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Static and Dynamic Scheduling: Memories and Superstates.

Many hardware designs call for memories, either RAM and ROM. Small memories can be implemented from gates and flip-flops (if RAM). For larger memories, a customised structure is preferable. Large memories are best implemented using separate off-chip device where as sizes of hundreds of kilobytes can easily be integrated in ASICs. Having several smaller memories on a chip takes more space than having one larger memory because of overheads due mainly to address decoding, but, where data can be partitioned (i.e. we know something about the access patterns) having several smaller memories gives better bandwidth and less contention and uses less power for a given performance.

In an imperative HDL, memories readily map to arrays. A primary difference between a formal memory structure and a bunch of gates is the I/O bandwidth: it is not normally possible to access more than one location at a time in a memory. Consider the following Verilog HDL

   reg [7:0] myram [1023:0];  // 1 kbyte memory

   always @(posedge clk) myram[a] = myram[a+1] + 2;            // Addresses different - not possible in one cycle.

If myram is implemented as an off-the-shelf, single-ported memory array, then it is not possible to read and write it at different addresses in one clock cycle. Compilers which handle RAMs in this way either do not have explicit clock statements in the user code, or else interpret them flexibly. An example of flexible interpretation, is the `Superstate' concept introduced by Synopsys for their Behavioural Compiler, which splits the user specified clock intervals into as many as needed actual clock cycles. With such a compiler, the above example is synthesisable using a single-ported RAM.

When multiple memories are used, a scheduling algorithm must be used by the compiler to determine the best order for reading and writing the required values. Advanced tools (e.g. C-to-Gates tools and Kiwi) generate a complete `datapath' that consists of various ALUs, RAMs and register files. This is essentially the execution unit of a custom VLIW (very-long instruction word) processor, where the control unit is replaced with a dedicated finite-state controller.

The decisions about how many memories to use and what to keep in them may be automated or manual overrides might be specified.

44: (C) 2008-18, DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory.