
14:30 - 15:45 Just-in-time session
15:45 - 16:15 Afternoon tea
16:15 - 17:30 Lee or Naghmeh Wrap-up and workshop outcome planning

The workshop schedule includes several sessions reserved for discussion of impromptu topics that are driven by the interests of participants. These sessions are based on the "open-space" concept described at Space Technology

An initial set of proposed topics for the just-in-time sessions is shown below.  We are looking forward to receiving more suggestions from other participants between now and the start of the workshop.  Just before lunch on Day 1 of the workshop, we will open the floor to any last-minute suggestions for session topics, and then vote to decide which topics will be addressed by dedicated just-in-time sessions.  Each just-in-time session will be assigned a moderator and someone to record the outcome. Beyond this, what happens is entirely up to the participants.

The just-in-time sessions are intended to promote real dialogue between workshop participants and possibly new collaborations. Instead of just spending all of your time at the workshop listening to prepared presentations following a preset agenda, the just-in-time sessions will allow you to engage others in the topics with new thinking, constructive criticism and problem solving.  As organizers, we are looking forward to being a part of this interaction and tapping into the knowledge and wisdom about theorem-proving and certification brought to the workshop by all participants.

A set of default topics for just-in-time sessions:
  1. "Safety-critical vs. security-critical systems":  What are the commonalities and indomitable differences in theorem-proving for safety-critical vs. security-critical systems?
  2. "Future of interactive theorem-proving":  What will interactive theorem-proving be like (in terms of technology, pervasiveness of use, etc.) in 5, 20, and 50 years?  Why will it remain relevant?
  3. "Research effect": What is the greatest 'research' impediment to the use of theorem-proving in certification today?
  4. "Conservative Representation":  How is it possible to demonstrate that a formal representation is a 'conservative representation' (as defined in the formal methods supplement of  DO 178C) of some behavior?
  5. "Necessary Requirements":  How is it possible to demonstrate, using theorem-proving, that every 'low level software requirement' is necessary with respect to the 'high level software requirements' (as per the formal methods supplement of DO 178C)?
  6. "Avoidance of Unintended Functionality":  How can theorem-proving be used to detect if the implementation of a software system contains functionality which is not necessary to satisfy the functional requirements?
  7. "As good as MCDC Structural Coverage":  What must be achieved by a theorem-proving approach to claim that the verification of a software system is at least as "good as" a conventional test-based approach that achieves MCDC structural coverage?
  8. "Soundness of a Theorem-proving Approach":  What, in practical terms, is the minimum that must required of a theorem-proving approach to satisfy the requirement of the DO 178C formal methods supplement that the soundness of a formal method must be demonstrated (if the formal methods is used to produce verification results for certification credit)?
  9. "Assurance Cases":  What is the greatest 'value-add' of interactive theorem-proving to developing an assurance case? If verification results obtained by means of theorem-proving are to be submitted for certification credit (in place of conventional test based results), what needs to be included in the package of results submitted to the certification authorities, i.e., what in addition to "theorem proved" is needed?


The workshop will be organised by (in alphabetical order) Naghmeh Ghafari, Mike Gordon (local arrangements) and Lee Pike. Additional support will be provided by Joe Hurd and Jeff Joyce. Naghmeh and Jeff are from Critical Systems Labs (CSL), Lee and Joe are from Galois and Mike is from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
This page last updated by Mike on December 2, 2010.