How-To? ================================================= `#0` **How to quickly try out the latest build?** This can be achieved by simply pulling Owl's docker image. .. code-block:: bash docker pull ryanrhymes/owl docker run -t -i ryanrhymes/owl If you want to run Owl on different platforms such as ARM, please refer [here]( for more details. `#1` **How to make toplevel automatically load Owl when it starts?** You can edit the ``.ocamlinit`` file in your home directory by adding the following lines. .. code-block:: ocaml #use "topfind" #require "owl" open Owl If you don't want to open Owl module, please remove the ``open Owl``. If you use ``utop`` rather than OCaml's default toplevel, remove the redundant ``#use "topfind"``. `#2` **How to check the performance of Linalg module?** Calling the ``Linalg.Generic.peakflops ()`` function will return you the number of float operations per second (flops). This number is derived by calculating the amount of time spent in multiplying two ``2000 x 2000`` matrices. Julia provides the same function and you can use this to compare two. `#3` **How to measure the time spent in an operation?** ``Owl.Utils.time`` function can be used to measure the time spent in one operation. It takes a function of type ``(unit -> 'a)`` as input and returns a float number represent the time in ``ms``. Here is an example. .. code-block:: ocaml let x = Mat.uniform 1000 1000 in let f () = Mat.sum x in Owl.Utils.time f;; `#4` **How to concatenate a list of ndarrays?** .. code-block:: ocaml Arr.concatenate ~axis:0 [|x; y; z|];; `#5` **How to split an ndarray?** .. code-block:: ocaml Arr.split ~axis:0 [|2;4;2|] x;; `#6` **How to make one-hot vectors?** .. code-block:: ocaml let x = Mat.zeros 4 4;; Mat.set_index x [| Utils.range 0 3; [|3;2;1;0|] |] [|1.|];; `#7` **How to circular shift the columns/rows of a matrix?** .. code-block:: ocaml Mat.get_slice [ R []; L [1;2;3;0] ] x;; `#8` **Save & Load Matrices** All matrices can be serialised to storage by using ``save``. Later, you can load a matrix using ``load`` function. .. code-block:: ocaml x "m0.mat";; (* save x to m0.mat file *) Mat.load "m0.mat";; (* load m0.mat back to the memory *) There are also corresponding ``save_txt`` and ``load_txt`` functions for a simple tab-delimited, human-readable format. Note the performance is much worse than the corresponding ``save`` and ``load``.