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Multiplier Answer

module LONGMULT8b8(clk, reset, C, Ready, A, B, Start);
   input clk, reset, Start;
   output Ready;
   input [7:0] A, B;
   output [15:0] C;
   reg [15:0] RC, RB, RA;
   reg        Ready;

// Behavioural code:                                                  
//   while (1)                                                                             
//      {                                                                                  
//         wait (Start);                                                                         
//         RA=A;RB=B;RC=0;                                                                  
//         while(RA>0)                                                                         
//         { if odd(RA) RC=RC+RB;                                                                
//           RA = RA >> 1;  RB = RB << 1;                                                               
//          }                                                                                    
//         Ready = 1;                                                                              
//         wait(!Start);                                                                           
//         Ready = 0;                                                                              
//      }                                                                                             
   reg xx, yy, qq, pp; // Control and predicate nets                                                     
   reg [1:0] fc;
   reg [3:0] state;
   always @(posedge clk) begin
      xx = 0; // default settings.                                                                   
      yy = 0;
      fc = 0;

      // Predicates                                                                                    
      pp = (RA!=16'h0);   // Work while pp holds                                                        
      qq = RA[0];         // Odd if qq holds                                                             
      // Sequencer                                                          
      if (reset) begin
         state <= 0;
         Ready <= 0;
      else case (state)
             0: if (Start) begin
                xx = 1;
                yy = 1;
                fc = 2;
                state <= 1;

             1: begin
                fc = qq;
                if (!pp) state <= 2;
             2: begin
                Ready <= 1;
                if (!Start) state <= 3;
             3: begin
                Ready <= 0;
                state <= 0;

           endcase // case (state)                                                                       
      // Datapath
      RB <= (yy) ? B: RB<<1;
      RA <= (xx) ? A: RA>>1;
      RC <= (fc==2) ? 0: (fc==1) ? RC+RB: RC;

   assign C = RC;
Suitable test wrapper:
module SIMSYS();
   reg clk, reset, Start;
   wire Ready;
   wire [7:0] A, B;
   wire [15:0] C;

   // Reset Generator
   initial begin reset = 1; # 55 reset = 0; end

   // Clock Generator
   initial begin clk = 0; forever #10 clk = !clk; end

   // Stimulus
   assign A = 6;
   assign B = 7;

   // Handshake control
   always @(posedge clk) Start <= !Ready;

   // Console ouput logging:
   always @(posedge clk) $display("Ready=%h  C=%d");

   // Device under test.
   LONGMULT8b8 the_mult(clk, reset, C, Ready, A, B, Start);

endmodule // SIMSYS                                         
Long Multiplier Timing Waveforms

41: (C) 2008-18, DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory.   TAPE MISSING ICON