import tactic.induction import tactic /- Compiler Construction Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge Timothy G. Griffin ( Exercise Set 2. Topics : a) Replacing tail-recursion with iteration. b) CPS transform c) Defunctionalisation -/ /- Problem 2. Apply (by hand) the CPS transformation to the gcd code. Explain your results. -/ def gcd : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ | (0, _) := 0 | (_, 0) := 0 | (m, n) := if m = n then m else if m < n then gcd (m, n - m) else gcd (m - n, n) def gcd_cps {a : Type} : ℕ × ℕ → (ℕ → a) → a | (0, _) cnt := cnt 0 | (_, 0) cnt := cnt 0 | (m, n) cnt := if m = n then cnt m else if m < n then gcd_cps (m, n - m) cnt else gcd_cps (m - n, n) cnt -- Errors above because I haven't explicitly shown gcd_cps terminates #eval gcd [(24, 638), (17, 289), (31, 1889)] theorem gcd_cps_correct {a : Type} : ∀ (m : ℕ) (cnt : ℕ → a) (n : ℕ), gcd_cps (m, n) cnt = cnt (gcd (m, n)) := begin intros m cnt, apply nat.case_strong_induction_on m, { intro n, apply nat.case_strong_induction_on n, {simp [gcd, gcd_cps]}, {intros m' h0, simp [gcd, gcd_cps]} }, { intros m' ih_m n, apply nat.case_strong_induction_on n, {simp [gcd, gcd_cps]}, { intros n' ih_m', rw gcd_cps, cases decidable.em (m'.succ = n'.succ) with h_t h_f, {simp [h_t, gcd]}, { split_ifs, simp [gcd, h], repeat {rw gcd, split_ifs}, {simp [gcd, h], apply ih_m' (n'-m'), simp}, {have h2 : m'.succ - n'.succ ≤ m' := by finish, apply ih_m (m'.succ - n'.succ) h2} } } } end /- Problem 3. Environments are treated as function in Can you transform these definitions, starting with defunctionalisation, and arrive at a list-based implementation of environments? -/ -- === Function-based environments === def mupdate {a : Type} : list (string × a) → (string → option a) → (string → option a) | [] env := env | ((x, v)::rest) env := mupdate rest (λ y, if x = y then some v else env y) def envEmpty {a : Type} : string → option a := λ x, none def envInit {a : Type} : list (string × a) → (string → option a) := λ xs, mupdate xs envEmpty def mupdate' {a : Type} : list (string × a) → list (string × a) → list (string × a) | [] env := env | ((x, v)::rest) env := mupdate' rest ((x, v)::env) -- === List-based environments === def envEmpty' {a : Type} : list (string × a) := [] def envInit' {a : Type} : list (string × a) → list (string × a) := list.reverse def apply {a : Type} : list (string × a) → string → option a | [] := λ y, none | ((x, v)::xs) := λ y, if x = y then some v else apply xs y -- === Proof of equivalence === lemma mupdate_apply {a : Type} (hds xs : list (string × a)) : mupdate hds (apply xs) = apply (mupdate' hds xs) := begin induction' hds, { funext, rw mupdate, rw mupdate' }, { cases' hd, rw mupdate, rw mupdate', have h : (λ (y : string), ite (fst = y) (some snd) (apply xs y)) = apply ((fst, snd) :: xs) := by { funext, cases decidable.em (fst = y) with h_t h_f, { simp [*], rw apply, simp }, { simp [*], rw apply, simp [h_f] } }, simp [h, ih] } end theorem list_env_eq_fun_env {a : Type} : ∀ (updates : list (list (string × a))), (list.foldr mupdate envEmpty updates) = apply (list.foldr mupdate' envEmpty' updates) := begin intro updates, induction' updates, {funext, simp [envEmpty, envEmpty', apply]}, {simp [*], simp [mupdate_apply]} end /- Problem 4. Below is the code for (uncurried) map, with an test using fib. Can you apply the CPS transformation to map to produce map_cps? Will this map_cps still work with fib? If not, what to do? -/ def map {a b : Type} : (a → b) → (list a) → (list b) | f [] := [] | f (a :: as) := (f a) :: (map f as) def fib : ℕ → ℕ | 0 := 1 | 1 := 1 | (m + 2) := fib (m + 1) + fib m #eval map fib [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] /- My answer is somewhat incomplete here (I didn't realise f might be in continuation passing style too) -- I haven't quite had time to finish it. -/ def map_cps {a b : Type} : (a → b) → (list a) → (list b → list b) → (list b) | f [] cnt := cnt [] | f (a :: as) cnt := map_cps f as (λ as', cnt ((f a) :: as')) #eval map_cps fib [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] id theorem map_cps_correct {a b : Type} : ∀ (xs : list a) (cnt : list b → list b) (f : a → b), map_cps f xs cnt = cnt (map f xs) := begin intros xs, induction' xs, {simp [map, map_cps]}, {intros cnt f, simp [map, map_cps, ih]}, end def map_cps' {a b : Type} : (a → b) → list a → list b := λ f xs, map_cps f xs id theorem map_cps'_correct {a b : Type} : ∀ (f : a → b) (xs : list a), map f xs = map_cps' f xs := by simp [map_cps', map_cps_correct]