e1m1    J. Mathies      13. Dec 94      COMPET-N/doom/speed/e1m1-016
        RR:  done. Easy, especially with Ultimate DOOM E1M1 wad.
e1m2    RR  - DONE      24. Mai 97
        RR:  Easy, except for the end, which is DAMN hard!
e1m3    ........................
        TPK: almost impossible, gunners everywhere, demons, imps, no chance.
        SRU: using savegames I did come to the blue key, but ....
        YD:  I tried e1m3 a bit yesterday, and I think it might be possible.
             I got once to the blue key and back to the start room
             (died there). But it was most times sergeants from my back,
             so I think with some luck it can be done, you just need to
             return to the start with a reasonable amount of health.
        PS2: I tried it (p1m3) and got as far as Yonatan did,
             I got the blue key and returned to the start area, but that
             happened once in a LOT of tries and I only had 5-10% health
             so one shot was enough to kill me.
e1m4    S. Winterfeldt  06. Nov 95      COMPET-N/doom/speed/e1m4-024
        RR:  done. Fairly easy. Passages behind blue door need strategy/luck.
        PM:  The rocket-jump at the drawbridge makes it Easy. If you get the
             keys and try to run through the narrow passages instead,
             it probably is Medium.
e1m5    ........................
        TPK: almost impossible, gunners everywhere, demons, imps, no chance.  
        JK:  I tried e1m5 for about half an hour. My best effort was to get
              about halfway through with only one shot (I was about to die
              and I thought I'd help myself so I could continue the map).
              Its really interesting to play without shooting.
        SRU: a green armor, two megaarmors, a supercharge and an
             invisibility - so I thought this might be possible and tried it
             (using savegames again, otherwise it would take me half a year
              to be able to make any statement)
             I did reach the exit room, but the way to the switch is blocked
             by three demons. Problem is that while you lure them out the
             shotgunners and spectres in the dark room are impossible to
             survive, I think that no one will do that map (and if I'm
             wrong it's HARDEST anyway ...)
        PS2: I think p1m5 is more likely to be done than p1m3.
e1m6    ........................
        TPK: almost impossible, gunners everywhere, demons, imps, no chance.
        PS2: I tried p1m6 and twice got to the second but last room,
             there I got killed pretty easy though.
e1m7    ........................
        TPK: almost impossible, gunners everywhere, demons, imps, no chance.  
e1m8    PM  - DONE      03. Jun 97
        TPK: possible only theoretically with the baron trick,
             surviving baron may be killed by spectres and demons
        YD:  I clearly remember watching a v. 1.2 lmp of this level
             done without firing a shot, it was on a "Doom Explosion"
             CD which I got from a friend and that's the thing that
             got me into this game. I don't have the lmp, but if you
             can get this Cd, it's on it! (But you'll need Doom 1.1
             or 1.2, too) I don't remember exactly what he did there,
             but I think he got many spectres into a corner where the
             barons hit several of them and they killed both barons.
             I tried it a bit and in my best try when every spectre and
             demon was dead one baron took 3 or 4 shotgun shots to kill
             and the other only 1, that was pretty close, so I guess
             it's possible without any special route tricks, too.
             The key is to get more than one spectre/demon to attack a
             single baron together, then they're much deadlier.
        PM:  done.  Medium to hard. I used the barrel trick to cause the
             barons to fight each other (not easy to do).
e1m9    YD  - DONE      14. Jun 97
        TPK: almost impossible, gunners everywhere, demons, imps, no chance.
        SRU: I'm not so sure, good nightmare players can avoid to be hit
        YD:  I tried e1m9, and I'm positive it's possible - I got twice to
             the blue key and died there, many times I died a bit before it.
             After you get the blue key, if you can get out without being
             killed by the sergeants (the demons don't block you very much),
             the rest is easy - open the blue door, make the strafe jump,
             and exit. The problem is that you get to the blue key with
             low health, and the sergeants there are dangerous.
        YD:  done. The second try in a practice run (first one ends in
             a death, of course). I'd rank it medium to hard, since hard
             is a map like map06. Thanks to Peo whose idea of taking the
             green armor helped me, although I changed his route.
e2m1    RR  - DONE      24. Mai 97
        RR:  Room with demons (before blue door) is a little tricky.
e2m2    S. Widlake      14. Sep 95      COMPET-N/doom/speed/e2m2-021
        RR:  done. Slime tunnel trick makes this a piece of cake.
e2m3    SRU - DONE      26. Mai 97
        SRU: Took me about 2 hours
e2m4    S. J. Stevens   17. Mai 95
        SRU: deliberately using crushers surely is _VERY_ bad style
             in pacifist, though it's not forbidden it makes your
             lmp ugly from a pacifists point of view.
        RR:  done. Not too hard. Just flick that switch at the end somehow
             (avoiding the imps).
e2m5    M. Kren         21. Feb 96      COMPET-N/doom/speed/e2m5-021
        SRU: nearly hitting monsters as M. Kren does in his speed record
             surely is quite bad style in pacifist
        RR:  done. Had to lure an imp out of a passage. No big deal, though.
e2m6    Q   - DONE      12. Jun 97
        SRU: this is a completely blocked map
        RR:  As far as I can see, yellow key entry / exit is the
             only problem, but it is what makes this map VERY difficult.
        Q:   e2m6 done today. Was medium. 3rd try. Much waiting.
e2m7    RR  - DONE      27. Mai 97
        RR:  I decided to visit the room with the blue armor. This helped
             out but this level still isn't easy. The area with the blue
             key is a bit tricky, but the end of this level is a real
e2m8    ........................
        TPK: doesn't even exist in tyson
e2m9    E. de Vries     15. Jun 95      COMPET-N/doom/speed/e2m9-023
        RR:  done. Lure the cacos away from the exit area and they
             won't block your path.
e3m1    ........................
        TPK: impossible, demons in floor
        SRU: so what? is it impossible to lure them away?
        PM:  It is possible, but very tedious, to lure demons from
             the passage in E3M1.  This is because one of the diagonal
             bends is so narrow for the demons.  The wait may be very
             long, and even then, it will not always follow you out
             the door.  I was able to lure only one out of the bend,
             but instead of following me out the door, it turned around
             and went back around the corner effortlessly whence it came.
             It didn't want to come back out of the corner after me again.
e3m2    E. de Vries     14. Jun 95      COMPET-N/doom/speed/e3m2-028
        RR:  done. Easy if you don't do something stupid!
e3m3    RR  - DONE      24. Mai 97
        RR:  Dodging, strategy and luck make this possible.
        RJS: done. I would rate it as easy-to-medium.  If
             everything goes right (monster placement) it's
             easy but you never know what you'll find at the
             top of the first lift after you get the blue key
             - does this make it medium?.  You then need speed
             to beat the Baron on your way to the blue door.
             BY waiting (time to do a dance) in the blue key room
             I found that 50% of the time the way was clear when
             going up the first lift.  When I went up without
             waiting 90% of the time something was there to kill me.
e3m4    RR  - DONE      27. Mai 97
        RR:  Almost any part of this map can go wrong. It is especially
             easy to get trapped in the room with the red and yellow
             keys. All those imps!!! Also, it's very easy to get
             surrounded by the demons in that platform just before the
             end. Also, in the very last room you must run straight in
             before the caco comes out of that room into the passage
             (in the room there's enough space to get round him - in the
             passage there sure as hell isn't.)
        RJS: That room near the end, with the two keys, is extremely
             difficult.  I feel this map should be considered hard or
             very hard because it's considerably hard to pass all of
             those imps, demons and shotgunners in that confined space.
e3m5    RR  - DONE      24. Mai 97
        RR:  This isn't too hard. About medium difficulty.
e3m6    E. de Vries     13. Jun 95      COMPET-N/doom/speed/e3m6-012
        RR:  done. For once it didn't take me half a minute to get in
             switch-flicking position.
e3m7    RR  - DONE      24. Mai 97
        RR:  Like E3M3, dodging, strategy and luck make this possible.
e3m8    D. Derrick      08. Jun 95      dht5/titles/d1m/d1m-dmd
        SRU: can anyone reproduce this one?
        SRU: I tried to reproduce this, but it didn't work. Why isn't the
             spider fighting back in dmd's lmp?
        PM:  done.
             A spider (arachnotron or spider mastermind) cannot attack if
             a thing freezes it.
             To freeze a spider permanently, the following two things must
             1.  The spider must be in hunt mode.  That is, it is moving in
             search of a target, not standing still blasting someone to bits.
             2.  A player or monster who is not the target of the spider's
             hunt must get inside of the area that the spider occupies. 
             That is, a non-target thing gets so close to the spider that
             it can't move.
             Both of these conditions must hold.  If the spider is
             attack mode, (i.e. shooting) it doesn't matter how close
             anyone is to the spider. It will turn and blast the thing
             hugging the spider after killing its intended victim. 
             This means you or another monster who got a few licks in
             while the spider was attacking its first victim.
             On the other hand, if you or another monster freezes the
             spider while it was in hunt mode, it cannot turn to blast
             the thing that froze it even if that thing damages the
             frozen spider.  The only way a frozen spider can be free is
             if the thing that froze it moves out of the spider's area.
             It is very hard for you to paralyze spiders yourself because:
             you are public enemy #1, it is hard (but not impossible) for
             you to get that close to spider, (otherwise, the chainsaw
             would be so effective against the arachnotrons) the spiders
             usually attack angry monsters before you get that close, and
             because all other monsters are out to get you (i.e. you can't
             freeze a spider and dodge fireballs easily at the same time).
             Although any monster can freeze a spider, only those who stay
             close once melee is engaged can freeze it permanently. 
             These monsters include the following:  imps, demons/specters,
             hell knights/barons, and revenants.  Imp and barons have a
             hard time freezing spiders because they don't walk as fast
             as a roving spider.  Demons and revenants are a bit faster
             than any spider.  Also, because of their wide radii and lack
             of projectiles, demons paralyze spiders with relative ease.
             If pack of angry demons ever surround a spider, the spider
             is dead!
        SRU: this drives me mad, even with Patricks detailed HOWTO I
             haven't made it yet (once the monsters killed the spider
             after my death, but in contrast to map30 this doesn't
             finish the level)
e3m9    ........................
        TPK: impossible, demons in floor, as e3m1
e4m1    ........................
        SRU: no one can survive this
        TPK: impossible. gunners. barons
e4m2    YD  - DONE       Mai. Jun 97
        TPK: like the speed entry in COMPET-N,
             impossible for "normal" players
        YD:  I thought I could do e4m2 and I did, I'd rank it medium,
             you need lots of luck but also some basic skill. It didn't
             take many tries, I played it for only 10 minutes before
        YD:  Seems I need to explain further why I think e4m2 is medium.
             Here's what happens from the beginning of the level, according
             to my route:
             You jump forward, press the switch from below. Nothing can go
             wrong here. The caco sees you, moves a bit, you take the radsuit.
             If he still blocks the radsuit (10% probability?), start again,
             it's only 5 seconds from the start.
             Then go a bit up the stairs to release some monsters, so they
             won't block you later. Get the soulsphere and return, you can
             grab it 80% of the times, and it has nothing to do with skill,
             just luck. Then, the two jumps - they also don't require much
             skill, just normal jumps, try to have nobody block your way.
             You get many chances for all jumps, lots of health in this level.
             Getting to the teleporter is not a problem, let a sergeant hit
             the one who's blocking you and then run forward (pretty quickly
             you have a free way). I don't think I died there more than once.
             Then the jump... I don't think it's hard, all you need is the
             right angle. Or if you use strafe on, you can use many angles :)
        Q:   > This is where I have *MAJOR* trouble.  I attempted the
             > jump/strafe jump at least a hundred times.  Most of the time,
             > I don't even clear the distance.  Other times, I land, but
             > I keep running then fall off. IMO, this is a very difficult
             > jump to a narrow ledge.
             You've got to know how to aim for the jump (I usually take 2 rows
             of blue skulls into my screen at the right side when I jump with
             strafe 40. To jump to far results from still pressing a key when
             you land, if you don't it will stop fairly well. Okay, I must admit
             I've pratised that jump a lot.
        JK:  A method I came up with a while ago to guide me into the jump is to
             back into the corner of the little room, facing to the left of the
             blue post, then adjust the angle until there are two or three sets
             of skulls visible on the left side of the pillar (at the right of
             the screen). Then I know my aim is ok, so I press RUN,STRAFE-LEFT,
             FWD to make the jump. I can't do it any other way.
e4m3    RR  - DONE      24. Mai 97
        RR:  The end is the only hard part (if you get the blue key
             jump right!!!)
e4m4    RR  - DONE      24. Mai 97
        RR:  Quite tricky because monsters can crowd around you, wasting
             invuln. time.
e4m5    YD  - DONE      02. Jun 97
        YD:  This is my contribution, it is easy actually,
             I don't know why it's not done yet. Ranking: easy.
e4m6    ........................
        SRU: tried this with savegames,
             didn't even reach the first radsuite
        YD:  Impossible even theoretically (unless monsters can
             kill the cybie in the end?)
e4m7    RR  - DONE      24. Mai 97
        YD:  Well there is the other way that Daniel discovered,
             I think using it it's easy, since you avoid all the
             tricky parts. Maybe the jump is hard without strafe 50,
             but just use strafe on and you'll get there most of
             the times.
e4m8    PM  - DONE      10. Jun 97
        RR:  I had a couple of free hours which I used to try e4m8
             pacifist. I did not quite do it but this is by far the
             closest try I made. I almost died at least once (in the
             yellow key area). The stimpacks in the water saved the
             day though. It may be possible to stay alive long enough
             for the monsters at the end to destroy the spider.
             Or maybe paralyse him if your skills are that good.
             I think I had a chance in one part of this LMP but I
             moved away so if he was paralysed then I ruined it.
        PM:  done. This is bloody hard and it took me dozens
             of tries.  Humans can gun you down at the start.
             The spider lair takes luck.  Many souls and cacodemons
             can help paralyze the spider temporarily.  If that
             happens, lure the barons and their fire at the spider.
             Hopefully, if the spider becomes unstuck, it is weak
             enough for the barons to kill if they can't paralyze it.
e4m9    RR  - DONE      25. Mai 97
DONE with lmp                   : 11 12 14 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 32
                                  33 34 35 36 37 38 42 43 44 45 47 48 49
DONE w/o lmp                    :
DONE using safegames            :
Very likely to be possible      : 13

MAP     AUTHOR/COMMENTS (the dates may not be exact)
01      S. Widlake      25. Apr 95      COMPET-N/doom2/speed/lv01-008
        SRU: too easy to be fun
02      ........................
        SRU: this has to be impossible, all these shotgunners
03      RR  - DONE      30. Mai 97
04      ........................
        SRU: this has to be impossible, all these chain- & shotgunners
05      IP  - DONE      31. Mai 97
        SRU: this may be possible, please try it
        SRU: I didn't manage it using savegames,
             think I'm just not fast enough
        IP:  here the end room is hard, and the begining is easier ;-))
06      Q  - DONE       11. Jun 97
        SRU: several monsters blocking the way
        SRU: I did this using savegames, all blocking monsters can be
             killed by others. There's much health/armor and it has been
             done in Tyson, but at my skills it would need approx. 1E10
             (that is tries to do it without savegames.
             So this is for experts only.
        Q:   Oh man, I'm really an expert now for every scene up to the
             last room, but this one is a real mess with all these Dudes.
             But finally I made it to the end. Dunno if one should rate
             this map, up to the second megasphere it's medium to hard,
             but the yellow door room is hard to survive with 200%.
             Maybe it's one of the hardest, dunno how difficult is e3m8.
             You need quite a lot of luck here.
             Just the tips to complete this map:
             Run quick past the 1st sergeant, sometimes the Revenant will
             not see you. Then (on the way down or up) stand the way one of
             the Imps next to the Supercharge can see you (not necessary,
             you can awake them later when you've taken the blue key).
             When you've jumped and pressed the button, wait a bit, because
             if the Spider starts to shot, she will only hit the Pigs.
             Most of the time you can survive with your 100% then.
             Take the Supercharge, just easier to run back then.
             I recommend to take the Megasphere now, pass the blue door,
             and have the sergeant be hit. Stand at the right side, and run
             past the 3 sergeants to the left to the wall, wait there until
             there is a gap to the left of the Imps, and the remaining 2
             sergeants always ( :) stand in your way.
             Have all Dudes killed but one, who will be killed by sergeant
             Imp. At least that's the best way. If not, maybe the way it's
             done here. Take the 2(!) medkits, and kill the 3 Imps (I'm
             pacifist :), then take the red key or the megasphere if you
             must, and have the Lost Soul and the remaining Imps killed.
             If all 3 spectres are hit, you can simply wait in the corner
             (I tried to hit them with the Revenants and gave that up after
             the 1st hit.) Then there will be the difficult part, and I've
             got no tips, how to complete it, I leave it to those who
             will (have to) play that map.
07      ........................
        SRU: can anyone press the the switch through the wall?
             try it with -nomonsters
08      RJS  - DONE     28. Mai 97
        SRU: I had more problems to avoid getting stuck as in 18 or 28
        IP:  done.  another easy one.
09      PS2 - DONE      02. Jun 97
        SRU: if you consist of soap you may pass all the demons and
             imps to get the yellow_key_card
        SRU: I tried it using savegames, but couldn't do it
             one idea may be to take some cacos to the yellow_key_card room
             and let them kill some of the imps
        PS2: only problem was as expected the yellow key area, it
             is very easy to get killed there (mainly by the imps
             at the first skull switch, the yellow key platform is
             bigger and gives you more maneuvering space)..
10      SRU - DONE      28. Mai 97
        SRU: There exists no usable template for pacifist style in this map,
             so I had to figure out a new route (that alone makes pacifist a
             interesting challange:). Quite a lot places one can get stuck.
             This took me a few hours.
11      ........................
        SRU: OK there is an invul, and there exists a switch trick,
             but ... no way
        SRU: I made it using savegames, but it's extremely hard to get to the
             invul and in the endroom with two imps and two spectres you need
             to have extreme luck. The imps must at least kill one of the two
             spectres and the imps at the switches mustn't block your way
             and the remaining spectre mustn't block your way when coming
             back from the switches ... too hard I guess
        SRU: I tried it (without savegames :) and got to the first elevator,
             but the imp was already waiting for me. If you watch the old
             COMPET-N record by Steffen Winterfeldt (lv11-059), you'll see
             that it must be possible to avoid this.
        Q:   tried. My rec.bat records hr%1- .LMPs :)
             That's optimal until the last Imp, I think even all these
             Spectres and Imps were dead. If that %$&$%&@%#&! Imp
             would have stepped aside ... or be hit. Or whatever ...
             Closest to the end I guess. And shows how impossible that map is :)
             Anyone has got an Idea how to avoid this Imp to be awaken
             (and the other one too?) You can't press that button from down,
             I tried it
        Q:   almost done. I would say it's done now :)
12      IP  - DONE      31. Mai 97
        SRU: all these cacos blocking the switches,
             think this really is IMPOSSIBLE
        IP:  done. don't know if you made it, but it looked easy..
13      IP  - DONE      02. Jun 97
        SRU: this may be possible, please try it
        SRU: if tried it using savegames, blue and read keys are no problem
             but to get the yellow key at least one of two imps blocking it
             must be killed by cacos or lost souls. I think that this is only
             a matter of patience. I strongly believe this map can be done.
        IP:  I tried lv13 it looks possible just you have to be patient
             to get some big monsters in yellow key room I'll not do it...
             it's boring
        SRU: I tried it using savegames, and I succeded in getting all
             imps at the yellow card killed by a caco, but the patform didn't
             rise anymore. I think that map is annoying in pacifist.
        IP:  done. This is very long (12mins) and boring, lot of corner
             inspecting, but I had to do it... ;-)
             This collection is just to show that a map is possible or not,
             so it is! I hate those spiders, they always killed my favorite
             caco before he entered the yellow key room. And I hate those
             blocking imps at the yellow key platform too!
        PS2: done. A tame Hungarian caco? ;-) Mine is more boring since
             it takes 16 minutes, had no real plan. Now we have 2 lmps
             for the map anyway..
14      IP  - DONE      03. Jun 97
        SRU: Istvan's speed route may help, but I think it's just too
        IP:  done. Huh, this was hard! I had to learn the jumps again ;-))
             At the beginning I got nervous when I couldn't jump out the
             window properly ... anyway it's done so it's possible!
15      SRU - DONE      27. Mai 97
        SRU: I had to learn the switch trick,
             after that it was piece of cake.
        JK:  done. You don't even need the switch trick for this one :-)
        Q:   It is easier without the switch trick, if the Dude at the
             yellow key is not standing at the stair. You can wait for
             some seconds at the start before teleporting maybe. The
             Cacos never blocked me, they just see me too late :)

16      SRU - DONE      27. Mai 97
        SRU: Did it in the 4th try.
17      ........................
        SRU: completely blocked
18      I. Pataki       24. Apr 96      COMPET-N/doom2/speed/lv18-029
        SRU: done. This was my second try
19      PS2 - DONE      30. Mai 97
        SRU: you need the red_key_card and therefore you have to shoot
             the trigger at the imps without hitting an imp
             I think that's an impossible map
        PS2: 19 was easier than I expected. I shoot one pistol
             to trigger the lift leading to the red key
        IP: done. only one shoot which is necessary, hope I didn't
            hit the imp! The beginning is hard the rest is a piece of cake
        PS2: done again.
            I have done a new lv19-uvp, this time without hurting anyone.
            I must have been lucky the first time I did it since it is
            a pretty hard level, for instance the first switch is very
            hard to survive. Anyway, this time I jumped down to the pigs
            and shot at the wall below the imps to activate the lift,
            I am 100% sure I didn't harm any imps, I got beaten
            up pretty bad by the pigs though. After getting the red key
            it is very easy though.
        SRU: I think it's ok if everyone can see that you try to miss the
             imp and the imps doesn't cry ...
20      SRU - DONE      27. Mai 97
        SRU: There are several ways to do it safe
21      SRU - DONE      31. Mai 97
        SRU: at least it's not blocked, but can anyone survive this?
             accidential telefrags will lead us to rule discussions
        SRU: I did it with savegames and it's not too hard
             (would need approx. 20 tries without)
             but you cannot always avoid accidential telefrags,
             what do you think, should they be allowed?
        SRU: done. 10th try in a train session
22      ........................
        SRU: chaingunners everywhere - IMPOSSIBLE
23      PM  - DONE      30. Mai 97
        SRU: demons blocking the way
        PS2: ... one is almost a year old and done for my GM exam
              and it is not a true no killings, I just want show it
              must be possible to do map 23 according to your suggestion,
              I only kill one lost soul and one pig, but if you do
              some nice slalom it probably isn't necessary to use any
              violence at all.
              Just wait at the other side when you release the pigs so
              the come toward you and leave a better space for your escape
        PM:  After a few dozen tries, I managed to finish MAP23 without
             killing a monster.
        PS2: done. 23 was harder than I expected
24      A. Kren         08. Jun 96      COMPET-N/doom2/speed/lv24-058
        SRU: is this a "only Anthe can" - map ?
        SRU: no - I've done it using savegames
             (would need approx. 300 tries without)
        PS2: done. I also did pa24, and it is not an Anthe only map,
             on the contrary it is the easiest of the maps I have done,
             did it safe and slow on my first try in 1:11. Should be in
             the base as easy or maybe easiest?
        PM:  Does it take Houdini to get past all those
             demons by the red key?
        PS2: this time it took approx. 10-12 tries. So it is not easy,
             maybe medium/hard? The trick in the red key room is to be
             quite fast (straferun if possible) to all switches, for
             instance if you zigzag too much on the way to the first
             switch the demons will be closer to the same switch, that also
             means that when you have hit the second switch they will still
             be closer to the first switch, which eventually will make them
             block your escape after you get the red key. I assume it helps
             a bit to be a mouser as well doing this map.. I have seen 5
             pacifist lmps of this map now, 2 by Andi, 2 by me and one by Daniel.
25      AAK - DONE      08. Jun 97
        SRU: if anyone finds a way to the megasphere it may be possible
        AAK: medium to hard
        SRU: done, it's not so bad. about the same difficulty as 21
26      ........................
        SRU: red_key_card is unreachable
        PM:  Even if the red key could be taken, the blue key
             is almost completed blocked by a baron.
27      L. Magori       20. Sep 96      COMPET-N/doom2/speed/lv27-016
        SRU: needs only patience to wait for arch-vile coop,
             how hard is this?
        SRU: done on conventional route. it's easier to get the keys
        Q:   > 27 - Medium.  Arch-Vile can open the door, but sometimes he won't
             >       move and will flame you instead.
            You can teleport away, see nm27-017.
            Also the normal way seems to be easy too.
28      SRU - DONE      27. Mai 97
        SRU: This was my third try
29      ........................
        SRU: in his episode three run, Uwe Girlich kills only
             very few monsters, but how should this be done with NONE
        YD:  Impossible.
30      ........................
        SRU: impossible if you regard the BIG BOSS as a monster
             (it doesn't count for kills and cannot move,
             but nethertheless I think it's a monster anyway)
        SRU: there has been some discussion whether the BIG BOSS is a
             monster or not, but I think it's better to exclude this map
31      M. Kren         01. Oct 95      COMPET-N/doom2/speed/lv31-041
        SRU: done. This was my first try
        Q:   > 31 - Easy.  Easy to run by the WolfSS, but they can get lucky
             >      and kill you before you reach the berserk (even while
             >      invisible).
            It did it often without the berserk. Only thing is that you've
            got to be fast. I even run that map without the invisibility, but
            that's damn hard.
32      SRU - DONE      26. Mai 97
        SRU: I didn't know that cybie is small enough to enter
             the Keen-room, therefore I thought this would be
             "impossible by construction".
             Big mistake, this was my first try
        Q:  > 32 - Easy.  I had the invulnerabiliy wear off before the
            >      cyberdemon shot all four Keens.  Plus WolfSS were
            >      entering the Keen room by the time Mr. C shot the last Keen.
            You've got to dodgeonly a few rockets ...
            If this map is a problem for somebody, he'll first have to learn
            how to handle a Cybie ...

DONE with lmp                   : 01 03 05 06 08 10 12 13 14 15 16
                                  18 19 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 31 32
DONE w/o lmp                    :
DONE using safegames            : 11
Very likely to be possible      :