REAL_POLY_CONV : term -> thm

Converts a real polynomial into canonical form.

Given a term of type :real that is built up using addition, subtraction, negation, multiplication, and inversion and division of constants, REAL_POLY_CONV converts it into a canonical polynomial form and returns a theorem asserting the equivalence of the original and canonical terms. The basic elements need not simply be variables or constants; anything not built up using the operators given above will be considered `atomic' for the purposes of this conversion, for example inv(x) where x is a variable. The canonical polynomial form is a `multiplied out' sum of products, with the monomials (product terms) ordered according to the canonical OCaml order on terms. In particular, it is just &0 if the polynomial is identically zero.

Never fails, even if the term has the wrong type; in this case it merely returns a reflexive theorem.

This illustrates how terms are `multiplied out':
     `(x + &1) * (x pow 2 + &1) * (x pow 4 + &1)`;;
  val it : thm =
    |- (x + &1) * (x pow 2 + &1) * (x pow 4 + &1) =
       x pow 7 + x pow 6 + x pow 5 + x pow 4 + x pow 3 + x pow 2 + x + &1
and the following is an example of how a complicated algebraic identity (due to Liouville?) simplifies to zero. Note that division is permissible because it is only by constants.
     `((x1 + x2) pow 4 + (x1 + x3) pow 4 + (x1 + x4) pow 4 +
       (x2 + x3) pow 4 + (x2 + x4) pow 4 + (x3 + x4) pow 4) / &6 +
      ((x1 - x2) pow 4 + (x1 - x3) pow 4 + (x1 - x4) pow 4 +
       (x2 - x3) pow 4 + (x2 - x4) pow 4 + (x3 - x4) pow 4) / &6 -
      (x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2 + x3 pow 2 + x4 pow 2) pow 2`;;
  val it : thm =
    |- ((x1 + x2) pow 4 +
        (x1 + x3) pow 4 +
        (x1 + x4) pow 4 +
        (x2 + x3) pow 4 +
        (x2 + x4) pow 4 +
        (x3 + x4) pow 4) /
       &6 +
       ((x1 - x2) pow 4 +
        (x1 - x3) pow 4 +
        (x1 - x4) pow 4 +
        (x2 - x3) pow 4 +
        (x2 - x4) pow 4 +
        (x3 - x4) pow 4) /
       &6 -
       (x1 pow 2 + x2 pow 2 + x3 pow 2 + x4 pow 2) pow 2 =

Keeping terms in normal form. For simply proving equalities, REAL_RING is more powerful and usually more convenient.