Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 11:46:07 +0200 (CEST)
From: Steffen Udluft 
To: Frank Stajano 
Subject: DHT6: d2p - pacifist ;-)

Hello Frank,

no annoying "I've made some mistake" mail today, but something for
amusement (that in fact could also be taken seriously ;-)

Have a nice day,
                        Steffen "Rini" Udluft

I've watched the COMPET-N speed entries today and noticed more and more
0% kills entries amongst them (pressing buttons through walls, getting
keys through closed doors, weird jumping, running slalom around the
monsters and stuff like that).

So following idea arose:

DooM and DooM 2  ---- Pacifist ----  (D1P & D2P)
"Can do any level from scratch on UltraViolence without harming any

That is: no boxing, chainsawing or shooting at monsters, not even shooting
barrals that do explode next to monsters, not even using chrushers or
telefrags. But it is allowed to make the monsters fight each others,
if they are so stupid and agressive, well that's their problem.

Problem is that most levels should be EXTREMELY hard, but who said this is
an easy title :-)

Some commets to the levels:
 1 Entryway             easy
                        I think this exists already
 2 Underhalls           practically impossible
                        maybe internal fightings and monsters shooting
                        barrels could make it feasible
 3 The Gantlet          should be possible
                        so much health and armor
 4 The Focus            practically impossible
                        maybe internal fightings could make it feasible
 5 The Waste Tunnels    may be possible
 6 The Crusher          may be possible
                        there are some jumptricks
 7 Dead Simple          impossible by construction
 8 Tricks and Traps     easy
                        why shooting when always beeing invulnerable ;-)
 9 The Pit              may be possible
10 Refueling Base       should be possible
11 Circle of Death      don't think that's possible
12 The Factory          don't think that's possible
                        all these cacos blocking the switches
13 Downtown             may be possible
                        the jump to the yellow key is blocked by imps
14 The Inmost Dens      may be possible
                        is it possible to survive that?
15 Industrial Zone      should be possible
16 Suburbs              may be possible
17 Tenements            don't think that's possible
18 The Courtyard        easy
                        why shooting when always beeing invulnerable ;-)
19 The Citadel          don't think that's possible
20 Gotcha!              don't think that's possible
                        maybe internal fightings could make it feasible
21 Nirvana              may be possible
22 The Catacombs        don't think that's possible
23 Barrels O' Fun       don't think that's possible
24 The Chasm            possible
                        I think this exists already
25 Bloodfalls           don't think that's possible
26 The Abandoned Mines  may be possible
                        maybe internal fightings could make it feasible
27 Monster Condo        possible
                        I think this exists already
28 The Spirit World     easy
                        why shooting when always beeing invulnerable ;-)
29 The Living End       don't think that's possible
                        too many monsters blocking the switches
30 Icon of Sin          impossible by construction
31 Wolfenstein          possible
32 Grosse               impossible by construction

Though there are some BIG errors (e.g. lv20, lv32) it's not such a bad estimation. Compare it with the final list of d2p levels.