Module CamlinternalMenhirLib.InspectionTableInterpreter

module Symbols : functor (T : sig ... end) -> IncrementalEngine.SYMBOLS with type 'a terminal := 'a T.terminal and type 'a nonterminal := 'a T.nonterminal
module Make : functor (TT : TableFormat.TABLES) -> functor (IT : InspectionTableFormat.TABLES with type 'a lr1state = int) -> functor (ET : EngineTypes.TABLE with type terminal = int and type nonterminal = int and type semantic_value = Stdlib.Obj.t) -> functor (E : sig ... end) -> IncrementalEngine.INSPECTION with type 'a terminal := 'a IT.terminal and type 'a nonterminal := 'a IT.nonterminal and type 'a lr1state := 'a IT.lr1state and type production := int and type 'a env := 'a E.env