Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, Hotel Olgino, St. Petersburg. Springer LNCS 698, pp. 351-353, 1993.
NB! This paper was only a short `system description' and is superseded by a Journal version.
@INPROCEEDINGS{harrison-thery1, crossref = "lpar93", author = "John Harrison and Laurent Th{\'e}ry", title = "Reasoning About the Reals: the Marriage of {HOL} @PROCEEDINGS{lpar93, editor = "Andrei Voronkov", booktitle = "Logic programming and automated reasoning: proceedings of the 4th international conference, {LPAR} '93", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 698, address = "Hotel Olgino, St. Petersburg, Russia", date = "13--20 July 1993", year = 1993, publisher = "Springer-Verlag"}