- Modelling prion-like processing of tau protein in Alzheimer's disease for pharmaceutical development. Claude M. Wischik, Björn O. Schelter, Damon J. Wischik, John M. D. Story, Charles R. Harrington. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2017.
Transportation system reconstruction (patent).
Morteza Ibrahimi, Damon Wischik, Christopher Pluntke, Balaji Prabhakar, Deepak Merugu. US patent application number 20150177011, 2015.
Steptacular: an incentive mechanism for promoting wellness.
Naini Gomes, Deepak Merugu, Gearoid O'Brien, Chinmoy Mandayam, Tom Yue, Berk Atikoglu, Adrian Albert, Norihiro Fukumoto, Huan Liu, Balaji Prabhakar, Damon Wischik. Networked Healthcare Technology (NETHEALTH) workshop, COMSNETS 2012.
Log-weight scheduling in switched networks.
Devavrat Shah, Damon Wischik. Queueing Systems 2012.
Switched networks with maximum weight policies: fluid approximation and multiplicative state space collapse.
D.Shah, D.J.Wischik. Annals of Applied Probability 2012.
Congestion control meets medium access: throughput, delay, and complexity.
Shreeshankar Bodas, Devavrat Shah, Damon Wischik. SIGMETRICS 2012 poster.
Coupled congestion control for multipath transport protocols.
C.Raiciu, M.Handley, D.Wischik. RFC 6356, 2011.
Multipath: a new control architecture for the internet: technical perspective.
Damon Wischik. Commun. ACM 54, 2011.
Fluid models of congestion collapse in overloaded switched networks.
Devavrat Shah and Damon Wischik. Queueing Systems 2011.
Interference is not noise.
Shreeshankar Bodas, Devavrat Shah, Damon Wischik. Allerton conference on communication, control and computation 2011.
Design, implementation and evaluation of congestion control for multipath TCP.
Damon Wischik, Costin Raiciu, Adam Greenhalgh, and Mark Handley. NSDI 2011.
Winner of "Best paper" award.
Improving datacenter performance and robustness with multipath TCP.
Costin Raiciu, Sebastien Barre, Christopher Pluntke, Adam Greenhalgh, Damon Wischik, Mark Handley. SIGCOMM 2011.
Principles of resource allocation in networks.
Devavrat Shah and Damon Wischik. SIGCOMM 2011 education workshop.
Data center networking with multipath TCP.
Costin Raiciu, Christopher Pluntke, Sébastien Barré, Adam Greenhalgh, Damon Wischik, Mark Handley. HotNets 2010.
Rationale for tau aggregation inhibitor therapy in Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies.
C.M. Wischik, D.J. Wischik, J.M.D. Storey, C.R. Harrington. Chapter in Emerging drugs and targets for Alzheimer's disease, vol. 1, ed. A. Martinez, RSC Drug Discovery Series, 2010.
Control of multipath TCP and optimization of multipath routing in the Internet.
Damon Wischik, Mark Handley, Costin Raiciu. NetCOOP 2009.
The resource pooling principle.
Damon Wischik, Mark Handley, Marcelo Bagnulo Braun. ACM/SIGCOMM CCR 2008.
Lower bound and optimality in switched networks.
D.Shah and D.Wischik. Allerton conference on communication, control and communication 2008.
Compounds for treatment;
Therapeutic use of diaminophenothiazines;
Systems for clinical trials. (Patents.)
Respectively: C.M. Wischik, D.V. Harbaran, G. Riedel, S. Deiana, E. Goatman, D. Wischik, A.D. Murray, R.T. Staff; C.M. Wischik, D.J. Wischik, J.M.D. Story, C.R. Harrington; C.M. Wischik, D.J. Wischik, R.T. Staff, A.D. Murray. PCT international applications: WO08/155533, WO09/044127, WO09/060191, 2008.
Short messages.
D.J.Wischik. Phil. Trans. Royal Society A, 2008.
Fairness, QoS, and buffer sizing.
D.Wischik. ACM/SIGCOMM CCR 2006.
Buffer sizing theory for bursty TCP flows.
D.Wischik. International Zurich Seminar on Communications 2006.
Optimal scheduling algorithms for input-queued switches.
D.Shah, D.J.Wischik. INFOCOM 2006.
Buffer requirements for high-speed routers.
Damon Wischik. ECOC 2005.
Making router buffers much smaller;
Part I: Buffer sizes for core routers;
Part II: Control theory for buffer sizing.
Respectively: Nick McKeown and Damon Wischik; Damon Wischik and Nick McKeown; Gaurav Raina, Don Towsley, Damon Wischik. ACM/SIGCOMM CCR 2005.
Buffer sizes for large multiplexers: TCP queueing theory and instability analysis.
G.Raina and D.J.Wischik. EuroNGI, 2005.
Big Queues.
A.Ganesh, N.O'Connell, D.J.Wischik. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer, 2004.
Winner of "Best publication" award, by the Applied Probability Society of INFORMS.
A reliable protocol for synchronous rendezvous.
Lucian & Damon Wischik. University of Bologna technical report 2004-1.
SHRINK: a method for scalable performance prediction and efficient network simulation.
R.Pan, B.Prabhakar, K.Psounis, D.Wischik. INFOCOM 2003.
The Scaling Hypothesis: Simplifying the Prediction of Network Performance using Scaled-down Simulations.
K.Psounis, R.Pan, B.Prabhakar, D.Wischik. ACM/SIGCOMM CCR 2003.
Timescale analysis for wavelength-routed optical burst-switched (WR-OBS) networks.
M.Düser, Miguel, P.Bayvel, D.Wischik. Optical Fiber Communications Conference 2002.
Sample path large deviations for queues with many inputs.
Damon Wischik. Annals of Applied Probability, 2001.
The output of a switch, or, effective bandwidths for networks.
Damon Wischik. Queueing Systems, 1999.
Admission control for booking ahead shared resources.
D.J.Wischik, A.Greenberg. INFOCOM 1998.