Further Java Practical Class

Further Java Ticklet 2*

Table of Contents

Hints 'n' tips
Warning: JDK versions

In order to gain a star in the mark sheet you must complete this exercise. Completing the exercise does not gain you any credit in the examination. In this exercise you will implement a custom security manager for a new chat client called SafeChatClient. Your new version of the chat client should allow only the following network and file system actions for any code your program downloads:

Start the exercise on Chime here https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/current/FJava/ticklet2star then clone the ticklet2star repository to your local machine. Then copy your implementation of ChatClient from Ticklet 2 into the class called SafeChatClient inside the package uk.ac.cam.your-crsid.fjava.tick2star. Take a copy of the source code for uk.ac.cam.cl.fjava.messages.DynamicObjectInputStream and use it as a starting point for SafeObjectInputStream in your Ticklet 2* package. Your task for this Ticklet is to modify the code for SafeChatClient and SafeObjectInputStream so that any code downloaded and invoked by the client can only perform the file system and network actions as described as above.

Hints 'n' tips

  • Replace the use of DynamicObjectInputStream with SafeObjectInputStream inside SafeChatClient and check your code works in an identical way to ChatClient by connecting to java-1b.cl.cam.ac.uk on port 15004. The class which is downloaded from the server will print DONE if it has worked successfully.

  • By default, the JVM runs without an instance of the SecurityManager object. You'll need one in order to be able to define security policies for the class loader. Therefore your first task is to create an instance of SecurityManager and add it to the virtual machine (hint: try System.setSecurityManager). Your chat client should not work with the default SecurityManager, since the default policy does not permit class loaders.

  • You should use the following String, representing a URL, as the source of the security policy: "http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/current/FJava/all.policy" (hint: try System.setProperty("java.security.policy", ...)). Your implementation of SafeChatClient should now run as before (i.e. with the security flaws). Why?

  • Rewrite the addClass method in SafeObjectInputStream to use java.security.SecureClassLoader instead of java.lang.ClassLoader. The class SecureClassLoader provides a definition of the method defineClass which takes a fifth argument of type java.security.ProtectionDomain. (You will need to create an instance of ProtectionDomain which supports only the permissions the downloaded class should be given. Apple users may find that additional permissions are needed and should investigate the need for read and write permissions within apple.* as well as java.version)

  • The home directory of the current user can be found using the following expression System.getProperty("user.home").

  • Test your implementation of SafeChatClient by connecting to java-1b.cl.cam.ac.uk on port 15004. The new class file should load and execute and the "wholesome content" should download, but the "dubious content" should fail to download. Similarly, any modifications to the filesystem should fail.

Warning: JDK versions

There have been some problems reported with this exercise this year which seem to be due to a change in behaviour around System.setProperty("java.security.policy", ...). So far, our best guess is that sometime between Java 8 (which the unit tester still runs) and now this property has changed so that it will no longer download a policy from the web.

If you are running an old version of Java on your machine (e.g. Java 8) then things should work as normal.

If you are running a more recent version you may find the approach above doesn't work. There is no error message, it will just silently fail to apply the policy. If that happens you can instead download the file yourself and load the policy from disk. Use the format "file:/full/path/to/all.policy" for the property value. This should get it working on your machine. However, this will not work on the server and so for the version you submit you should fall back to the method above. If you don't want to hardcode it then there's a system property you can use to check the Java version. We sorry about this because its so horrible! But we don't want to risk a large change to the unit tester in the middle of the course.


When you are satisfied you have completed everything, you should commit all outstanding changes and push these to the Chime server. On the Chime server, check that the latest version of your files are in the repository, and once you are happy schedule your code for testing. You can resubmit as many times as you like and there is no penalty for re-submission. If, after waiting one hour, you have not received a final response you should notify ticks1b-admin@cl.cam.ac.uk of the problem. You should submit a version of your code which successfully passes the automated checks by the deadline, so don't leave it to the last minute!

Copyright 2008-2020 Alastair R. Beresford and Andrew C. Rice