Call For Papers


4th International Workshop on High-Level Concurrent Languages
Montreal, Canada, September 20, 2000

Affiliated with PLI 2000, September 18 - 23, 2000

This workshop, a continuation of three previous meetings, is intended to bring together active researchers involved in the design, development, foundations, and applications of high-level concurrent (and distributed) programming languages and models.

The theme of the workshop is that such programming models should be simple, practical, high-level, and well-founded. These qualities allow rigorous language specifications and support both formal and informal reasoning about programs. For concurrent and distributed systems, research on programming models has driven the design of several recent programming languages including Erlang, CML, Facile, and Haskell, as well as languages explicitly designed for concurrency or distribution such as HACL, JoCaml, Obliq, Oz, (Nomadic) Pict, and TyCO. Although the motivations behind the design of these languages are diverse (ranging from the development of graphical user interfaces and multi-agent systems to constraint, real-time, and distributed programming), suitable foundations have turned out to be quite similar in style and technique, often based on variants of well-known calculi for mobile processes.


Program Committee

HLCL Organizing Committee

Previous meetings

Previous HLCL Workshops have been held at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge (1995), Dagstuhl, Germany (1997), and Nice, France (1998), in conjuction with CONCUR 98. Details can be found here.

Invited Talk

There will be an invited talk by Suresh Jagannathan of the NEC Research Institute.

Submission and Publication

Submissions should be 6-12 pages excluding bibliography, typeset 11 points with reasonable margins. They should be in postscript format, viewable by ghostscript, and printable both on usletter and a4 size paper. Submissions should be sent to, with a covering email including a 100-200 word ASCII abstract.

The Proceedings will appear as part of a volume in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier Science Publishers.
