
God Made me do it.

7 December 2023


Her Lot

Was to be taken by Hades. Orpheus was more distraught than you can imagine until you heard him sing. Then you became sadder than the saddest cat in town. It was hard to take, as Orpheus sang his sad song in every street so everyone decided to tell him that he should stop hs moaning and do something about it. “You’re a living legend, bro” they said “so act like one and go get her back”oap.jpeg

Orpheus set off for the regular Open Mike Session in Hades bar - he hadn’t been there before, mainly because his ex, Eurydice tended to hang out there with a bunch of her sarcastic friends. Nevertheless, he missed his ‘phone so badly, he was prepared to brave their ire.

Salt on a wound.

So there he found himself, in Hades’ joint on one hell of a a rainy night carrying his tele and pig nose, looking for a fight to lose.  

“A Pomegranate raki” he ordered at the bar “and open a tab”.

“How’s it hangin” growled a subterranean voice behind him. He turned to see the man himself, dressed in red, dressed to kill. As usual.

“I want my ‘phone back”, the Big O came out with, right away. Blunter than he’d intended. “She was the first and the best”.

“Yeah” sneered Hades right back “That’s why Eurydice left you. Spending the whole time with the new apple of your eye, not a moment for her anymore”

“But why do you want both of them, that’s just not fair” whines Orpheus.

“Tell you what”, offered the adversary, with a devilish grin. “Why don’t we timeshare ‘em. You can have Eurydice in April, May, June, July August, September, and then iPersephone the rest of the year”

“So you are offering me an AI winter, is that it?” Objected the Littler O.

“I prefer to think of it like a spring awakening, man. What could possibly go wrong?”.

It was the end of one beautiful relationship and the beginning of another.