The QUEUE Schema

This consists of an ordered sequence of ranked ``bids'' for desired floors. The bids are ordered, or ranked, by a weighting function <#1265#> W<#1265#>, which scores each Bid. Firstly let us describe a Bid: <#1266#>BID<#1266#> FLOOR requester : P id : time-of-request : Time s : SPEECH-ACT request FLOOR.users by+ A bid can only be made if the <#1267#> users<#1267#> part of the <#1268#> FLOOR<#1268#> schema contains the requester. So now, we can give our schema for QUEUE-BIDS: <#1269#>QUEUE-BIDS<#1269#> W : Bid queue : [Bid] users : P p,q : Bid \ | \ p,q queue W \ p W \ q by+ Then we say that change of state of the <#1270#> QUEUE-BIDS<#1270#> schema does not affect the Weighting function: <#1271#> QUEUE-BIDS<#1271#> QUEUE-BIDS QUEUE-BIDS' W' = W by+ Default values of the bid would be that the <#1272#> FLOOR.users<#1272#> became equal to the current variable <#1273#> users<#1273#>. That <#1274#> FLOOR<#1274#> is given the value <#1275#> SPEAKERFLOOR<#1275#> with the requestor as the sole speaker, and that the type of speech act, is an assertion. Now there are two operations that affect this schema independently of the other schemas mentioned. Firstly, requesting a bid: <#1276#>NEW-BID<#1276#> b? : Bid QUEUE-BIDS queue' = queue { b? } by+ And that of removing a bid; of course a precondition for this will be that the bid was actually made by the person removing the bid: <#1277#>REMOVE-BID<#1277#> u? : P id : QUEUE-BIDS b : Bid \ | \ b queue = id b.requestor = u? queue' = queue - { b } by+ Then for completion (we shall use this operation later) the operation of removing all one's own bids from the current queue of bids: <#1278#>REMOVE-ALL-BIDS<#1278#> u? : P QUEUE-BIDS queue' = queue - { b: Bid \ | \ b queue b.requestor = u? b } by+