Pretty =============================================================================== This document is auto-generated for Owl's APIs. #3 entries have been extracted. timestamp: 2018-04-16 13:12:54 Github: `{Signature} `_ `{Implementation} `_ Basic functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: ocaml val pp_dsnda : Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> unit [pp_dsnda] is the pretty printer for n-dimensional arrays. `source code `__ .. code-block:: ocaml val print : ?header:bool -> ?max_row:int -> ?max_col:int -> ?elt_to_str_fun:('a -> string) -> ?formatter:Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> unit [print] provides the better control of pretty printing function of owl's n-dimensional array. [max_row] and [max_col] specify the maximum number of rows and columns to display. [header] specifies whether or not to print out the headers. [fmt] is the function to format every element into string. `source code `__