PerSec 2007
Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Computing and
Communication Security
Held in conjunction with IEEE PerCom 2007
19 March 2007, New York, USA
Call for Papers
- Instructions for Authors
- Important dates
- Program Committee
- Previous workshops
| Logistics
- Registration
| Workshop Programme
Related workshop
If you are interested in
PerSec, you will probably also be interested
in ESAS 2007
- Fourth European Workshop on Security and Privacy in Ad hoc and
Networks. Submission
deadline is 31 January 2007. The workshop will be held in
Cambridge, UK on 2 and 3 July 2007.
(Also available as plain text or one-page PDF .)
Research in pervasive computing continues to gain momentum. The
importance of security and privacy in a pervasive computing
environment cannot be underestimated. As in previous years, PerSec
2007 will bring together the world's experts on this topic and provide
an international forum to stimulate and disseminate original research
ideas and results in this field.
Contributions are solicited in all aspects of security and privacy
in pervasive computing, including:
- Models for access control, authentication and privacy
- Incorporation of contextual information into security and
privacy models, and mechanisms.
- Management of tradeoffs between security, usability,
performance, power consumption and other attributes.
- Architectures and engineering approaches to fit security and
privacy features into mobile and wearable devices.
- Biometric methods for pervasive computing.
- Cryptographic primitives and protocols for pervasive computing.
- Descriptions of pilot programs, case studies, applications, and
experiments integrating security into pervasive computing.
- Auditing and forensic information management in pervasive settings.
- Protocols for trust management in networks for pervasive computing.
- Incorporation of security into communication protocols,
computing architectures and user interface designs for pervasive
- Impact of security and privacy in relation to the social, legal,
educational and economic implications of pervasive computing.
- Papers must be submitted electronically in Adobe PDF format to the
submission server provided by PerCom.
- Papers must have authors' affiliation and contact information on
the first page.
- Papers must be unpublished and not being considered elsewhere for
publication. In particular, papers submitted to PerSec must not be
concurrently submitted to PerCom in identical or modified form.
- Papers must be formatted in strict accordance with the IEEE
Computer Society author guidelines. For your convenience, templates
are available. LaTeX is recommended.
- Papers are limited to 5 pages in IEEE 8.5x11 conference
format. Excessively long papers will be returned without review.
- Papers selected for presentation will be published in the Workshop
Proceedings of PerCom 2007 by IEEE Press.
Instructions for authors of accepted papers
- At least one of the authors must register for PerCom and present
the paper at the workshop. Papers without a full registration will be
withdrawn from the proceedings and from the workshop programme.
- The IEEE CS Press will email you an author kit with detailed
instructions for the preparation of the camera-ready version of your
- Papers are limited to 5 pages in the IEEE 8.5x11 conference
format. You are allowed to buy a 6th page at a cost of 100 USD.
- After corrections addressing all the reviewers' comments,
camera-ready papers must be submitted directly to IEEE CS Press
(not to the PerSec organizers) following the instructions in
the author kit. Please submit the camera-ready file using the file
name given to you in the acceptance mail.
- Frank Stajano, University of Cambridge, UK
- Doug Tygar, UC Berkeley, USA
Steering Committee Chair
- Roshan Thomas, Sparta Inc., USA
- Gildas Avoine, MIT, USA
- Bruno Crispo, Vrije Universiteit/University of Trento, Italy
- Naranker Dulay, Imperial College London, UK
- Gunnar Gaubatz, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
- Christian Gehrmann, Ericsson Mobile Platforms, Sweden
- Robert Grimm, New York University, USA
- Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Dieter Hutter, DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany
- Sozo Inoue, Kyushu University, Japan
- Cetin Kaya Koc, Oregon State University, USA
- Tim Kindberg, HP Labs, UK
- Marc Langheinrich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Mark Lomas, Arabella (Arab Bank Group), UK
- Robert Mayo, Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA
- Rene Mayrhofer, Lancaster University, UK
- David Molnar, University of California Berkeley, USA
- Refik Molva, Institut Eurecom, France
- Tyler Moore, University of Cambridge, UK
- Radha Poovendran, University of Washington, USA.
- Pim Tuyls, Philips Research, The Netherlands
- Stephen A. Weis, Google, USA
- Susanne Wetzel, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
- Ford Long Wong, University of Cambridge, UK
- Alf Zugenmaier, DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Germany
- Persec 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Persec
2005, Kauai Island, Hawaii, USA.
- Persec
2006, Pisa, Italy.
Details on the conference hotel, accommodation, travel, tourist
information and so on will appear on the web site of the main conference.
Register online at the PerCom registration
The 30-minute slots for paper presentations will roughly consist of
20 minutes of talk and 10 minutes of discussion and questions,
not 30 minutes of uninterrupted lecturing. In the spirit of
making the workshop interactive, audience participation, discussion
and controversy will be actively encouraged.
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- Registration
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- Welcome address
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- Cryptanalysis of Two Lightweight RFID Authentication Schemes
Benessa Defend, Kevin Fu and Ari Juels
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- Public-Key Cryptography for RFID-Tags
Jorge Guajardo, Lejla Batina, Tim Kerins, Nele Mentens, Pim Tuyls and Ingrid Verbauwhede
- _
- Lightweight Asymmetric Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocols Secure against Active Attack
Yang Cui, Kazukuni Kobara, Kanta Matsuura and Hideki Imai
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- RIPP-FS: an RFID Identification, Privacy Preserving protocol with Forward Secrecy
Mauro Conti, Roberto Di Pietro, Luigi Vincenzo Mancini and Angelo Spognardi
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- Privacy Protection in Dynamic Systems Based on RFID Tags
Miroslaw Kutylowski, Marek Klonowski and Jacek Cichon
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- Distributed, Uncertainty-Aware Access Control for Pervasive Computing
Urs Hengartner and Ge Zhong
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- Towards an Open Source Toolkit for Ubiquitous Device Authentication
Rene Mayrhofer
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- End of workshop
| Call for Papers
- Instructions for Authors
- Important dates
- Program Committee
- Previous workshops
| Logistics
- Registration
| Workshop Programme