The Inevitable, Vanishing Personal Computer. The Vision It is inevitable that the physical manifestations of personal computers will vanish into the surrounding infrastructure, into the very fabric of buildings, clothes, vehicles and so forth . As this happens, computer scientists will need to come to terms with systems that interact in an ad hoc manner with their users, as well as with each other. Concepts of input, output, persistence of information and computation will alter. The notion of ownership of information and computation will drastically alter, along a trajectory that is only partially visible today. In this context, the challenge is across a broad range of computer science, including both systems and users. We will require a coherent approach to the networking, operating systems, programming environment for applications, interfaces and users. Such a system must accommodate completely novel structures such as unreliable components, and yet appear as reliable and useable as todays' PCs, or hopefully far more so! The Trends Between 1980 and 1995, a £1000 computer evolved from having "3Ms" (1 Megabyte of memory, 1 MIPS processing, 1 Mbps of networking; even 4 Ms if you include 1 Mpixel of display) to "3Gs" (Gigabyte of memory, Ghz processor, Gbps networking, even 3D graphics, etc). This is now far more than enough for most sensible personal computing needs, especially now, given the ability to provide services within the network. An apparent trend in computer science is that we will soon produce constant performance at a falling price on the same curve, leading to the facilities in a 2002 desktop being available for under £1 by 2012. There is evidence that this direction is already being followed to some extent, with PDAs, mobile cell phones and hand held gaming computers falling below the £100 mark. However a lot of this is achieved through reduced functionality. By analogy with the "4Ms", "3Gs", we can envisage the "5Cs" (cubic centimetre computer, for 100 cents). However, this will require fundamental advances in a number of hardware and software areas. (C^3 springs to mind as a possible spin, as well as including the "commodity" word somewhere.) Currently, smaller inexpensive computers have reduced functionality interfaces (e.g. smaller real estate and power/resolution for displays, pen based input instead of keyboards, etc). By contrast, with 3D projection display, voice in/out, and other interaction modes (gesture, etc), one could consider a wholly different style of use. We do not consider a computer for embedded systems work (as in phone/PDAs available now), or a pure tablet (a.k.a "network computer"), but a full feature device. The best description of the type of interface we envisage, for Science Fiction fans, is probably in the 1940s novel "Second Foundation", which introduces the Prime Radient, with full fledged computing, communications, storage, etc. Such a computer may be 'wearable', although it may well be something that one places in large numbers around one's person and property, but also in the broader, public environment. Hence surface area might be more significant than cubic volume. Initially, devices may come in several parts -- earpiece, eyepiece, pen -- all communicating without wires. As users acceptance improves, direct linkage with the senses should become commonplace. One vital piece as far as research in computing science is concerned, is that all components must be socketless, to reduce deployment costs. No power cord, no video link, no internet socket, no keyboard and no mouse. It is these that today contribute significantly to total cost of ownership. And yet the "system" should present the full capability of a PC and more. The Problem Space First and foremost, the concept of virtual ownership must be addressed. The move from the mainframe to the PC was a move from central to personal ownership. The systems we envisage are a move towards fully cooperative virtual ownership. Notions of identity and provenance are critical.There are many challenging technical problems here, but also social value: disposable grids; affordable computing for the developing world; collaborative filtering; emergency service and disaster recovery support; location aware services etc, etc. Why the UK? Because we have ARM, Symbian, the best people in Interaction Design (e.g. the Equator EPSRC IRC), and a good systems community, as well as the console games software community, who understand fitting a lot of complex systems into small spaces with novel interfaces. In some senses, this challenge is to recreate the social and research environment that existed in Xerox PARC that led to the creation of the workstation, Ethernet, and WIMP/GUI model of systems, but to the next level of integration. The integration is extended through the virtualisation of interaction devices, directly through to the human sensorium (sound, light, touch). N.B. This is NOT the same as "smart dust" or similar intelligent sensor net computing projects - the intention is to retain a full generality of the "PC", but with some shifts in a few ways it interfaces to people. Nor is the intention to combine lots of functions in one small device (personal communicator/digital assistant/games console/toaster). Although a successful response to the challenge would be applicable in those arenas, we would expect special purpose embedded processing to be 1000-fold cheaper too by 2012. However, the dynamicity of these systems will be extreme. As users move amongst the computing milieu, they will autonomically enlist services as easily as one uses physical tools today (knives and forks, whether at home, at a friends or in a restaurant). The Solution Space We envisage a component approach to the challenge, with a building block consisting of a fully integrated device with surfaces that can emit and respond to light, sound, touch and RF. The device should create an environment around itself, so that it is useful. There are Material Science challenges here for the choice and development of appropriate silicon/sense interfaces. Probably a critical CS/EE technical critical challenge will be in the area of power, and heat dissipation. How will these devices appear from a programmers' point of view as well as an end users'? Will C/Java/.NET be used? Will it just be different APIs or might it lead to more radical changes (like Smalltalk at PARC)? Ambient, Sentient and Ubiquitous computing are phrases that are starting to appear in this context. However, there are subsidiary challenges in the general architecture of such a device, including Busses and storage. The most engaging part of the challenge seems to us to be in the area of usability. By dispensing with conventional interaction devices completely, we will force the system designer to address the set of relevant tasks more imaginatively. Applications such as collaborative document preparation ("word processing"), asynchronous human-human communication ("e-mail", "voice mail"), information searching and retrieving services ("web browsing"), decision support systems, and so on, may all become very different activities.