Further Java Practical Class

Workbook 5

Table of Contents

Vector clocks
Updating the vector clock
Happened-before relationship
Reorder buffer
Chat client
Ticklet 5


Last week you wrote your own implementation of a Java chat server. In a chat system, it is desirable to preserve the causal ordering of messages displayed in the client. For example, if message M is written on client A in response to a message L from client B, then we should ensure that L is displayed before M on all clients.

Your implementation of a Java chat server currently ensures causal ordering by passing all messages through a single MultiQueue, however this does not scale for a large system. A more scaleable solution distributes message delivery across multiple processors, or even multiple servers; however this may result in message reordering. To fix this, clients need to reorder messages in order to guarantee messages are displayed in causal order. Therefore, this week, you will add support for vector clocks to your chat client in order to ensure message causality is preserved in this setting.


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Vector clocks

A vector clock is a data structure and associated algorithm for determining the partial order of events in a distributed system. In other words, the algorithm allows clients to determine whether, given two events D and E, if E occurred after D, D occurred after E, or whether E and D were concurrent. The algorithm requires each client to maintain a vector of counters, called a vector clock. The client's current vector clock is attached to events when they happen, and the vector clocks attached to events can subsequently be compared to determine the partial order of events.

In text books, the vector clock is often presented as a mathematical vector of integers; this works fine for a closed system where the number of communicating processes are known when the system is designed. However, in our chat system, we do not know in advance how many clients there will be. Therefore in this workbook we will represent the vector clock by java.util.Map<String, Integer> where each key in the map represents a client which should be represented by a random unique identifier generated with the java.util.UUID class. The value in the Map should be an integer fulfilling the criteria for the vector clock algorithm, as explained below.

We use the notation clock[X] to access the integer, or clock element, associated with the unique identifier X in a vector clock called clock; and the notation clock[X] += 1 to increment the integer associated with the unique identifier X by one.

Updating the vector clock

Vector clocks are typically used to track events in distributed systems, and as part of the protocol a client will increment its own clock element on any event, including when a local event occurs or when it sends (or receives) a message from (to) another client. This is because communication is, after all, just an event too. In the messaging context, we want to track the number of messages sent by each client and therefore require a client to only increment its own clock element whenever it sends a message; it does not increment its own clock element when receiving a message. This change makes the task of reconstructing the order of messages for display possible later in this workbook. This algorithm is presented in the Part IB Concurrent and Distributed Systems course under the name of 'causal broadcast'.

The rules for updating vector clocks are therefore as follows:

  • Each chat client should maintain its own local vector clock for as long as the client is alive.

  • When a client with identifier ID, and a vector clock called client sends a message, the client must increment its own clock element by one (i.e. client[ID] += 1) before attaching a copy of its own vector clock to the message.

  • When a client with identifier ID receives a message, it updates the clock elements in its own vector clock to be the larger of those in its own clock (called client) and the values found in the message (called msg). In other words, for all identifiers U, client[U] = max(client[U], msg[U]); if there are identifiers found only in the client or msg clocks, then those identifiers and values should be included in the new client vector clock.

Happened-before relationship

Given the vector clocks attached to two messages, the vector clocks can be used to determine whether message L happened before message M, M happened before L, or whether M and L are concurrent. Formally, L happened before M iff all the clock elements in L are less than or equal to all clock elements in M and at least one element is strictly smaller in L than in M. If one clock has elements not present in the other, then you should assume the missing clock element has the value zero. If neither L happened before M, nor M happened before L, then M and L are concurrent.

Reorder buffer

Your next challenge is to display messages in the correct order. If two messages are causally dependent on each other then the chat client must display the earlier message first. Otherwise, if two messages are not causally dependent on each other, the chat client must display the messages in the same order that they were sent by the server. You are welcome to design your ordering algorithm as you wish, provided that it meets these two criteria.

One simple and effective approach to meet these criteria is to construct a buffer of messages together with a VectorClock called lastDisplayed to represent the last message displayed by the client. Initially, the buffer will be empty. When the first message arrives the value of lastDisplayed should be set equal to the vector clock of the first message. Any subsequent messages which arrive and happened before this first message should be dropped; this ensures that the display does not show older messages out-of-order.

Whenever a new message arrives, it should be placed at the end of the buffer. Then, scan the buffer from the beginning, looking for a message, M, where all but one of the values in the vector clock are less than or equal to those found in lastDisplayed and the remaining value in M is exactly one greater; if such a message is found, this message can be displayed. If such a message M has been found with a vector clock called msg, the value of lastDisplayed should be updated with lastDisplayed.updateClock(msg).

Since the arrival of a single message may result in several messages becoming eligible for display, the buffer should be repeatedly scanned from the beginning every time a new message is displayed until either the buffer is empty or there are no more messages eligible for display.

Chat client

Your final task is to upgrade your Chat client to make use of your implementation of VectorClock and ReorderBuffer. To do so you should start by copying your implementation of the ChatClient from Ticklet 2 and then updating it to ensure:

  • The client generates a random unique identifier using the java.util.UUID class; the result will be of the form "bc79adc3-985f-4ac4-8e6f-01344dafb963". The unique identifier should be converted to a String kept for the entire execution time of the program.

  • The client should have a VectorClock object.

  • Whenever any message is received, the client's vector clock should be updated correctly, the message added to the reorder buffer, and any messages which can now be displayed are shown to the user.

  • Whenever any message is sent, a copy of the client's vector clock is updated and included in the message sent to the server. NB: The clock element associated with the client's own unique identifier in the vector clock attached to the first message should be equal to 1; in the second message, 2; and so on. The need to include vector clocks in all messages requires you to make use of the new constructors for all the classes found in the package uk.ac.cam.cl.fjava.messages.

Ticklet 5

You have now completed all the necessary code to gain your fifth ticklet. Your repository should contain the following source files:


When you are satisfied you have completed everything, you should commit all outstanding changes and push these to the Chime server. On the Chime server, check that the latest version of your files are in the repository, and once you are happy schedule your code for testing. You can resubmit as many times as you like and there is no penalty for re-submission. If, after waiting one hour, you have not received a final response you should notify ticks1b-admin@cl.cam.ac.uk of the problem. You should submit a version of your code which successfully passes the automated checks by the deadline, so don't leave it to the last minute!

Copyright 2008-2020 Alastair R. Beresford and Andrew C. Rice