Advice on Research and Writing
If you ask me, I'll tell you that reporting work well should be done in Sonata Form. That's a
compressed way of satying what the following people suggest in quite a lot of
helpful ways:
How to read a paper by Keshav,
How to write great papers, give great talks
by Simon Peyton-Jones and
Tim Harris' Five ways not to fool yourself, on designing
experiments for understanding performance.
Ursula Le
Guin's advice while on creative writing, is no less relevant to science.
Managing your advisor
Hamming's cool ideas
Bundy's advice to young researchers.
David Patterson (RISC, RAID, NOW) Career Advice
See also
Leone's collected links on writing and research. However, note
that this advice is (mostly) US centric.
What to use for a presentation?
well, for one, don't be powerpoint-less - see
this example from American History
for why not:)
10 rules for running a succesful research lab
how to run a paper