prove_inductive_relations_exist : term -> thm

Prove existence of inductively defined relations without defining them.

The function prove_inductive_relations_exist should be given a specification for an inductively defined relation R, or more generally a family R1,...,Rn of mutually inductive relations; the required format is explained further in the entry for new_inductive_definition. It returns an existential theorem A |- ?R1 ... Rn. rules /\ induction /\ cases, where rules, induction and cases are the rule, induction and cases theorems, explained further in the entry for new_inductive_definition. In contrast with new_inductive_definition, no actual definitions are made. The assumption list A is normally empty, but will include any monotonicity hypotheses that were not proven automatically.

Fails if the form of the rules is wrong.

The traditional example of even and odd numbers:
  # prove_inductive_relations_exist
     `even(0) /\ odd(1) /\
      (!n. even(n) ==> odd(n + 1)) /\
      (!n. odd(n) ==> even(n + 1))`;;
  val it : thm =
    |- ?even odd.
           (even 0 /\
            odd 1 /\
            (!n. even n ==> odd (n + 1)) /\
            (!n. odd n ==> even (n + 1))) /\
           (!odd' even'.
                even' 0 /\
                odd' 1 /\
                (!n. even' n ==> odd' (n + 1)) /\
                (!n. odd' n ==> even' (n + 1))
                ==> (!a0. odd a0 ==> odd' a0) /\ (!a1. even a1 ==> even' a1)) /\
           (!a0. odd a0 <=> a0 = 1 \/ (?n. a0 = n + 1 /\ even n)) /\
           (!a1. even a1 <=> a1 = 0 \/ (?n. a1 = n + 1 /\ odd n))
Here is a example where we get a nonempty list of hypotheses because HOL cannot prove monotonicity (and indeed, it doesn't hold).
  # prove_inductive_relations_exist `!x. ~P(x) ==> P(x+1)`;;
  val it : thm =
    !P P'.
        (!a. P a ==> P' a)
        ==> (!a. (?x. a = x + 1 /\ ~P x) ==> (?x. a = x + 1 /\ ~P' x))
    |- ?P. (!x. ~P x ==> P (x + 1)) /\
           (!P'. (!x. ~P' x ==> P' (x + 1)) ==> (!a. P a ==> P' a)) /\
           (!a. P a <=> (?x. a = x + 1 /\ ~P x))

Using existence of inductive relations as an auxiliary device inside a proof.

derive_strong_induction, new_inductive_definition, prove_monotonicity_hyps.