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RAM Macrocell Compiler Tool

The average SoC is 71 percent RAM memory. The RAMs are typically generated by a RAM compiler. The input parameters are:

The outputs are a datasheet for the RAM, high and low detail simulation models and something that turns into actual polygons in the fabrication masks.
// Low-level model (RTL) for a RAM. Example 1.
module R1W1RAM(din, waddr, clk, wen, raddr, dout);
  input clk, wen;
  input [14:0] waddr, raddr;
  input [31:0] din;
  output [31:0] dout; 

  // Mem array itself: 32K words of 32 bits each.
  reg [31:0] myram [32767:0]; 
  always @(posedge clk) begin
       dout <= myram[raddr];
       if (wen) myram[waddr] <= din;

// Low-level model (RTL) for a RAM. Example 2.
module R1W1RAM(din, addr, clk, wen, dout);
  input clk, wen;
  input [14:0] addr;
  input [31:0] din;
  output [31:0] dout; 

  // Address register: latency of 1 one cycle.
  reg [14:0] addr1;
  // Mem array itself: 32K words of 32 bits each.
  reg [31:0] myram [32767:0]; 
  always @(posedge clk) begin
       addr1 <= addr;  
       if (wen) myram[addr1] <= din;
       else dout <= myram[addr1];

  // Example high-level model for both RAMs                            // This RAM model has a pair of entry points
  SC_MODULE(R1W1RAM)                                                   // for reading and writing.
  {                                                                    // It also has a TLM convenience socket
     uint32_t myram [32768];                                           // which would decode a generic payload and
     int read_me(int A) { return myram[A]; }                           // call one or other of those entry points
     write_me(int A, int D) { myram[A] = D; }                          // for each transaction.
     tlm_utils::simple_target_socket port0;

Sometimes self test modules are also generated. For example Mentor's MBIST Architect(TM) generates an SRTL BIST with the memory and ARM/Artisan's Generator will generate a wrapper that implements self repair of the RAM by diverting access from a fault row to a spare row. »ARM Artisan

Other related generator tools would be similar in use: e.g. a FIFO generator would be similar and a masked ROM generator or PLA generator.

2: (C) 2008-18, DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory.