CCDS Examples Class 1

Audio transcript and materials used on 14th October 2021 for part Ib Computer Science Concurrent and Distributed Systems Examples Class 1.

Token Passing

Mutual Exclusion Using Token Passing 1

Token passing mutual exclusion.

int g_worklock = 0;

const int N_PARTICIPANTS = 4;

// A thread calls this when it wants its work executed
// with exclusive access to whatever g_worklock is protecting.
int do_my_work(void (*workptr)())
  int my_tid = gettid();

  //  while(g_worklock != my_tid) { wait(); }

  wait(g_worklock == my_tid);

  if (workptr) workptr();
  g_worklock = (1+g_worklock) % N_PARTICIPANTS;

Atomic-free token passing design attempt:
Does this code work?
What assumptions do we make?
Can we improve on the spinning? (wait on arbitrary condition?)
Is token passing access control a useful idea in general?

2:00 Does it work?
4:00 Memory write consistency (advanced question)
5:00 Is it good code?
6:00 Spinning while waiting is a waste of time?
8:00 Re-evaluation of wait guard predicates.
9:00 What can a threads package usefully wait on?
10:00 [BTW: It's quick to know whether the nth prime is odd or even!]
12:00 Fairness/social behaviour by regularly calling do_my_work().

Mutual Exclusion Using Token Passing 2

Let's look at it in a message-passing scenario:

    struct packet *rxd = packetwait(network_ifc_handle);
    switch (rxd->packet_type)
      case worktoken:
	if (i_have_some_work) do_some_of_my_work();
	packetsend(worktoken, (my_address+1)% N_PARTICIPANTS);

      case ...:
	...dispatch other packets accordingly;

If this were in distributed system, would this be a good idea (compared with a parallel computing platform?). What other consideration do we need to make?

0:00 No shared variable in this phrasing.
1:00 Actor model, message passing to circulate the token.
2:00 Packet send primitive.
2:28 Any change in assumptions made?
3:00 Unbounded latency or unreliable communication.
3:42 Supercomputer interconnect is ulta low latency.
4:40 Loosing the token: parallel computing vs distributed computing.
5:00 Clarification of sendpacket primitive.
6:31 Who issues the first token?

Pthreads and Model Checking Examples


// test0.c                                                    
int main()
  int i;
  int ss = 0;
  for (i=0; i<10; i++) ss += i;
  //#ifdef CBMC
  __CPROVER_assert(ss > 20,  "my postcondition");
  __CPROVER_assert(ss > 200, "second postcondition");  
  printf("ss=%i\n", ss);
  return 0;

Well this could be just checked with 'dynamic validation' since there are no inputs.

0:30 Run as a C program
1:30 As processed by cbmc model checker
2:11 Dynamic validation - showing code is not incorrect by running tests
2:20 Only one execution path so not much gain from formal proof!

Test 1

Test 1 - A digression into model checking and not much to do with concurrency (yet).

// test1.c Now with undetermined inputs

extern unsigned int reader();

int main()
  int P = 2 + (reader() & 0xF/*FFFFF*/);   // Add further F values to increase the complexity.
  int Q = 2 + (reader() & 0xF/*FFFFFF*/);  

  int ss = P * Q;
   __CPROVER_assert(ss >=4, "postcondition1");
   __CPROVER_assert(ss >=20, "postcondition2");   
  return 0;

CMBC example output without two 16-bit inputs TXT.

How many more possible execution paths are there for each F added?

0:30 Undetermined input sourced from outside our model of interest (the program)
1:48 Proof that (2..17) * (2..17) > 4.
2:12 A bigger proof (30 bits of input)
2:30 An even bigger one that fails, why? Integer overflow.

Test 2

Test 2 - Digression into bounded model checking - not relevant for this course. Study in your own time if interested.
// test2.c An example containing an unbounded? loop.

int main()
  int i, N = 2 + (reader()&0xF);
  int ss = 0;
  for (i=0; i<N; i++) { ss += 3*i; }     // Is this loop bounded?
    __CPROVER_assert(ss >=3, "postcondition");
  return 0;

// But we can see that it will have at most 17 iterations.

// cbmc test2.c --unwind 100

// This course is just giving you a taste of model checking.  The differences
// between bounded and unbounded model checking are certainly not examinable on this course.

Test 3

test3.c - demonstrating scheduller non-determinism - pthreads Demo in C.

Perhaps experiment with different levels of optimisation (-O0 or -O2) or the volatile keyword?

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* volatile */ int g_shared_var = 1;
const int LIMIT = 1000;

void *alice(void *arg)
  printf("Address of Alice's stack %p\n", &arg);
  for (int p=0; p<LIMIT; p++)
      g_shared_var += 1;
  return 0;

void *bob(void *arg)
  printf("Address of Bob's stack   %p\n", &arg);  
  for (int p=0; p<LIMIT; p++)
      g_shared_var *= 501;
  return 0;

int main()
  pthread_t pt_alice, pt_bob;

  void *alice_result = 0;
  void *bob_result = 0;
  pthread_create(&pt_alice, NULL, alice, 0);
  pthread_create(&pt_bob, NULL, bob, 0);

  pthread_join(pt_alice, &alice_result);
  pthread_join(pt_bob, &bob_result);  

  printf("g_shared_var=%i\n", g_shared_var);
  return 0;
// eof

What sources of non-determinacy in test3 are there?

0:45 Viewing the address of local variables on the stack.
1:16 pthread_create and join used to orchestrate two child threads.
1:14 What am I trying to demonstrate?
2:56 [ Response about a lack of cache consistency deleted.]
3:20 A lack of cache consistency will not be demonstrated since my laptop works.
4:30 Rant about cache consistency not being green!
5:18 Examination of the output from different runs.
5:30 We see that stack layout varies from run-to-run.
5:50 Code, stack, heap and static data segments discussion.
7:10 We see some repeated answers. Few different ones.
8:08 cat /proc/cpuinfo - how did the O/S map the threads to cores?
9:01 We have unique answers from longer runs.
9:59 Does a program that takes a long time to run take a long time to model check.

Some example output, showing bimodal output in this case

  gcc -lpthread test3.c;./a.out;./a.out;./a.out;./a.out;./a.out;./a.out;./a.out

Address of Alice's stack 0x7f5576fe3ed8
Address of Bob's stack   0x7f5576652ed8
Address of Alice's stack 0x7f15055d9ed8
Address of Bob's stack   0x7f1504c48ed8
Address of Alice's stack 0x7fe98ea73ed8
Address of Bob's stack   0x7fe98e0e2ed8
Address of Alice's stack 0x7f7cc77f8ed8
Address of Bob's stack   0x7f7cc6e67ed8
Address of Alice's stack 0x7f3c24e26ed8
Address of Bob's stack   0x7f3c24495ed8
Address of Alice's stack 0x7fc983698ed8
Address of Bob's stack   0x7fc982d07ed8
Address of Alice's stack 0x7fc14c12bed8
Address of Bob's stack   0x7fc14b79aed8

Test 4

// test4.c 
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int g_ss = 0;

void *alice(void *arg)
  g_ss = 6;
  return (void *)3;

void *bob(void *arg)
  g_ss = 1;
  return (void *)2;

int main()
  pthread_t pt_alice, pt_bob;

  void *alice_result = 0;
  void *bob_result = 0;
  pthread_create(&pt_alice, NULL, alice, 0);
  pthread_create(&pt_bob, NULL, bob, 0);

  pthread_join(pt_alice, &alice_result);
  pthread_join(pt_bob, &bob_result);  

  int rtot = (long int) alice_result + (long int)bob_result;

  printf("rtot=%i  g_ss=%i\n", rtot, g_ss);
#ifdef CBMC
  __CPROVER_assert(g_ss == 1, "postcondition ss");
  __CPROVER_assert(rtot == 5, "postcondition tot");   
  return 0;

test4.c : There was not time to discuss this final example in the class.

(C) DJ Greaves, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, 2021.