Compiling and running a game


X-windows comes with its own toolkit for X-windows client development. We will use this to compile and run a game on the FPGA.

First of all, check out the source code:

lowrisc@lowrisc:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'cbzone'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 71, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (71/71), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (51/51), done.
remote: Total 71 (delta 24), reused 63 (delta 18), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (71/71), done.

Then, make using maximum optimisation:

lowrisc@lowrisc:~$ cd cbzone/
lowrisc@lowrisc:~/cbzone$ time make
cc -DTANKDIR=\"/var/tmp/\" -O3   -c -o c_draw.o c_draw.c
cc -DTANKDIR=\"/var/tmp/\" -O3   -c -o c_explode.o c_explode.c
cc -DTANKDIR=\"/var/tmp/\" -O3   -c -o c_gpr.o c_gpr.c
cc -DTANKDIR=\"/var/tmp/\" -O3   -c -o c_graphics.o c_graphics.c
cc -DTANKDIR=\"/var/tmp/\" -O3   -c -o c_main.o c_main.c
cc -DTANKDIR=\"/var/tmp/\" -O3   -c -o c_move.o c_move.c
cc -DTANKDIR=\"/var/tmp/\" -O3   -c -o c_parseopts.o c_parseopts.c
cc -DTANKDIR=\"/var/tmp/\" -O3   -c -o c_scores.o c_scores.c
gcc -o cbzone c_draw.o c_explode.o c_gpr.o c_graphics.o c_main.o c_move.o c_parseopts.o c_scores.o -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm

real    9m3.809s
user    6m42.279s
sys 0m28.397s

It is entirely possible that paging and/or swapping will occur on the Nexys4-DDR which has only 128MB of RAM. Needless to say, it would not be advisable to try any of the parallel options of make.

lowrisc@lowrisc:~/cbzone$ size cbzone
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
  61053   10554     872   72479   11b1f cbzone

We observe at this point that the size of the program is a fairly good fit to L1 caches (32K code, 32K data)

lowrisc@lowrisc:~/cbzone$ ./cbzone

The game is launched, with a private colourmap and mouse at the ready.