Frames from Jungles Dataset

First column shows the target color graded frames. Second column shows the results for HDRNet. The third column shows the results for a trained Conditional INN with 3 layers and 35 dim condition. Fourth and fifth columns with layers =5 and conditions of dim 3 and 35 respectively.

ID Target Frame CINN_Mean_Jungles PSNR 27.236 CINN_Mean_Jungles_3 PSNR 9.039 CINN_Mean_Jungles_35_layers5 PSNR 27.027 CINN_Mean_Jungles_Histogram PSNR 27.479
000526 20.721 9.737 20.245 21.084
000529 29.265 8.203 29.005 28.524
000532 25.757 9.252 26.063 25.420
000535 33.072 10.265 33.416 32.073
000538 30.841 8.429 30.058 31.846
000541 25.649 7.585 25.105 26.342
000544 28.743 8.819 28.244 30.238
000547 26.881 8.464 26.619 28.129
000550 31.568 9.706 31.575 33.670
000553 30.911 8.271 30.013 31.902
000556 36.546 8.696 37.136 35.719
000559 27.804 9.604 27.726 28.576
000562 28.727 8.004 28.289 29.571
000565 36.937 8.599 35.882 36.941
000574 30.859 9.936 30.683 32.541
000580 28.578 8.531 28.174 29.836
000583 25.397 9.926 25.738 24.740
000586 25.483 10.243 25.803 25.088
000589 26.353 10.428 26.470 24.956
000592 21.963 7.624 21.901 21.529
000595 30.237 9.712 30.125 28.312
000598 18.157 11.274 18.109 17.987
000601 28.035 9.357 28.404 27.469
000604 29.862 7.955 29.572 29.677
000607 29.847 9.175 29.573 28.094
000610 29.301 8.484 29.131 28.574
000613 30.799 9.629 30.562 32.581