Chapter 11. Conclusion

Tidying up. Some re-ordering of the final configuration file.

What's next? A taster of other Computing Service courses, and of additional features available in standard Apache.

11.1. A finished configuration file

We have illustrated a number of facilities in the Apache 2.2 web server which can be used to create a web server serving multiple web sites.

The configuration file we have built as we go along is syntactically valid, but reflects its didactic origins. Our final act will be to tidy it up.

The first thing typically done is to move all the LoadModule commands to a block near the start of the file. That allows us to use all their commands in whatever order we want further down the file.

The next thing we would do is to reorder the commands to exploit this freedom. In our case the only major shuffle will be to put the IndexIgnore statement next to the FilesMatch block that cover the same files. We have also added some magic to make the Apache manual available under /manual/, moved some of the "deny by default" rules to the top of the file, and indented the content of the various blocks for readability.

Listen	80
User	wwwrun
Group	www

# Load the modules needed for this file
LoadModule            mime_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule             dir_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule       autoindex_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule           alias_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule      log_config_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule         userdir_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule      authz_host_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule      authz_user_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule      auth_basic_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule      authn_file_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule authz_groupfile_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule    ucam_webauth_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule        setenvif_module  /usr/lib/apache2/
LoadModule     negotiation_module  /usr/lib/apache2/

# Deny-by-default
<Directory />
  Order Allow,Deny
  Deny from all
  Options None
  AllowOverride None

<Directory /srv/www>
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  Options FollowSymlinks Indexes
  AllowOverride All

# Set up MIME content type recognition
TypesConfig	/etc/mime.types

# Set up default documents for directory queries
DirectoryIndex	index.html index.htm

# Enable automatic indexing of directories
Options	+Indexes

IndexOptions	FancyIndexing
HeaderName	HEADER.html

# Suppress indexing and access to backup and working files
IndexIgnore	"#*#"  "*~" ".*" "configuration"
<FilesMatch (^#.*#$|.*~$|^\..*|^configuration$)>
  Order  allow,deny
  Deny   from All

# Set up access to standard icons
Alias		/icons/		/usr/share/apache2/icons/
<Directory /usr/share/apache2/icons/>
  Order Allow,Deny
  Allow from all
  Options Indexes

# Set up icons and associated alt text
AddIconByType   /icons/layout.gif       text/html
AddAltByType    "HTML file"             text/html
AddIconByType   /icons/text.gif         text/plain
AddAltByType    "Plain text"            text/plain
AddIconByType   /icons/generic.gif      text/*
AddAltByType    "Text"                  text/*
AddIconByType   /icons/image2.gif       image/*
AddAltByType    "Static image"          image/*
AddIconByType   /icons/sound1.gif       audio/*
AddAltByType    "Audio"                 audio/*
AddIconByType   /icons/movie.gif        video/*
AddAltByType    "Video"                 video/*
AddIconByType   /icons/ps.gif           application/postscript
AddAltByType    "PostScript"            application/postscript
AddIconByType   /icons/pdf.gif          application/pdf
AddAltByType    "PDF"                   application/pdf

DefaultIcon     /icons/ball.gray.gif

AddIcon         /icons/dir.gif	        "^^DIRECTORY^^"
AddAlt          "Directory"	        "^^DIRECTORY^^"
AddIcon         /icons/back.gif	        ".."
AddAlt          "Up"		        ".."

# Display file listings as a table 
IndexOptions	HTMLTable

# Set the error logging level to "info": informational messages.
# The default is "warn": warnings.
LogLevel	info

# Specify the error log file - error.log in place of error_log
ErrorLog	/var/log/apache2/error.log
LogFormat       "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"   clf

# We want hosts' names rather than address in the logs
HostnameLookups	On

# Users' own web pages
<Directory /home/*/public_html>
  Order Allow,Deny
  Allow from all
  Options Indexes
UserDir         public_html

# Delegate control via "configuration" files
AccessFileName  configuration
IndexIgnore     configuration
<Directory /srv/www/>
  AllowOverride All

# Raven authentication config
AACookieKey     "now is the time for all good chickens to be counted"
AAKeyDir        /etc/apache2/webauth_keys

<Directory /srv/www/WWW/bestiary>
  Order         Allow,Deny
  Allow         from
  AuthType      Ucam-WebAuth
  AuthGroupFile /etc/apache2/access/group
  Require       group managers
  Satisfy       any

# Access to the Apache manual
AliasMatch ^/manual(?:/(?:de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|ru))?(/.*)?$ \
<Directory "/usr/share/apache2/manual">
    Options Indexes
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    <Files *.html>
        SetHandler type-map
    SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/manual/(de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|ru)/ prefer-language=$1
    RedirectMatch 301 ^/manual(?:/(de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|ru)){2,}(/.*)?$ \

# Set up name-based virtual hosting on all interfaces.
NameVirtualHost	*

<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot	/srv/www/WWW
CustomLog	/var/log/apache2/www.log clf

<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot	/srv/www/PRG
CustomLog	/var/log/apache2/prg.log clf

What's next? Having completed this course you are now in a position to follow up by adding modules that provide for extra facilities. The computing service has two follow-on courses from this one that build on this foundation.

Follow-on web server courses

Web Server Management: Securing Access to Web Servers

This course introduces the use of the HTTPS (secure http) protocol used to protect communication between web browsers and web servers. This additional security is particularly appropriate when sensitive information is being transmitted (passwords, credit card numbers, personal details, etc) or when the identity of an end-user needs to be established securely.

The course is presented from the point of view of a web server administrator who wishes to configure servers to support such communication. It provides an overview of the https protocol and of related cryptographic components, including public key and symmetric key encryption, message digests and digital certificates as they relate to HTTPS. It also describes how to obtain certificates for web servers, and demonstrates the configuration of an Apache server to use HTTPS.

CGI Scripting for Programmers: Introduction

The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) underlies much of the modern web. It provides the most popular way by which web servers can respond to browser requests by invoking programs and using the resulting output as their response. CGI programs can make decisions based on information contained in browser requests, and so can be used for various tasks, including dynamic page generation, processing fill-in forms, interfacing to databases, implementing 'shopping carts', etc.

This two-afternoon course covers the CGI itself, various aspects of HTML and HTTP that are directly relevant to CGI programmers, and general CGI programming issues including security. CGI programs can be written in a variety of languages, and their use is supported by most web servers. This course uses the Perl scripting language to develop examples for use with an Apache web server running under Linux. However the vast majority of the material covered is applicable to other languages and servers, and should be readily understandable by anyone with programming experience. Some of the examples may be suitable for general use.

In addition, there are a whole range of other features that are available in Apache "out of the box" that may be of use in some circumstances.

Additional Apache features

Performance tuning

There are a huge range of configuration commands for customising Apache's performance. While the default settings of all these are fine for a small personal site they will probably need adjusting for anything bigger.

Content negotiation

Apache can take advantage of facilities in HTTP to allow it to automatically serve different content to different users. This is handled by an automatic process of negotiation and can include varying languages, character encodings and content types.

Customisable Error pages

All the error messages produced by Apache can be customised.


Apache can automatically rewrite URLs. This can be particularly useful for ensuring that old URLs continue to work following site reorganisation.

Header manipulation

Various facilities exist to control the HTTP headers that are sent with documents, including control of document expiry, automatically adding cookies, etc.

Server-side includes

Documents can be automatically modified as they are served to include other files, dynamic information such as the date, etc.

Proxying and Caching

Apache can be configured as an HTTP proxy, optionally also providing caching facilities.

Server information

Additional modules allow the Apache server itself to be monitored in real time.