Papers and some old projects

My Recent Papers

Best found via one of the several good academic search/index/citation systems that cover CS:

  • Google Scholar
  • DBLP
  • Orcid
  • Researchfish (populate by symplectic->orcid->researchfish)
  • Research Gate.
  • Aminer (reminds me of C major).
  • Internet Archive Scholar

  • papers on arXiv

  • ACM Author Profile, includes some non ACM. Authoryzed Links

  • IEEE Author Profile
  • Symplectic (iff you are within Cambridge).


    paper about why the University of Cambridge Retirement Policy is wrong

    New Book! on Fair Exchange Launch on march 18th 2024


    Royal Society report on Privacy Tech use cases


    SF short tale 1/9/2022

    What ICN can learn from multicast polemic for ICN 2022.

    Talk about Edge Smarts 15/4/2022.


    Visioning Camden 2030 the last car

    Lockdown Stories

    Dagstuhl Seminar on Compute First Networking

    Dagstuhl Seminar on Climate Friendly (Networking) Research


    Data Science for Covid-19

    Turing Biblimetrics


    5 Decades of Sigcomm papers

    Royal Society report on Privacy Enhanching Technologies

    Reports from recent Dagstuhl Seminars I was involved in, on:

  • Programmable Network Data Planes


    Reports from recent Dagstuhl Seminars I was involved in, on:

  • Towards Accountable Systems

    Random other things:

  • Emergence, AI and Intellectual Property also at policy review


    cycling comments


    Reports from recent Dagstuhl Seminars I was involved in, on:

  • Dagstuhl Seminar on low latency in data centers, report


    Reports from recent Dagstuhl Seminars I was involved in, on:

  • Affordable Internet for All


    Reports from recent Dagstuhl Seminars I was involved in, on:

  • Decentralized Privacy,
  • Future Internet,
  • Publication Culture,
  • DiY Nets.

    Snapshot at 2012

    Downloaded from symplectic, here's a list of my papers as of January, 2012

    Before 2010

    From 2010 on, I am not updating the links below, but relying on search... User Centric Networking Dagstuhl Seminar


  • Internet Failures: an Emergent Sea of Complex Systems and Critical Design Errors?


  • Bio Inspired Networks


  • Jon Crowcroft: Net neutrality: the technical side of the debate: a white paper. Computer Communication Review 37(1): 49-56 (2007)
  • Jon Crowcroft, Peter Key: Report from the clean slate network research post-sigcomm 2006 workshop. Computer Communication Review 37(1): 75-78 (2007)
  • Jon Crowcroft, Craig Partridge, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Ellen W. Zegura: Report from the 2006 SIGCOMM nomination committee. Computer Communication Review 37(1): 87 (2007)


  • A QoS-Negotiable Middleware System for Reliably Multicasting Messages of Arbitrary Size.
    Antonio Di Ferdinando, Paul D. Ezhilchelvan, Michael Dales, Jon Crowcroft
    ISORC 2006: 253-260
    IEEE Online

  • Efficient sequence alignment of network traffic.
    Christian Kreibich, Jon Crowcroft
    Internet Measurment Conference 2006: 307-312
  • 10 networking papers: recommended reading Jon Crowcroft
    ACM SIGCOMM CCR Volume 36 , Issue 2 (April 2006), Pages: 31 - 32
    ACM DL
  • On the performance of proactive mobile IPv6 for context-aware all-IP wireless access networks.
    Theodoros Pagtzis, Jon Crowcroft, Keith Clark
    Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2006: 559-583
  • The privacy and safety impact of technology choices for command, communications and control of the public highway
    Jon Crowcroft
    ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review archive Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages: 53 - 58
    ACM DL
  • Haggle: a Networking Architecture Designed Around Mobile Users
    J Scott, P Hui, J Crowcroft, C Diot
    IFIP WONS, Jan, 2006
  • Impact of human mobility on the design of opportunistic forwarding algorithms
    A Chaintreau, P Hui, J Crowcroft, C Diot, R Gass, et al
    Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, 2006
  • Network Coding Made Practical
    S Katti, H Rahul, W Hu, D Katabi, J Crowcroft
    To appear , ACM SIGCOMM 2006,


    Vigilante at SOSP 2005
    MobileMAN Realman workshop paper and demo
    A Letter about Downloads
    The Inevitability of Xen
    Towards a realistic citywide deployment scenario for an ad hoc wireless access net
    Comments on Techniques behind Govt. Ideas on Road Pricing and Control
    Scheduling Papers to Deadlines
    Pocket Switched Networks


    Virtual, Natural or Artificial? - Computing
    Baroque Bicycles - Neal Stephenson's Phant'sies Review'd


    SIGCOMM FDNA Workshop paper on Plutarch
    SIGCOMM NREDS Workshop paper on Economics of Network Complexity
    SIGCOMM RIPQoS Workshop paper on history of non deployment of QoS
    Ubiq. paper on Pervasive Security
    HPC paper on QoS for GRID
    SOA paper on Multicast in Cisco IPJ
    Paper on User Perception and Metaphors in Games
    Abstract for poster on Perceptual Network Metaphors
    Paper on Proactive Multipath Routing
    Paper on Incentives for Ad Hoc Wireless
    Opinion Article on InfoSec Society in RAEng Ingenia
    Paper on PGM with MSR
    Channel Island Paper
    Infocom 2003 paper on (lamentable) TCP performance over GPRS
    Barking paper on Field Eqn Based Traffic


    TORA+Potential Fields by Han Zheng
    Disposal Computers and Why we might want to research them?


    RFC 3450 Asynchronous Layered Coding (ALC) Protocol Instantiation M.Luby, J.Gemmell, L.Vicisano, L.Rizzo, J.Crowcroft
    RFC 3451 Layered Coding Transport (LCT) Building Block M.Luby, J.Gemmell, L.Vicisano, L.Rizzo, M.Handley, J.Crowcroft
    RFC 3452 Forward Error Correction (FEC) Building Block M.Luby, L.Vicisano, J.Gemmell, L.Rizzo, M.Handley, J.Crowcroft
    RFC 3453 The Use of Forward Error Correction (FEC) in Reliable Multicast M.Luby, L.Vicisano, J.Gemmell, L.Rizzo, M.Handley, J.Crowcroft
  • Before 2001

    I was at UCL - some links available still here... again, though, most this stuff is online via academic search systems and digital libaries:
  • 1981-2001