⇡ Prepare the environment

Open SoC Debug Software

Building the Open SoC Debug software is currently done manually, but it only involves a few steps.

Build glip software

First you need to build and install the glip software to connect to the FPGA or simulation.

cd $TOP/opensocdebug/glip
mkdir build; cd build
../configure --prefix=$OSD_ROOT --enable-tcp --enable-uart
make && make install

Build Open SoC Debug software

Then the actual Open SoC Debug software is installed. You can leave out the python bindings, but you will loose a very convenient way to interact with the debug system.

cd $TOP/opensocdebug/software
mkdir build; cd build
../configure --prefix=$OSD_ROOT --enable-python-bindings
make && make install


  Generic lowRISC setup
  Debug walkthrough