lowRISC at the SiFive Symposium in Cambridge

Several lowRISC team members attended the SiFive Symposium in our home town of Cambridge on May 13th 2019, a lovely sunny day.

Imagination Technologies were co-hosting with SiFive, and we heard from both companies. Krste Asanovic, chairman of the board at the RISC-V Foundation, gave a great introduction to RISC-V and progress so far. Naveed Sherwani, CEO of SiFive, talked us through their silicon design platform and future services. We also heard from SecureRF and IAR Systems.

Alex gave a short talk about bringing the benefits of open source to the hardware world. (We hope to be able to share the video soon!)

Alex speaking Open source hardware in industry

It was great to hear the latest news from SiFive and other RISC-V organisations, both from Cambridge and further afield. We also got to meet community members and to catch up with friends from Embecosm, the RISC-V Foundation, the Computer Lab and more.